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Planning Board Minutes 11/09/06 Work Session

Minutes of the November 9, 2006 Board Meeting – Work Session

Members & Staff Present:
        Mary Allen                      Fred Anderson           Bob Edwards
Bradley Houseworth              Brian Sawich                    Alex Snow                               Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee          Ed Rowehl                       Paul Vasques                    Kathi Wasserloos
Members and Staff Absent:
        Scott Burnside                  Mike Genest                                                                                                                                                        
Public Attendees:

Chairman Edwards opened the public meeting for the Boards’ ‘Work Session,’ reviewed the agenda with the Board, and placed a time limit of the meeting at 9:30 PM.  He asked the planning staff to go through the items on the agenda and lead the discussions on each item.

Home Based Occupations/ Businesses – Sawich Suggestions and Existing Definitions and Requirements: Mr. Vasques advised and provided the Board with a document that was prepared by Mr. Sawich titled, ‘Home Occupation and Home Based Business – Zoning Change Proposal,’ and dated November 8, 2006.  Mr. Sawich explained that the proposal includes changes to the definitions and criteria for ‘Home Occupation’ and ‘Home Based Business,’ as they appear in Article III - Definitions and Article XIV - Supplemental Regulations sections of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances.  Mr. Vasques also provided the Board with a memo outlining the existing definitions and supplemental regulations for ‘Home Occupation’ and ‘Home Based Business.’  He suggested that the Board use Mr. Sawich’s proposal as a template, reviewing each item, and making any changes the Board deems necessary to redefine ‘Home Occupation’ and ‘Home Based Business’ and their criteria.  After a lengthy discussion regarding Mr. Sawich’s proposal, the Board made numerous changes to the language and after two hours of discussion decided to continue the revision of this proposal to a future Board meeting.

Homes at High Hills, File #2005-05PB – October 24 - 28, 2006 – Field Reports:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of several daily field reports from Mr. Peter Pitsas, dated October 24 – 28, 2006, regarding road construction in the Homes at High Hills.  He explained that these field reports are strictly for reporting purposes to the Board so that everyone is informed about the current status of the construction of the roads and stated that no action by the Board needs to be taken at this time.  The Board discussed a number of issues concerning this subdivision including the amount that the bond was recently reduced by, storm water drainage issues on the upgraded section of Ashley Road, and the status of culverts along Green Ridge Road.  Mr. Vasques stated that he would check with Mr. Pitsas and relay the Boards’ concerns of significant amounts of storm water runoff draining off the upgraded section of Ashley Road and onto Elm Avenue.
Minimum Lot Size for Duplex Housing – Houseworth suggested changes:  Mr. Houseworth provided a memo to the Board proposing that a fourth requirement be added to Section F (Minimum Lot Size) of Article XI – Wetlands Overlay District and to Section E (Minimum Lot Size) of Article X – Steep Slopes District regarding Duplex dwellings with more than five bedrooms.  Mr. Houseworth recommended that the Board adopt the following language as requirement number four (4) of the ‘Minimum Lot Size’ sections for both the Wetlands Overlay District and the Steep Slopes District:

4)      “Duplex dwellings with more than five bedrooms shall have 15% more area for each additional bedroom over and above that required for five-bedroom, duplex dwellings.”

After a short discussion regarding the proposed regulation, Mr. Sawich made a motion to adopt a fourth requirement for the ‘Minimum Lot Size’ sections for both the Wetlands Overlay District and the Steep Slopes District which reads as follows: “Duplex dwellings with more than five bedrooms shall have 15% more area for each additional bedroom over and above that required for five-bedroom, duplex dwellings.”  Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which unanimously passed.

Ms. Rabideau pointed out that the definition and requirements for ‘Duplex Housing,’ found in Section X (Duplex Housing) of Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations, also need to be revised because they require that ‘the floor plans of each unit shall be the mirror image of one another and of equal area.’  She stated that the current duplex regulations essentially limit the number of rooms for duplexes to even numbers.  Mr. Sawich advised the Board of his suggested change to the definition of a ‘Duplex’ and explained that this issue could be resolved with a fine tuning of the definition and requirements for duplex housing units.

Driveway Permit Application Form:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board of a second draft revision of the driveway permit form that has been completed by the Planning Department, further delineating the regulations the Road Agent is responsible for enforcing and the regulations the Building Inspector is responsible for enforcing.  The Board reviewed the second draft revision of the driveway permit form, suggested some changes to the form, and decided to approve the final version of the driveway permit form at the next Board meeting.  Ms. Rabideau pointed out that two of the regulations for driveways split the requirements for minimum distance between drives and intersections into those driveways in residential areas and those in rural areas.  She stated that this doesn’t make sense because there is no definition for a ‘rural’ or ‘residential’ area and there is a Rural Residential Zoning District.  Mr. Vasques agreed but stated that because these are the existing regulations, the Board should first adopt the final version of the driveway permit form in January and then later on address the language of these two specific driveway regulations.  He stated that once the Board approves of the final version of the driveway permit form, he can take it to the Road Agent and Building Inspector and inform them of the Board’s desired format for this form.

Consultant fees for revisions to Zoning Ordinances:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that he was informed by Mr. Prokop that peer reviews are one hundred (100%) percent reimbursable and therefore do not need to be shown in the budget.  He stated that the budget will therefore be reduced by $44,000 dollars immediately because this item was removed.  He also suggested that the Board put $1,000 in the budget in order to revise the zoning ordinances and subdivision and site plan review regulations.

Tyler – NH DES Dredge and Fill Application (Boards Response), File #2006-16PB: Mr. Houseworth advised the Board that he was informed by NH DES that for all State permit applications, individuals have fourteen (14) days from the date that NH DES receives the application to send a letter to NH DES notifying them that there is a desire to intervene.  He stated that once this notification to intervene has been received by NH DES, the individual then has forty (40) days to comment on the application.  Mr. Houseworth stated that although the fourteen (14) day time period for this application has passed, he suggests that the Board send a letter to NH DES ASAP stating the Board’s concerns regarding this application so that it may be kept on file as a matter of record.  After a short discussion among the Board, Chairman Edwards agreed that a response should be sent to NH DES and suggested that the Planning Staff draft a letter with the Board’s concerns and let the Board review it before it is sent to NH DES.  The Board also suggested that the Planning Staff handle all preliminary reviews of State permits and decide if they should be brought in front of the Board for review and comment.  Mr. Vasques stated that he thinks a letter should be drafted by the Chairman of the Board to NH DES regarding their comments.  Mr. Vasques advised the Board that the lawyer preparing the new deed for Mr. Tyler, merging the two parcels together, has promised to get it done and deliver a copy of it to the Planning Staff by November 15, 2006.

Appointment of Planning Board Members and Alternates:  Ms. Allen advised the Board that Mr. Prokop informed her that there has been some interest at Town Hall concerning asking C.R. Wilkes (NH DOT) to join the Planning Board.  She stated that the Board currently has four (4) alternate members on the Board, with an election coming up soon, and recommended that if any of the alternate members are interested in running for the Board, they should speak with Chairman Edwards about it so that some alternates could move up as official members and new people take the alternate members open spots.  Chairman Edwards explained that he always wants any alternate members to move up and become full members.  Ms. Allen suggested that before the Board starts picking people to join the Board, some thought needs to be put in to what the particular individual’s expertise is and what knowledge and experience they can bring to the Board so that it is a well balanced Board with diversity.

Chairman Edwards closed the meeting by thanking everyone for coming and stated that the next Planning Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM.  Chairman Edwards adjourned the meeting at 9:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Planning Technician
Antrim Planning Board