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Planning Board Minutes 10/10/06 Site Walk

Minutes of the October 10, 2006 Meeting - Cody Site Walk

Members & Staff Present:

Mary Allen
Bob Edwards
Bradley Houseworth
Alex Snow
Kathi Wasserloos
Members & Staff absent:

Fred Anderson
Scott Burnside
Mike Genest
Renee Rabideau
Andrew Robblee
Ed Rowehl
Brian Sawich
Paul Vasques
Public Attendees:
Peter Mellen, LLS                       

Planning Board Members and Staff present convened the site walk meeting at 5:00 PM at the turnoff on Route 31 (Clinton Road) for the proposed minor subdivision of Tax Map 5, Lot 125, owned by Norman E. & Joyce G. Cody.  The members and staff reviewed the plats of the proposed minor subdivision that were supplied to the Board and Staff.

Cody, Norman E. and Joyce G. File # 2006-18PB:  The applicants propose to subdivide property on 60 Meeting House Hill Road and Clinton Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 5, Lot 125 in the Rural District into two (2) lots.  Chairman Edwards opened the public site walk meeting and stated that the three issues he would like to address are: 1) the entrance of the existing driveway to the proposed lot, 2) the condition of the existing driveway and work needed to be done to make it usable, and 3) the location of the wetlands and the contiguous upland areas.  Mr. Mellen, acting as agent for the applicants, pointed out the existing gravel driveway that is proposed to be used to access the new lot, Tax Map 5, Lot 125-1.  He pointed out the piles of fill deposited in the entrance of the existing gravel driveway by the State, the drainage area and wetlands near the existing driveway, and the large blow down that partially covers the entrance of the existing driveway.  Mr. Mellen stated that the driveway has become overgrown by vegetation but explained that his crew had cleared a path to walk through to conduct their survey work.  He also pointed out the fifteen (15) inch culvert that lies underneath the existing driveway, allowing water to drain into the adjacent wetlands.  He commented that although the driveway has not been maintained, it hasn’t washed out and seems to be structurally stable.  

Ms. Allen asked Mr. Mellen why the State dumped piles of fill at the entrance of the existing driveway entrance, he wasn’t sure.  Mr. Snow stated concern over how the piles and entrance of the road will be made usable without disturbing the ground within the twenty-five (25) foot wetland buffer setback.  Ms. Allen also stated concern over how the existing driveway will be made usable without disturbing the ground within the twenty-five (25) foot wetland buffer setback and questioned if it was wide enough for vehicle travel.  Mr. Mellen stated that the overgrown vegetation could be cleared and timber cutting could be done on the existing driveway and within the twenty-five (25) foot wetland buffer setback as long as the ground within the wetland buffer setback was not disturbed.

The Board decided to walk up the existing driveway and onto the proposed lot.  Mr. Mellen measured the slope of the ground near the driveway and found it to be approximately twenty seven percent (27 %).  Chairman Edwards commented on how steep the slope of the existing driveway is and questioned what would need to be done to it to provide for proper drainage of stormwater and runoff.  The Board commented on the steepness of the land and questioned if there were areas on the proposed lot that have a slope that is greater than twenty five percent (25 %).  Mr. Mellen measured another area of the land near the driveway and found it to be approximately thirty four percent (34%).  Ms. Allen asked if the existing driveway is wide enough to fit a normal vehicle and Mr. Mellen estimated the width of the driveway in that section to be between ten (10) and twelve (12) feet.

The Board wanted to determine the back corners of the lot and decided to walk towards the southeast corner of the proposed lot to locate the pin and determine how large the proposed lot would be.  Upon locating the southeast corner pin, Mr. Mellen measured the slope of the land and found it to be approximately at fifteen percent (15 %).  Mr. Mellen pointed out that this was the approximate location where they showed the proposed well on the plan with its seventy-five (75) foot protective radius.  The Board decided to continue walking on the back boundary line of the proposed lot towards the north east corner of the lot.  Along the middle of the back boundary line, Mr. Mellen took more measurements of the slope of the land and found it to be approximately twenty six percent (26 %) and nineteen percent (19 %).  Upon locating the back corner pin in the north east corner of the proposed lot, Mr. Mellen took another measurement of the slope of the land and found it to be approximately twenty four percent (24 %).  

The Board walked down the northern boundary line of the proposed lot until they reached the delineated wetlands near the front of the property that borders Route 31 (Clinton Road).  Mr. Mellen pointed out an area (a knob) of the lot that was relatively flat and stated that this would be one of the better places to build on because of the slope of the land.  He measured the slope and found it to be approximately twelve and half percent (12.5 %).  He stated that although this area stretches between two fingers of the wetland complex, it seemed large enough to put a typical house on without having to encroach on the wetlands or the twenty five (25) foot wetland buffer setback.  Mr. Mellen also stated that the driveway could be turned north to run parallel with the slope of the land (north and south) rather than against it (east and west), making the driveway much less of an incline.

The Board walked back down to the existing gravel driveway entrance and measured the width of the driveway, above the culvert, and found it to be approximately at fourteen (14) feet wide.  Chairman Edwards adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley J. Houseworth, Planning Technician, Antrim Planning Board