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Planning Board Minutes 02/17/05

Minutes of the February 17, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:

Fred Anderson           Bob Bethel                      Scott Burnside  
        Bob Edwards                     Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw
        Renee Rabideau          Ed Rowehl                       Dan Valley

Public attendees:


Chairman Rowehl convened the meeting at 7:00 PM. The secretary distributed the 2004 – 2005 edition of the “New Hampshire Planning and Land Use Regulation” manual.

The first order of business was the application of Mr. Smith Harriman for a minor subdivision on Elm Avenue. Mr. Palmer, the surveyor for Mr. Harriman had submitted a plan for the proposed subdivision. The secretary reviewed the plan and found a number of deficiencies regarding the requirements of the subdivision and site plan review regulations. He presented a copy of a letter sent to Mr. Palmer and Mr. Harriman detailing those deficiencies and advising Mr. Palmer that the application would not be placed before the board until the information requested was supplied. The board concurred with this approach.

The members then reviewed an application by Ms. Mary Wardman for a change of use. Ms. Wardman proposes to grow edible flowers, produce and home made crafts on her property. Ms. Wardman submitted a statement of purpose, a plot plan of the property showing the location of parking and the area for a greenhouse and where she would be growing her plants. The checklist was reviewed and the members felt that the information presented was adequate and instructed the secretary to schedule a public hearing for April 7, 2005.

An application from Mr. John J. & Louis M. Young to merge two lots (05-167 & 05-169) into one lot was reviewed. Following some discussion, Mr. Oldershaw moved to approve the application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson and passed on a voice vote.

The members were advised that the representative of Meridian Land Services had staked the Zsofka property and was ready for the site review requested by the Board. A site review was scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2005 at 8:00 AM to be attended by Oldershaw, Burnside, Edwards, Garrett, and Rabideau.

The application of Mighty Oaks Realty for a major subdivision was discussed. Members felt that there were a number of questions which needed to be resolved and would like to have another review session at their March 3, 2005 meeting. They felt it would be advisable to have a representative of SWRPC attend. They also felt that the surveyor should have engineering drawings to submit at the meeting. Mr. Burnside suggested that the board consider the use of Lisa Martin for peer engineering review rather than Underwood Engineering. He felt Ms. Martin was better qualified for the job. The secretary was instructed to discuss the matter with the Town Administrator. Mr. Edwards asked if the board was going to require that all state approvals be obtained before approval is given to the application. The general feeling of the members was that they should be obtained and that a conditional approval should not be granted based on pending State approvals. The secretary was instructed to set up a meeting for March 3rd.

Mr. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2005 meeting as corrected. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion which passed.

Members discuss the application of Barrett H. Proctor for a minor subdivision which was heard on May 20, 2005. The public hearing was continued a number of times for lack of information but the applicants never did appear with the requested information. Mr. Anderson moved to not accept the application of Barrett H. Proctor, Sr. File # 2004-09PB for a minor subdivision of property located at 168 Keene Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 8C Lot 3 located in the Highway Business & Lakefront Residential Districts. The applicant proposes to divide the property into two (2) lots. The reason for non acceptance is the failure of the applicant to provide the information requested by the board at their May 20, 2004 hearing. . Mr. Oldershaw seconded the motion which passed on a voice vote. The consensus of the board was that the applicants would be subject to a complete reapplication including payment of fees. The secretary is to advise Mr. Proctor of the board’s decision and the requirements for reapplication.

The secretary presented copies of two press releases. One was to state the position of the board regarding a citizens petition to rezone a portion of Route 9 from Highway Business to Residential. The other was to explain the ordinance changes which would appear on the March 8, 2005 ballot. Both press releases will be sent to the local media prior to town meeting. Information on the 12th Annual Spring Planning Conference was distributed. A copy of a letter from the Conservation Commission to DES Wetland Bureau stating their opposition to a Dredge & Fill Permit requested by Ms. Zebrowitz was provided the members.

Mr. Burnside gave a status report on the application for the Chauncey excavation site. He said that Meridian Land Services are presently surveying the property and establishing topography lines, delineating wetlands, and preparing test pit data. He felt that all the necessary information would be available in time for the planning board to review the application prior to renewal of the 2005 Intent to Excavate form.

Mr. Garrett reported that bids for the downtown renovation project were to be opened on March 8, 2005. He also reported that the work on the Summer Street Bridge was pending DES decision regarding the dam.

The secretary presented copies of a letter from Susan Stalbird regarding the excavation site of Mr. Jones. Ms. Stalbird essentially said that because of a misunderstanding of what the board required, they had not prepared all the data required. She indicated that she was continuing to gather the required information and would be presenting it to the board shortly. Members concurred that if Mr. Jones continued to cooperate with the board in completing the application they would issue a temporary permit which would allow Mr. Jones to obtain his Intent to Excavate.

The secretary advised the members that as of this date he had not received an application from either Mr. Gross or Weston/Zimmerman to renew their permits to continue operating their excavation sites. The question was raised as to whether or not Mr. Gross’ excavation site was of sufficient size to require permitting. Mr. Burnside thought that if less than 1,000 yards per year was removed it was not necessary to have a reclamation plan but it was still required to restore the land. Also, even though an Intent to Excavate filing was required it was not necessary to pay a fee. It was decided that the secretary will review RSA 155:E to determine the requirements.

Mr. Edwards reported on the Open Space Committee meeting held on February 15, 2005. He said that a presentation was made by Mr. Dick Ober of the Monadnock Conservancy.  Mr. Ober explained the various methods whereby land could be placed under conservation easements. He said that there were six essential steps that the town should initiate; namely, 1. Establish a consensus of importance 2. Establish priorities 3. Organize a group of dedicated volunteers 4. Establish a fund for conservation easements 5. Seek technical assistance and 6. Plan for permanent stewardship. Mr. Ober went on to say that an important step would be to educate the townspeople on the entire concept of placing land into conservation easements to preserve space. One way to accomplish this would be to prepare brochures and distribute them throughout the town. Mr. Jeff Porter of SWRPC cautioned that the preservation of open space should be balanced with reasonable development. He pointed out that one way to accomplish this would be the utilization of cluster housing. He suggested that the board review the current ordinance for cluster housing to determine if it reflects the town’s plans for future growth. Mr. Edwards said that the Open Space Committee had prepared a survey questionnaire consisting of about nine questions which would be circulated to citizens at the Annual Town meeting and also be on the web site. There will also be a display of an aerial view of the town with overlays at Town Meeting that residents can mark up to indicate their ideas of possible lands that could be put into conservation easements.

Mr. Edwards reported that he had not been successful in establishing a sub committee to study growth. The board spent some time discussing the necessity to study this area and felt that the Town Planner should tap the resources of SWRPC to assist the board with the development of a growth management plan

The secretary was instructed to proceed on developing an ordinance to control tractor trailers being used for storage. A consensus was that they should only be allowed in commercial areas. There was no consensus as to the disposition of existing units. The possibilities of screening them from view and having them taxed as structures was considered

Mr. Oldershaw reported that the attorney handling the case regarding the Whiting property suggested a settlement which was not recommended by Town Counsel. He advised the selectman that if they were to accept the offer it could well set a precedent in similar situations in the future. Therefore the town will continue with its suit to have the junk vehicles removed from the property.

Mr. Burnside suggested that the board study the matter of available land in the commercial districts that could actually be developed. He noted that portions of the commercial zones are not developable because of being in the flood plain or are already in residential use. His concern was that there was not sufficient land to provide the commercial tax base the town should have. He suggested that perhaps a section of Route 31 should be zoned commercial. There was some discussion of the attempt to do so a number of years ago which failed. Again the members instructed the Town Planner to work with SWRPC to study the matter.

Mr. Rowehl announced that he would not be attending the next two meetings of the board as he would be taking his annual trip to Arizona. He reminded the members that the first meeting in April has traditionally been the organizational meeting wherein the Chairman and Vice Chairman were selected for the forthcoming year. He went on to say that as much as he would like to continue to serve as Chairman, his age dictated that he decline to run for the position. Mr. Edwards complimented Mr. Rowehl on the fine job he had done over the past years, a sentiment which was echoed by a number of the members.

Ms. Rabideau pointed out that there were two definitions in the ordinance which contradicted one another. One was for “Area, lot” and the other for “Lot area” .The secretary was instructed to resolve the differences and present a single definition to the board for consideration. She also suggested a form to be used for the property owner’s certification on a plat.

Mr. Oldershaw moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Valley and passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board.