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Planning Board Minutes 09/28/06

Minutes of the September 28, 2006 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:

Mary Allen      
Scott Burnside
Bob Edwards
Mike Genest
Andrew Robblee
Ed Rowehl
Alex Snow
Paul Vasques
Kathi Wasserloos
Members & Staff absent:

Fred Anderson
Bradley Houseworth
Renee Rabideau
Brian Sawich

Public Attendees:

John Cook, Katco, LLC   
Katie Cook, Katco, LLC  
Ron MacElman, T. R. Thibeault
Cheryl Pierce, T. R. Thibeault
Christopher Ogden, Burd Engineering     
Thomas Thibeault, T. R. Thibeault
Peter Pitsas, Underwood Engineering
Chairman Edwards opened the meeting at 7:00 PM, by announcing that this was a special meeting of the planning board to discuss concerns raised by Underwood Engineering regarding the construction of the roads associated with the Homes at High Hills subdivision. Mr. Burnside recused himself from the meeting. Mr. Edwards had members of the board and staff introduce themselves and he designated Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Sawich, Mr. Snow to sit for Mr. Anderson and Ms. Wasserloos to sit for Mr. Burnside. Mr. Edwards felt it appropriate to establish the ground rules for the meeting, namely that there be no side conversations, that persons wishing to speak be recognized by the chair, and that all parties confine themselves to professional presentations.

Mr. Edwards then asked Mr. Thibeault, at whose request the meeting had been called, to make his presentation. Mr. Thibeault explained that he was the contractor on the Homes at High Hills subdivision and that he was responsible for upgrading Ashley road, the construction of Green Ridge Road, the development of the lots in the subdivision and the construction of the homes in the subdivision. He stated that even though concerns expressed by Underwood Engineering were addressed, there continued to be issues raised by Underwood Engineering and they were not documented. He felt that requests for changes should be conducted in a proper fashion. The continuing raising of issues was resulting in a significant increase in costs for the project. He also objected to the direct changes being made to a pre-approved plan. Mr. Pitsas noted that the issues were raised because the drawings appeared to not reflect the conditions that have been discovered in the field and he felt that he should not make a determination on these issues without the
board’s approval. He added that he wanted to make the board aware of some of these
issues because they are directly related to a waiver that the board granted to the applicant during the review process.

Mr. Thibeault then introduced Mr. Ogden of Burd Engineering who had prepared a response to the concerns outlined by Underwood Engineering in their “Project Meeting Minutes” of a meeting held on the site on September 21, 2006.

Mr. Ogden suggested that the board review his responses as documented in his letter dated September 28, 2006, item by item, and a resolution satisfactory to all parties be arrived at. All parties concurred with this approach and the meeting proceeded along these lines. The resolutions of the concerns expressed by Underwood Engineering are summarized in the spreadsheet entitled “Exhibit A, Special Planning Board Meeting for Homes at High Hills Subdivision on September 28, 2006” which is attached to these minutes. Mr. Ogden summarized his review of all the items by stating his willingness to work with Underwood Engineering to resolve issues as they arose.

Mr. Genest stated that as an ex-officio member of the board, representing the Board of Selectmen, his concern would be that the road be built to the town road specifications and approved by the engineer hired by the town to inspect the road during construction before he could recommend acceptance by the town

Mr. Vasques then advised the chairman that Mr. Thibeault had advised Mr. Vasques that he was not happy with Underwood’s communications and instructions to his crewmembers. Mr. Pitsas noted that he communicated directly with Mr. Thibeault and in his absence, communicated with Mr. Ross MacElman, his foreman. Mr. Pitsas added that he has Mr. Thibeault sign each daily report and he is given a copy of the report in an effort to keep Mr. Thibeault updated. Mr. Pitsas also noted that he reviewed the sub base preparation on September 25, 2006 and asked Mr. MacElman if he wanted a written list of the deficiencies. Mr. MacElman noted that he did not want a list because he wasn’t going to perform that work until a resolution was determined as to how Ashley Road was to be modified.

Mr. Vasques suggested that Mr. Thibeault be queried as to what procedure he wished to be followed. Following some discussion, Mr. Thibeault stated that he wanted written field reports to be issued in a timely manner. It was agreed that Underwood would e-mail his reports to Burd Engineering, Mr. Thibeault and to the Town Planner which will then be followed with an original report which would be signed by Mr. Thibeault.

Mr. Thibeault also agreed that he would stop work on any portion of the project affected by concerns documented by Underwood Engineering until said concerns were resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.

The chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Town Planner
& Secretary to the Antrim Planning Board
Note: The above draft was forwarded to Peter Pitsas of Underwood Engineering who made changes which were incorporated into the draft which was then forwarded to Chris Ogden of Burd Engineering. Mr. Ogden confirmed that the above draft was acceptable to him via a phone conversation with Mr. Vasques