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Planning Board Minutes 10/30/06 Site Walk

Minutes of the October 30, 2006 Site Walk

Members & Staff Present:                                                                                        

Mary Allen      
Mike Genest
Bradley Houseworth
Alex Snow
Renee Rabideau (Recused)
Andrew Robblee (Applicant-Recused)
Kathi Wasserloos

Members and Staff Absent:       
Fred Anderson
Scott Burnside
Bob Edwards (Recused)
Ed Rowehl
Brian Sawich
Paul Vasques
Public Attendees:
Peter Mellen, LLS       

Robblee, Andrew and Bess - File # 2006-21PB:  Chairman Allen, acting as chairman pro-tem, continued the public meeting at 4:00 PM on the request of the Andrew J. & Bess L. Robblee Rev. Trust for a major subdivision of property at 115 Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH 03440, Tax Map 7A, Lot 100 in the Rural and Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into five parcels.  Chairman Allen began by summarizing some of the concerns that were raised at the public meeting regarding this proposal: 1) the frontage of the proposed lots along Pierce Lake Road and the proposed locations of the new driveways, and 2) The areas of the proposed lots along the ‘match line,’ for which the written waiver request was provided, regarding the need to show the existing topographical contours on the most eastern portions of the lots.  

Chairman Allen asked Mr. Mellen to show the Board the frontage of the four (4) proposed lots and the proposed locations of the new driveways.  The Board walked north along Pierce Lake Road and Mr. Mellen pointed out the boundaries of the four (4) proposed lots, the proposed locations of the four (4) new driveways, and the location of the existing wood road.  After Mr. Mellen pointed out the northwestern corner of the lot along Pierce Lake Road, the Board decided to walk the northern boundary of the property, along the stonewall, to the point where it intersects with the ‘Match Line.’  Along the way, Mr. Mellen pointed out numerous ground control points and markers delineating the boundary of the property.  Once the Board located the approximate location of the ‘Match Line,’ the Board followed the line heading south and Mr. Mellen pointed out the rock boulders and ledges that were surveyed and shown on the plans.  Mr. Mellen reiterated his point that the reason for the written waiver request was because they have already shown enough of the existing topographical contours on the rest of the proposed lots to prove that they meet the Town requirements for what constitutes a build-able lot.  Ms. Rabideau then located Test Pit # 100-1 for the Board.  After seeing the Test Pit, the Board continued walking the interior of the lot towards Mr. Robblee’s house lot, Lot 100.  The Board decided not to locate the wetlands as the majority of them are on this house lot.

Chairman Allen concluded the site walk meeting by thanking everyone for coming and stating that the Board will continue discussions on the proposed major subdivision at the next Planning Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 7:30 PM.  Ms. Allen adjourned the meeting at 5:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Planning Technician
Antrim Planning Board