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Planning Board Minutes 09/01/05

Minutes of the September 1, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:
Scott Burnside  Bob Bethel      Bob Edwards             Ron Haggett             
        Renee Rabideau  Ed Rowehl       Brian Sawich            Alex Snow
Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson   
Public Attendees:
        Marshall Gale           Marshall Beauchamp              Robert Varnum
        Michael Genest  Benjamin Pratt          Bill Prokop
        Dennis McKenney         Bill Prokop                     Doug Tatro
        Colleen Tatro           Jane Lauber                     Burt Lauber
        John Doughty, LLS       Meredith Cooper, SWRPC

Chairman Burnside opened the special meeting at 6:30 PM designating Mr. Snow to sit for Mr. Anderson and by introducing Mr. Beauchamp, Antrim’s Fire Chief. The purpose of this meeting with the Selectmen and Planning Board was to get the Fire Chief’s opinion on requirements for water supplies for new subdivisions. Mr. Beauchamp commented that the town of New Ipswich had no written regulations; however, they did have a form to be filled out by their Fire Chief and officers and submitted to the Planning Board with their recommendations when a subdivision application was being reviewed. He described the increasing use of cisterns as a source of water. When asked about the number that may be required, he felt that one to three houses could be served by a 15,000 gallon tank and five to six house would require 30,000 gallons. Replenishing of the water would be from a clean water source or from a pool water delivery company. One approach would be to allocate the cost of filling the cisterns to the homeowners on an annual basis. Mr. Beauchamp said that there were places in Antrim where they would they would like to install more dry hydrants such a Franklin Pierce Lake (if a pipe can be run out far enough) but as yet they had not compiled a comprehensive list. He acknowledged that no requests had been put into the Capital Improvement Plan for the addition of any dry hydrants in the next six years. Mr. Beauchamp had discussed the water supply situation for the Pierce Lake Estates II subdivision currently before the Board with Mr. Mellen, the surveyor, and felt that the offer to install a 15,000-gallon cistern was a good start since water from the lake was accessible and there were water holes in the vicinity. Mr. Prokop indicated that ISO (Insurance Services Office) which rates towns for public protection classifications requires a minimum of 30,000-gallon cisterns; anything less could result in a lower classification which would affect insurance rates for homeowners. When confronted with this, Mr. Beauchamp felt that the Pierce Lake Estates II cistern should be sized for at least 30,000 gallons. Mr. Gale referenced the booklet which compiled all the local sources of water in town. He said that the department needs to go out and check the flow rate and capacity of each site. Mr. Beauchamp felt that the best solution for fire protection would be to install sprinklers in all homes except that it would be expensive to the homeowners. He gave an example of tests conducted between two structure fires, one equipped with sprinklers and one without. He said the results were dramatic. Mr. Beauchamp was asked who, in his opinion should maintain fire ponds. He felt it should be the homeowners association.

Mr. Vasques felt that the subdivision regulations should spell out the basic water supply requirements for subdivisions. He asked Mr. Beauchamp if the Fire Department could draft a set of regulations by the end of October which could be reviewed by the Planning Board and presented at a public hearing in December for possible adoption. Mr. Beauchamp said that they would prepare such a document.

The next order of business was a discussion of private roads in Antrim and the procedure for adopting roads. Mr. Vasques presented a study of other towns regarding their policies towards private road. He indicated that the responses ran from “We don’t issue building permits on private roads” to “They can be built without specifications – that way, when offered to the town for acceptance, they can be denied for not meeting town specifications”. Mr. Varnum cautioned against adopting a policy which would prohibit private roads in town. He stated that in the twenty-five odd years that he had been road agent, he had had no problems with private roads except for the recent request of citizen of Bryers Lane to have the town accept the road. One of his concerns was that many private roads are not long and it is very time consuming plowing short dead end roads. He felt strongly that all private roads be built to town road specifications and that they meet these specifications at the time they are offered to the town for acceptance. He also felt that the radial dimensions for cul-de-sacs should be increased and he encouraged the use of hammerheads in lieu of cul-de-sacs. Mr. Bethel was not in favor of private roads because the homeowners associations which were responsible for their maintenance usually fell apart and maintenance deteriorated. Mr. Haggett was of the same opinion and felt that all private roads should be barred. It was suggested that the Road Agent inspect private roads for maintenance. Mr. Varnum felt that he did not have the authority to go on private property and dictate to the owners of the road any corrective action needed. Mr. Genest was concerned about short town roads serving only two or three homes and the increasing burden on the highway departments resources. Mr. Prokop stated that the area for roads is taxed when it is taken out of current use but the property consumed by the road ends up being taken off the tax roles. He questioned whether that land could be taxable. Following a good deal of discussion, the consensus was that private roads should continue to be allowed; however, specific regulations should be adopted which spelled out their construction, responsibility for maintenance, conditions for acceptance and the like.

The next subject for discussion was to establish a procedure to be followed for the acceptance of roads by the town. Mr. Vasques stated that responses he had received from other town planners were split almost evenly between acceptance at town meeting and acceptance by the selectmen upon petition and public hearing. He felt that the selectmen were better qualified to make a decision regarding the acceptance of a road because of their access to the road agent, inspection reports by the town engineers, etc. He felt that decisions made at town meetings could be based more on emotional responses such as the effect on taxes. Mr. Prokop said that Hillsborough’s procedure was to petition the selectmen, who, after a favorable review of all the facts, would hold a public hearing and then decide on acceptance. It was the consensus of the members that any road offered to the town for acceptance must be tested to meet current road specifications and any corrective action would be at the homeowners expense. The members asked Mr. Vasques to draft a regulation spelling out the procedure which could be incorporate in the subdivision regulations as guidance for the applicants.

Mr. Burnside had to leave the meeting and Vice Chairman Edwards took over. He opened the public hearing on the request of Douglas H. & Colleen A. Tatro for a Lot Line Adjustment per Section V, para. B.1 of the Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations for property located at 38 High St., Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 1A, Lots 48 & 49-2 in the Residential District. Ms. Rabideau recused herself from the Board. Mr. McKenney presented a plat showing the expansion of Map 1A Lot 48 from 2, 745 square feet to 8, 087 square feet. Members reviewed a variance granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment to expand a non-conforming use and a variance to encroach up to ten feet from the rear and westerly property lines with a dwelling. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Edwards asked for abutters who wished to speak. There was none. Mr. Rowehl moved that the application be accepted. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye. There was no future deliberation. The checklist was reviewed. Mr. Haggett made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Sawich and passed to waive item B.3.a(18) regarding contour lines as they had been provide on the previous subdivision drawings. Mr. Haggett made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Rowel and passed to waive item B.3.a(19) for ground control as no site walk was being planned. Mr. Sawich made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and passed to waive item B.3.a(21) requiring a note block for conditions of approval since there were none. There being no other deliberation, Mr. Haggett moved that the application be approved. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye. Mr. Tatro was advised that the application for the lot line adjustment has been granted and that the next step would be to obtain a building permit.

Mr. Edwards designated Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Burnside and continued the public hearing on the application of Jane & Burtis Lauber for a major subdivision. Mr. Doughty presented updated subdivision drawings which reflected changes requested by the Board. He also presented the road engineering drawings but they had not been presented in time for Underwood Engineering to conduct the peer review. There were no abutter present who wished to speak. The member then reviewed the draft of the homeowner’s association covenants. It was felt that wording should be added to insure maintenance of the road. The consensus was that the draft should be forwarded to town counsel for his opinion. Members then reviewed a checklist of open items. Certain items where marked as satisfied, some where not applicable, others required corrections/additions on the drawings. The following waivers were granted.

1.      Mr. Sawich moved to waive item #18 as the existing well and septic system are at least 600 feet from the nearest proposed well and septic system. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion which passed.
2.      Mr. Haggett moved to change the size of granite bounds for the roads and lot corners to those used as a standard by Doughty Surveying. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed.
3.      3. Mr. Haggett moved that the shared portion of the driveway on lots 20-7 and 20-8 be allowed to extend beyond the required 50-foot split. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed.
4.      Mr. Haggett moved to waive the requirement prohibiting the creation of a subdivision off a Class VI road as that portion of Ashley Road which connects Elm Avenue with Green Ridge Road will be bought up to town road construction specification and once maintained will become a Class V road up to the junction with Green Ridge Road. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed.

Mr. Edwards continued the public hearing on the Lauber application until September 15, 2005 at 7:30 PM at which time an updated list of open items will be reviewed.

The hearing on the application of Mr. Jones to renew his permit for his excavation site was cancelled as no new information or drawings had been submitted. Mr. Rowehl made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2005 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and passed. Mr. Sawich made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 18, 2005 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and passed. Members were advised that the trial date for the Buschbaum matter was postponed until January 19, 2006. Mr. Vasques reported that new drawings for the Mighty Oaks Realty subdivision had been submitted but as yet, he had not had a chance to review them.

Mr. Snow reported on the progress of the Capital Improvement Plan and Master Plan Committee and outlined a schedule of meetings between the Board and various departments. A report on the basic roles and responsibilities of the Planning Board was distributed as well as information on the upcoming Municipal Law Lecture Series. Mr. Edwards reported that the Growth Committee had met and reviewed various growth statistics and that the next meeting was scheduled for September 8, 2005. He also reported that Mr. Lévesque was in the processes of preparing a draft report regarding the preservation of open space. Mr. Snow reported that the citizen’s committee to rezone a portion of Route 9 was scheduled to meet on September 13. He will notify Mr. Vasques if the committee will meet will members from the Board.

The Secretary presented a revision to the specifications for culverts in the driveway regulations. Mr. Sawich made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Haggett that they be prepared for a public hearing in December which was passed. The consensus of the members was that the applicant interested in opening a restaurant in the old Mulhall farmhouse would have to appear before the Board for a Major Site Plan Review. Mr. Haggett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 1100 PM.

Respectully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board