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Planning Board Minutes 07/7/2005

Minutes of the July 7, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:

Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside          Bob Edwards              Ron Haggett            Renee Rabideau          Alex Snow                Ed Rowehl               Brian Sawich
Members Absent:

 Bob Bethel
Attendees: (None)

Chairman Burnside opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by appointing Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Bethel. The members began the meeting by reviewing the application submitted by the Estate of Donald Knapton, Sr. for a subdivision of Map 7A Lots 65, 65-1, 65-2 & 65-3. Mr. Vasques indicated that a set of drawings had already been distributed to the Road Agent, Fire Chief, Police Department and Conservation Commission for their review and comments. Another set had been given to Underwood Engineering for an estimate of their peer review and a set was being sent to Southwest Region Planning Commission for an estimate for their peer review. It was his opinion that there was sufficient information to move forward and schedule a meeting for August 4, 2005. The Board concurred. (On July 8th, Mr. Mellen, the surveyor for the applicant said he could not attend the August 4th meeting and it was mutually agreed to reschedule it for August 18th).

Mr. Vasques then presented a copy of a memo to the Fire Chief regarding outstanding requests for information on the fire pond for Mighty Oaks Realty, the Lauber subdivision and approval of the business for Douglas Whiton. He advised the members that since the Fire Chief had not responded to requests for information for the fire pond, plans will be drawn up and presented to him for his approval or correction. Mr. Haggett moved to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2005 meeting as corrected. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion which passed. An e-mail from the selectmen setting the bond for the Mighty Oaks Realty subdivision at $600,000 was presented. Some members felt that the amount was not sufficient to cover the setting of the bounds and construction of the fire pond. The secretary was instructed to obtain estimates for these two items to present to the selectmen and ask them to re-consider the amount requested.

At 7:30 PM, Mr. Burnside continued the public hearing on the application of the Laubers for a major subdivision. The secretary presented a memo from the selectmen stating that they had no objection if the Ashley Road reconstruction required the moving or removal of one of the stonewalls. Ms. Rabideau presented a copy of RSA 472:6 outlining the conditions for removing or altering boundary markers. The latest report from the surveyor indicated that it might be possible to design Ashley Road so as not to disturb the stonewalls. Members then reviewed signed agreements from the Laubers for reserve funds to conduct peer reviews by SWRPC and Underwood Engineering. Revised drawing with changes requested by the Board had not been received before the meeting and Mr. Burnside ruled that the public hearing would be continued until July 21, 2005 at 7:30 PM with the stipulation that the revised drawings were to be received by the Town Planner no later than July 14th.

Mr. Snow reported on the actions of the Capital Improvement Plan & Master Plan Committee. He indicated that requests have been made of all department, committee and commission heads to provide information for their capital needs for the years 2006 through 2011. Their reports are due on August 15th. In the meantime, various members of the committee are working on their assigned portion of the Master Plan to update it.

The secretary stated that he had received a call from Moser Engineering regarding their efforts on the Steve Jones excavation site. Since Mr. Jones is making an effort to prepare the necessary documents to bring his site into compliance, Mr. Rowehl moved that his excavation permit be extended for an additional 90 days. Mr. Haggett seconded the motion which passed.

Meridian Land Surveying has submitted drawings for the Chauncey excavation site. Mr. Burnside said some notes on the drawing had to be changed. The Board agreed to hear the application on July 21st.

Members were advised that Mr. Harriman would not be subdividing his property on Elm Ave. but instead is contemplating a sale of the entire tract to someone who will continue to operate it as an excavation site. Mrs. Rabideau asked about the pending application for the subdivision. The secretary will review the files and determine the appropriate course of action and report back to the board.

Mr. Edwards reported that the Open Space Committee had held its first public hearing and the second one is scheduled for July 12th. Hopefully they will be able to get some input from summer residents as well as some coverage in the press. He then went on to report that the Growth Committee will have its initial meeting on July 28th with a presentation by Mr. Steven Whitman of Jeff Taylor & Associates regarding growth management. Mr. Haggett moved that the Planning Board cover the $275.00 cost for Mr. Whitman. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards will provide the secretary with a write-up of the program to be distributed to all department, committees, commissions, surrounding towns and the press.

It was decided that each member will review the draft of the by-laws and provide their comments to the secretary in time for a revised draft to be presented at the August 4th meeting.

Mr. Anderson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Burnside adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board