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Planning Board Minutes 03/02/06

Minutes of the March 2, 2006 Meeting

Members Present:
        Mary Allen                      Bob Edwards             Ron Haggett                     Renee Rabideau          Ed Rowehl               Brian Sawich                    Alex Snow

Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside          Bob Bethel              
Public Attendees:

        Meredith Cooper, SWRPC  Chris Boucher           Stephen Schacht
        Mari Schacht                    Bob Cloutier            Bob Todd, LLS
        Allison Wildes          Maria Isotti            Sydney Wilson Smith
        Mark Lyon                       Donna Lyon              Ken Akins
        Peter Moore                     Diane Loomis

Vice Chairman Edwards opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by appointing Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Anderson, Mr. Snow to sit for Mr. Bethel and Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Burnside. Mr. Rowehl made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 16, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Rabideau and passed.

Steele Pond Development, LLC File # 2006-04PB: The Secretary announced that the application of Steele Pond Development, LLC for an excavation permit has been put on hold pending negotiations with the Selectmen regarding possible purchase of the property.

Growth Committee: Mr. Edwards reported on the meeting of the Growth Committee on February 28th. He indicated that the committee would be considering a long-term analysis of land use with a near-term objective of recommending zoning changes for commercial areas which could be placed on the 2007 ballot. The committee will coordinate their work with the Master Plan and Open Space Committees.

Cloutier, Robert H. File # 2006-03PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing on the application of Robert H. Cloutier, Normand A. LaPlante and Kenneth Cloutier for a major subdivision by introducing the members of the Board and explained the procedure for the public meeting and hearing.. Mr. Rowehl, an abutter, recused himself. Mr. Todd, the surveyor for the applicant described the project. He explained that the objective was two fold. The first being a lot line adjustment and the second the subdivision of 65.3 acres into six parcels. He indicated that Lot 1C-10-2 consisting of 18.584 acres would be offered to the town. Lot 1C-13-1 would be hooked up to town water and sewer. There is a water line on West Street but Mr. Todd did not know its exact location. He stated that subdivision approval #SA2006006858 had been granted. A copy of the approval is on file. He did not have a response from the Road Agent regarding the location of the driveway curb cuts. Lots 1C-10-1 and 1C-10-3 would have a shared driveway. This was necessary because of the line of sight restrictions. The perk test on lot 1C-13-2 was 8 minutes/inch. It was determined that the lot next to the right of way leading to Buttercup lane belonged to Mr. & Mrs. Lyon. There was some discussion regarding the suitability of the right of way as access to lot 1C-10-2 and for that matter, whether or not the right of way still existed legally. Ms. Cooper was concerned that lot 1C-10-2 did not meet the requirement for road frontage. A suggestion was made that perhaps lot 1C-10-2 could be combined with the property that the town owns which houses the fire station. Mr. Moore said that there would be access to the lot off Route 31.That would provide frontage on Route 31. Mr. Sawich was concerned about the irregular design of lot 1C-13-2. Mr. Todd explained that the shape was determined by first establishing a suitable building site which then dictated the lot envelope. Members then began a review of the checklist. Requirements made of the applicant are noted on the checklist which is on file. Mr. Sawich moved that there was sufficient information to accept the application. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Sawich – aye, Ms. Allen – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye. Mr. Edwards opened the public hearing and asked for comments from abutters who were in favor of the application. Mr. Moore said that he was not speaking for the Conservation Commission. He said that he and Mr. Cloutier had been working together for a number of years to acquire some or all of the land for the Antrim Woods project but funding was not available. He felt that the number and size of the lots in the proposed subdivision were appropriate and that the subdivision would have little impact on West Street. Mr. Lyon commented that his property ran the full length of the right of way. He was concerned about the use of the right of way but he had no problems with the application and supported it. Mr. Rowehl who lives across the street from the subdivision said that the only impact on him would be to see one new house and he had no objections to the application. Ms. Isotti wasn’t sure if she was in favor or against the application. She asked if Mr. Cloutier proposed to sell the lots or to build homes on them. Mr. Cloutier said he had no interest in getting involved with construction and they planned to sell the lots. An abutter expressed concern that some of the data being presented was from the cluster housing application submitted in the early 1990’s and that perhaps Board members should walk the site. Mr. Todd indicated that all wetland delineations are current. Mr. Aiken was concerned about the size of the building envelope on lot 1C-13-1. Mr. Todd clarified it. Members agreed to meet at the corners of Hilton and West at 9:00 AM on March 11th for a site walk. Mr. Edwards continued the public hearing to April 6, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

Viking Ventures, LLC File # 2006-05PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public meeting on the application of Viking Ventures, LLC to operate an Architectural Salvage Warehouse and asked Ms. Bishop to make her presentation. Ms. Bishop said that she had little to present other than the documentation submitted but was prepared to answer questions. She said that the building had a three-bedroom apartment which is currently rented and that there was approximately 5,500 square feet of warehouse space. The Secretary indicated that Ms. Bishop had obtained a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to operate the facility as a non-resident. She said that they did not plan any more construction to the site except for possibly installing a toilet and a lean-to with water so they may clean some of the items. Ms. Bishop indicated that it would essentially be a retail operation similar to an antique dealer. All items would be stored inside the building. She was thinking of creating a small garden where she could display items such as birdbaths. A horseshoe shaped driveway would facilitate traffic flow. Currently sales are being conducted on a web site. Ms. Bishop was not sure of the hours of operation but felt that she would be open on Fridays and Saturdays. Ms. Allen commented that when permission was given in 1988 for the facility to be used as a woodworking shop, the Zoning Board of Adjustment was concerned that it might evolve into a retail business. Ms. Bishop indicated that it was not her intention to be there that often and she would have limited hours. She felt it was necessary that there be one day of the week that contractors could leave off various items. She did indicate that she proposed to operate the business year round. There was extensive discussion of the hours and the consensus was to set the hours as a condition of approval. Members reviewed the checklist. Ms. Bishop was advised that if she did install a toilet she would have to obtain a building permit. Mr. Haggett moved that there was sufficient information to accept the application. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich –aye, Ms. Allen – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye. Mr. Edwards asked for comments from abutter. There were none present. Mr. Haggett then moved to approve the application of Viking Ventures, LLC, File # 2006-05PB for a change of use of property located at 11 Gregg Lake Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 5 Lot 12 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to operate an “Architectural Salvage Warehouse” and retail business. The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated March 2, 2006 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
Hours of operation shall be from 8:00 Am to 5:00 PM Thursday, Friday and Saturday and by appointment other days of the week.
Written approval from the Fire Chief is required.

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Sawich –aye, Ms. Allen – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye.

Heidi Therrien File # 2005-24PB: Members reviewed a favorable report from the Conservation Commission regarding the subdivision. This was the final conditional item required. Ms. Therrien will be notified that the Mylars will be signed.

Master Plan: The next meeting is scheduled for March 21st.

Petition to rezone a portion of Route 9: The Secretary presented a memo to the Selectmen that sufficient signatures had been obtained from the property owners in the area to be rezoned to satisfy the requirements of RSA 675:5 for a protest petition. This means that the ballot item to rezone a portion of Route 9 requires a two-thirds vote. Mr. Haggett stated that the Selectmen had accepted the protest petition at their February 27th meeting.

Road Acceptance Policy: Members reviewed a draft of a proposal put forth by the selectmen to establish a policy for the acceptance of roads. Discussion followed regarding what input was needed from various departments. Ms. Cooper indicated that there actually were two separate procedures. One for the acceptance of roads to be upgraded from Class VI to Class V and another for the laying out of roads. The consensus of the Board was that Ms. Cooper and the Secretary would research the Statutes to insure that the proper procedure would be followed and to revise the selectmen’s proposal for review at a future meeting.

Mr. Sawich made a motion that the meeting be adjourned which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques
Secretary, Antrim Planning Board