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Planning Board Minutes 11/09/06 Site Walk

Minutes of the November 9, 2006 Site Walk

Members & Staff Present:
        Mary Allen                      Bradley Houseworth              Alex Snow                               Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee          Kathi Wasserloos
Members and Staff Absent:
        Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside                  Bob Edwards
Mike Genest                     Ed Rowehl                       Brian Sawich                    Paul Vasques
Public Attendees:
        Bob Varnum, Road Agent  Casey Hayes, LLC

Steele Pond Development, LLC - File # 2006-22PB:  Chairman Allen, acting as chairman pro-tem, continued the public meeting at 4:00 PM on the request by Steele Pond Development, LLC for a minor subdivision of property at 11 Old North Branch Road, Antrim, NH 03440, (Tax map 8A, Lot 8) in the Lakefront Residential and Rural Residential Districts.  The applicant proposes to divide the property into two parcels.  The Board meet at the intersection of the existing driveway and Old North Branch Road, just west of the existing building on Map 8A, Lot 8.

Chairman Allen asked Mr. Hayes to review the updated plans with the Board and introduce them to the site.  Mr. Hayes oriented the Board to their location on the plan, pointed out the existing and proposed property boundaries of the two (2) lots along Old North Branch Road, and pointed out the existing driveway and building.  Mr. Hayes stated that the applicant proposes to subdivide the nineteen (19) acre tract into two parcels, one that is approximately five (5) acres, which will be retained by the applicant, and one that is approximately fourteen (14) acres, which will be conveyed to the Town of Antrim.  Mr. Hayes explained that Greg Halverson, one of the members of Steele Pond Development, LLC, will retain the five (5) acre lot with the existing building.  Mr. Hayes stated that the existing building was used mostly as a work shop and never had a septic system installed.  He explained that he has scheduled a test pit to be dug on Friday, November 10, 2006 on the five (5) acre lot to proof to the Board that it is a buildable lot.  He also explained that there is an existing dug well on the five (5) acre lot and stated that this well will most likely be abandoned and a new drilled/ artesian well will be installed on the lot.  

Mr. Hayes pointed out the existing excavation area on the plan and suggested walking north along the frontage of the tract to the existing power line/ PSNH easement along the northern boundary of the tract.  Ms. Rabideau asked Mr. Hayes if there is a reason why the poles are not at the center of the power line easement, he replied that this issue needs to be clarified.  Mr. Hayes explained that only two (2) monuments had been set on a previous subdivision plan, the placement of the PSNH easement and the location of the poles on the current plan were taken directly from this previous subdivision plan, and the placement of this PSNH easement does not match the language in the existing deed.   He explained that they need to clarify with PSNH where the exact location of the easement is and stated that PSNH could potentially center the easement on the existing pole locations.  Mr. Hayes also pointed out on the plan the Steele Pond shoreline, the one hundred (100) foot setback line, and zoning districts boundary on the fourteen (14) acre parcel to be conveyed to the Town of Antrim.  He also stated that new plans will be presented to the Board at the next meeting on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006 and will include five (5) foot topographical contours, a line labeling the flowage line (high water mark of Steele Pond), the delineation of the wetlands on both of the parcels, and the ‘tie’ line (mathematical map closure) for the property line along the brook.

Chairman Allen suggested that the Board walk north along Old North Branch Road to view the frontage of the two (2) lots, locate the northwestern corner of the lot, and view the PSNH power line easement and the location of the poles.  She also suggested that the Board then walk along the PSNH power line easement to the excavation area of the fourteen (14) acre lot.  The Board walked north along Old North Branch Road to the southwestern corner pin of the proposed fourteen (14) acre lot and continued to the PSNH power line easement and the northwestern corner of the proposed lot.  The Board then continued east along the PSNH power line easement to the north slope of the existing excavation area of the proposed lot.  Mr. Robblee pointed out the existing shed which marks the northern most corner of the existing five (5) acre lot.  Mr. Varnum stated that the proposed property boundary between the two (2) lots runs parallel to the existing road, along the south side.  

Upon walking to the existing excavation pit, Mr. Varnum explained that he had dug test pits approximately ten (10) feet deep and determined that there is enough sand on the lot to service the Town for approximately forty (40) years or more, if it is managed properly.  He stated that this type of sand is considered ‘Winter Sand,’ and doesn’t need to be screened before it is used by the Town.  He stated that it is a great asset to the Town because it doesn’t need to be handled, it stays in the bank until it is used, and quickly pays for itself and the cost of the property.  Chairman Allen asked Mr. Varnum if there are any other materials available on the site that could be excavated, he replied he is not sure and his main concern is the sand.  Mr. Hayes stated that this is a very wise planning decision for the Town to purchase this property.  Mr. Varnum explained that the Highway Department is eventually going to have to be moved and the hill on this property is a perfect place for the Highway Department to be relocated to, next to an existing excavation pit, and in the north end of town right off of Rt. 31 and Rt. 9.  The Board then walked west along the existing road bed towards Old North Branch Road to view the existing road cut and driveway entrance for the proposed 14 acre lot

Chairman Allen concluded the site walk meeting by thanking everyone for coming and stating that the Board will continue discussions on the proposed minor subdivision at the next Planning Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM.  Ms. Allen adjourned the meeting at 5:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Planning Technician, Antrim Planning Board