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Planning Board Minutes 03/03/05

Minutes of the March 3, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:

Fred Anderson   Scott Burnside          Bob Edwards                     Spencer Garrett Mike Oldershaw           Renee Rabideau
Members Absent:

Bob Bethel               Dan Valley                      Ed Rowehl

Public attendees:

        Rick Wood               Peter Beblowski         Sam Harding                              Anne Enman     Wes Enman                       Jane Corliss
         David Corliss   Andrew Roblee          Tim Ferwerda

Vice Chairman Burnside opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by designating Mr. Edwards to sit for Mr. Rowehl and Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Valley. The first order of business was too hear a conceptual consultation presentation from the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the possible purchase of land from the Gould Trust for new recreational fields. Mr. Beblowski explained that the land consists of 75 acres. Two sections of the property front on West Street, one section being 535 feet and the other 765 feet. There is one residence on the land and if the project went forward it would be necessary to subdivide one 2 – 3 acre lot off the parcel which would contain the residence. Mr. Beblowski was not sure where access to the property would be feasible. This would be determined following the delineation of wetlands. If the amount of wetlands were excessive and would prohibit the use of the land for recreational activities, the purchase would not go forward. Mr. Oldershaw showed the lot which would probably be divided off on a tax map and he said that a plan of the property will be on display at Town Meeting on March 10th. Mr. Burnside asked if there would be any problem obtaining wetland permits from the State. Mr. Beblowski said that there were numerous wetlands on the property and he was reluctant to predict the probability of obtaining permits; however, he felt sufficient approvals could be obtained which would permit the installation of recreational fields. He added that the Conservation Commission would be supportive of any application to DES by stating that the project had substantial public benefit. Mr. Anderson asked about the parking of automobiles. Mr. Beblowski felt that there would be no problem providing the required number of spaces for parking. Mr. Burnside said that he had walked the property with Mr. Harding and that in his opinion; the project was do-able.

Mr. Wood indicated that there were some concerns regarding access to the site and that in the future there may be a need to install sidewalks along West Street. Mr. Burnside said that it would be possible to do some minor road alignment to increase lines of sight for safety. Mr. Wood indicated that both the Police Chief and Road Agent had reviewed the project and they were comfortable with the safety issues and supportive of the project. He went on to say that he will make a presentation of the project at Town Meeting in support of the warrant article. Mr. Edwards said that the Open Space Committee had discussed the project and were supportive of it. Mr. Levesque, Chairman of the Open Space Committee will present the Committee’s position on the project at Town Meeting.

The next order of business was the continuation of the public hearing on the application of Matt & Patricia Zsofka for a Minor Subdivision. The secretary reported that information and changes requested by the board had been supplied by the applicant. Mr. Ferwerda of Meridian Land Services indicated that the septic field on lot 7A-60 was close to the area for a driveway into lot 7A-60-2. If a driveway to 7A-60-2 is put in, it may be necessary to install a new leach field in the back of lot 7A-60. Mr. Edwards said that as a result of the site walk, he was concerned about the shared driveway. He felt that it came too close to the house and could be a safety issue. Ms. Rabideau pointed out that the drawing did not reflect the required 20’ driveway width. Mr. Edwards asked Mr. Ferwerda what impact would there be if the driveway were to cross the wetland on lot 7A-60-1. Mr. Ferwerda indicated that the impact would be minimal. Mr. Beblowski explained to the board that the shared driveway approach was the result of negotiations between the Conservation Commission and the applicant during the process of obtaining a Special Exception to disturb the buffer zone and the applicant had complied with the wishes of the Conservation Commission. Mr. Ferwerda said that it would not be a problem if they had to eliminate the shared driveway and place a drive on lot 7A-60-1. Mr. Beblowski suggested that a third party firm (Wetland Scientist) review the proposed crossing of the wetland on lot 7A-60-1 for a driveway and address the concerns of safety, snow removal, drainage, etc. Their report would be supplied to the planning board and Conservation Commission. The Commission would then take action with regard to the Special Exception which had been granted. Mr. Enman expressed his concerns about how the entire frontage of lot 7A-60-1 was a wetland and the proximity of the septic system on lot 7A-60 to the property line of lot 7A-60-2. He also felt that even though the lots as laid out met the ordinance requirements, it was not necessarily the best design for the rural neighborhood. Mr. Roblee asked if granting the shared driveway as presented would be setting a precedent for other applicants. Mr. Burnside said that driveways would be decided on a case by case basis and Mr. Edwards indicated that the circumstances would have to be very similar for a precedence to prevail. Mr. Corliss explained how his basement was above grade because of the high water table and asked where the surface water was going to flow. Mr. Ferwerda indicated that the contour of the land was such that water flow could be directed to the back of the lot. He felt there was no cause for concern about wet basements. Mr. Oldershaw felt that an opinion should be obtained from SWRPC and the members concurred with him. The Chairman continued the public hearing until 7:30 PM on March 17, 2005 to hear the report of the wetland scientist.

The members discussed a review of the checklist for the Lauber major subdivision which was done by the secretary. Following some discussion, the secretary was instructed to advise the surveyor of changes and additional information required on the drawings.

The same procedure was followed to review the checklist for the Mighty Oaks Realty major subdivision based on a meeting with the secretary and the surveyor for the applicant on February 25, 2005. The secretary was instructed to advise the surveyor of changes and additional information required on the drawings.

Mr. Edwards moved to accept the minutes of the February 17, 2005 meeting as corrected. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which passed.

Mr. Edwards reported that the during their March 1, 2005 meeting, the Open Space Committee endorsed the proposed project for the acquisition of the Gould Land for new recreation fields. Furthermore the committee plans to display an aerial map of the town on March 8th (Election Day) and March 10th (Town Meeting). The maps will have acetate overlays where residents can indicate properties that they would like to see preserved as open space.

Mr. Edwards said some residents had expressed an interest in serving on a Growth Committee. His plan is to assemble a group of residents with diverse views. Hopefully the formulation of the committee will be done after town elections.

Correspondence included a letter from DES to Mr. Boucher extending the time to submit additional information, a letter from Town Counsel setting the date for the Buschbaum trial as June 17, 2005, and registration forms for the 12th Annual Planning and Zoning Conference.

There being no other business, Mr. Edwards moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Burnside adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques
Antrim Planning Board