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Planning Board Minutes 05/18/06

Minutes of the May 18, 2006 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
        Mary Allen              Bob Edwards                     Mike Genest                     Bradley Houseworth      Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee                  Ed Rowehl               Paul Vasques
Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson   Scott Burnside                  Brian Sawich                    Alex Snow       
Public Attendees:
        Diane Chauncey  Matt Chauncey           Christine Bryer
        Arthur Bryer            Cynthia Crockett                Chris Rawnsley
        Tom Benedict, LLS       Dave Burley, Asplundh   Jeff Enman, PSNH
        Gayle Rochford, LLS     Steve Jones

Chairman Edwards convened the meeting at 7:00 PM by appointing Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Burnside and Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Sawich. Members reviewed the documentation supplied by the secretary.

Public Service of New Hampshire File #2006-07PB: At 7:30 PM Mr. Edwards introduced members of the Board and staff and opened the public hearing on the request of PSNH to cut & trim trees in order to set new utility poles to serve new homes along Pierce Lake Road which is a scenic road. Mr. Dave Burley of Asplundh Tree Services briefly explained the project. Mr. Enman, the Arborist for PSNH presented a layout of Pierce Lake Road showing the location of the work and work orders showing the poles to be relocated and the installation of new poles. Ms. Crockett and other abutters asked about certain trees they saw flagged and Mr. Enman clarified those which were to be removed. Ms. Allen asked how large the trees were which were to be removed. Mr. Enman explained there were two large sugar maples but they had severe rotten spots and were actually a hazard. The remaining trees to be removed averaged eight inches in diameter. Ms. Allen requested that cutting of trees be kept to a minimum and Mr. Enman said it would be. He explained that since the lines would cross over driveways they needed to install new poles which were taller to obtain the forty-foot clearance required over the driveways. Mr. Genest moved to approve the request  of Public Service of New Hampshire, File # 2006-07 to cut and trim trees and install utility poles along a section of Pierce Lake Road  in Antrim, NH, located in the Rural District. The work to be done will be in accordance with the documentation submitted for the public hearing on May 18, 2006 and which is on file. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Genest – aye, Ms. Allen – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye.

Jones Excavation LLC File # 2006-08PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing on the request of Jones Excavation, LLC for a Minor Subdivision. The applicant proposes to subdivide property at 153 Clinton Road, Antrim, NH Tax Map 5 Lot 173 in the Rural District into two (2) lots. Mr. Jones explained that he had a parcel of land consisting of 13.12 acres. He proposed to divide off a lot on Clinton Road which has a house sited on it and would be 2.07 acres. Ms. Rochford, the surveyor for Mr. Jones stated that an application had been made to NHDOT to relocate the driveway. Preliminary discussions with DOT personnel indicated that the request would be approved. Ms. Rochford also stated that approval had also been requested from NHDES for subdivision approval. Mr. Rowehl asked about the frontage on the two lots. Ms. Rochford said the house lot would have a frontage of 215 feet and the backlot would have frontage on Clinton Road of 100 feet. There were no other questions from the members and the Town Planner advised the Board that in his opinion he felt that sufficient information had been supplied and the board could accept the application. Mr. Genest moved to accept the application of Jones Excavation, LLC, File # 2006-08PB for a Minor Subdivision of property located 153 Clinton Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 5 Lot 173 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to divide the property into two (2) lots. Ms. Allen seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Genest – aye, Ms. Allen – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye. Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing and asked if there were any abutters who wished to speak in favor of the application. Ms. Bryer said she was not opposed to the request but was curious as to what Mr. Jones planned to do with the property and if he planned to build more houses. Mr. Jones said that at this time, he only wanted to subdivide the lot with the house and he had no plans to develop the back lot. There were no other abutters who wished to speak. Mr. Edwards asked where rocks were being moved. Mr. Jones explained that a rock ledge had been blasted so that the driveway could be moved. This was done on the advice of Rene Fish of NHDOT to obtain a better line of sight. Mr. Rowehl asked if the back lot was going to be excavated. Mr. Jones indicated that the only excavation would be to provide material for the relocation of the driveway. Members reviewed the checklist and made the following determinations.
1.      Item 13: The wetlands on lot 173-1 are to be delineated. The wetlands on lot 173 are to be delineated or a written waiver requested. A note is to be added to the drawing regarding the 100-year flood plain.
2.      Item #14: the brook on lot 173 is to be shown in its entirety. A note is to be added regarding ledges and outcrops in the Lyman-Tunbridge-Rock Outcrop Complex soil group. A note is to be added regarding the existence or absence of cemeteries.
3.      Item #15: the driveway easement is to be shown on the plat
4.      Item # 18: A monument is to be shown on the most westerly of the northwest corners of lot 173
5.      Item #19: Test pit data is required for lot 173-1
6.      Item #21: A waiver will be requested for ground control
7.      Item #31: The driveway easement needs to be approved by town counsel
8.      Item #38: Spelling of “included” to be corrected in note 5
9.      Tax map & lot number for John R. Young
Members scheduled a site walk for June 7, 2006 at 5:30 PM. Mr. Edwards continued the public meeting to June 15, 2006.

Matthew & Diane Chauncey File #2006-09PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public meeting on the request of Matthew and Diane Chauncey for a Minor Subdivision. Ms. Allen recused herself. The applicant proposes to subdivide property off Smith Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4 Lot 48 in the Rural District into two (2) lots. Mr. Benedict, the surveyor from Meridian Land Services, Inc. presented drawings which showed the subdivision of a 12.577-acre parcel (Map 4 Lot 48-1) from a 53.628-acre parcel (Map 4 Lot 48). The wetlands on Lot 48-1 had been delineated but not on Lot 48. Mr. Benedict said this was not done because at this time there were no plans to sell or develop Lot 48. He added that the cost to delineate the wetlands on Lot 48 would be excessive. Members had no questions. Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing and asked for comments from abutters. There were none present. The applicant also declined to speak. Mr. Edwards closed the public hearing and the Board went into deliberation. The report from the Conservation Commission was reviewed. It recommended that a restriction be placed on Lot 48-1 that it not be further subdivided. This was agreed to by the applicant and is covered by note 17 on sheet 1. Based on this agreement, Mr. Rowehl moved to grant a Special Permit to disturb the 25-foot buffer zone to the wetlands to permit the installation of a driveway on lot 48-1. Ms. Rabideau seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Edwards asked that Mr. Beblowski provide a signed copy of his report for the files. Members reviewed reports from the Fire Chief, Police Chief, Road Agent and the Water & Sewer Department. None of the departments indicated any concerns with the application. Members reviewed the checklist and made the following determinations:
Item # 7: The text at the SE corner of Lot 48-1 is blurred and is to be cleared up. In addition, there are no dimensions on the northern boundary of lot 48-1. They are to be added.
Item # 8: The abutter to the west side of both lots is to be better identified on the drawings
Item #11: The 75’ septic setback line is to be shown on lot 48-1
Item # 13: The location of the wetlands on Lot 48 are to be certified by a wetland scientist
Item #15: Note 14 is to be amended to reflect the status of easements on record
Item #18: Monuments are to be set before signing of the Mylars
Item #19: Test pit data is not required
Item #36: NHDES wetlands permit is required before signing the Mylar and the permit number is to be noted on the on the drawing
Item #37: the spelling of “Sheet” on Lot 4-48 designation on sheet 2 is to be corrected.
Also:   Note 2. Delete “Remaining lot shall remain vacant”.
Note 6 is to have the FIRM Community Panel No. and effective date added. A statement that the parcel is not in the 100-year flood hazard area is to be added.
Note 7: The date the Planning Board granted the Special Use permit is to be added.
Note 15: Lot 4-8-2 is to be changed to Lot 4-48-1 and the amount in square feet of wetland impact is to be added.

A site walk was scheduled for May 31, 2006 at 5:30 PM. Mr. Edwards continued the public meeting to June 1, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

Subdivision Regulation Change: Ms. Allen rejoined the Board. Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing on the following change proposed to the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations. “Changes to drawings and information requested of the applicant during the review process shall be submitted to the Town Planner seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of a continued hearing. Failure to do so may, at the discretion of the Planning Board Chairman, result in the scheduled hearing to be cancelled and rescheduled to a later date.”
There was no one present from the public to comment on the change. Ms. Rabideau moved that the change be adopted. Mr. Roblee seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Business meeting Mr. Rowehl made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Allen and passed. Mr. Edwards briefly discussed attendance of Board members and various aspect of the conduct of the meetings. The Secretary presented a letter from the Chair of the Conservation Commission which stated their role for the submittal of reports to the Board. Updated membership rosters were distributed to the members. Members reviewed a form letter submitted by Town Counsel for the issuing of stop work orders. A notice of a public hearing from the Town of Merrimack regarding a cellular tower was submitted.

Baker-Salmon: Mr. Vasques advised the members that Mr. Baker-Salmon wished to add an apartment to his existing commercial building. Mr. Baker-Salmon is required to appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception. Mr. Vasques asked the Board’s opinion if adding the apartment to a commercial building would constitute a change of use. The consensus was that it would not require a change of use application because it would be owner occupied..

Cloutier, Robert B. File # 2006-03PB: Members reviewed minute of the Selectmen’s meeting of May 15, 2006 wherein they voted to approve the acceptance of land (Parcel C of the subdivision) by the Conservation Commission. They also reviewed a memorandum from the Water & Sewer Department outlining the procedure to be followed to hook up to town water and the requirements to tie into the sewer line on Hilton Ave.

Master Plan: The next meeting of the Master Plan Committee is scheduled for June 6th. It will be a public meeting to obtain input to develop a visioning statement.

Code violations: Code violation letters issued by the Code Enforcement Officer for the following individuals were reviewed: Cronin, Tyler, Shepardson and Colburn.

Road Acceptance policy: Mr. Vasques advised the members that Town Counsel was reworking the draft of the policy for the acceptance, reopening and reclassification of roads. When completed, it will be presented to the selectmen for possible approval.

Acceptance of applications: Mr. Houseworth expressed concur about the procedure being followed by the Board for the acceptance of an application. He felt that acceptance by the Board solely on the recommendation of the Town Planner was not adequate. His concern was that Board members were not fully aware of any information which was not submitted with the application; hence could not make an informed decision. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the entire procedure. It was decided that Mr. Houseworth will investigate the subject of acceptance and make recommendations to the Board.

Ms. Rabideau moved to adjourn. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 11:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board