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Planning Board Minutes 05/06/04

Minutes of the May 6, 2004 meeting

Members present:

Fred Anderson           Bob Bethel                      Scott Burnside                          Spencer Garrett Mike Oldershaw          Ed Rowehl

Members absent:

        Bob Edwards             Dan Valley

Public attendees:

        Ron Haggett             Bill Prokop                     Skip Dehart
        Karen Lamoureux Leonard Pagano          Daniel Ellis

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by announcing the public hearing on the request by Leonard B. & Tamara A. Pagano for a Minor Subdivision. The applicant proposes to subdivide property at the junction of Route 202 and Old Milk Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7, Lot 102 which is in the Highway Business and Rural Districts into two (2) lots. The secretary noted that the application was duly advertised in a local newspaper, all abutters had been notified, return receipts were received from all abutters with the exception of Ming Kyung Hwang whose notification was not deliverable.
Mr. Ellis of SVE Associates presented a plat of the proposed subdivision and gave a brief description of the concept. He explained that once subdivided, Mr. Pagano did not plan any construction on either of the lots and his intention was to sell off one or both of the lots as is. Mr. Ellis noted that Section IX, paragraph A of the Antrim Subdivision Regulations does not permit a subdivision on a Class VI road and that Lot 102-1 has frontage on both Whitney and Old Milk Roads which are Class VI. Therefore, he requested a waiver stipulating that lot 102-1 would not be developed “until a sufficient portion of either road is upgraded to meet the Town’s requirements for a Class V road.” Members expressed concern with Note 3c on the plat that stated that the classification of Old Milk Road could not be determined. They felt that an approval for the subdivision could not be granted until the classification was established. It was decided that SVE Associates would research the matter and indicate the classification of Old Milk Road on the final Mylar. Mr. Rowehl called for comments from abutters either in favor or opposed to the application. There were none. He then closed public participation in the hearing and the Board went into deliberation.

In response to a question regarding easements on the property, Mr. Ellis presented the following document:      

“List of Easements and Restrictions for Land:

Conservation Easements and Deed Restrictions:
A.  100’ conservation easement along power lines full length.
B.  100’ conservation easement along highway and behind rest area.
C.  No "cell" towers or other utility towers.
Please note that the conservation easements will be specified
to mean no cutting of any trees, understory growth, brush, etc.; and
that the conservation land will be left in its' present state. No signage,
buildings, utilities, roads, etc. to be placed within 100' restriction lines.”

The consensus was that the final Mylar should note these easements and restrictions and they should be incorporated into the deed for the property. After some discussion, Mr. Pagano agreed to place an easement of approximately 50’ x 50’ around the Parker Children Burial site located on the north side of lot 102-1 and that said easement would be noted on the final Mylar. The members then reviewed the application checklist. The waivers requested (see Planning Board file #2004-07PB) were granted with the stipulation that the final Mylar would not be signed by the Chairman of the Board until the monuments were set. There being no further questions or discussion Mr. Burnside moved to accept the application of Leonard B. & Tamara A. Pagano, File # 2004-07PB for a minor subdivision of property located on the west side of Route 202 (Concord Street), Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7 Lot 102 located in the Rural and Highway Business Districts. The applicant proposes to create two (2) lots from the existing lot. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion. Roll call Vote: Mr. Anderson – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye.

Mr. Oldershaw then moved to conditionally approve the application of Leonard B. & Tamara A. Pagano, File # 2004-07PB for a minor subdivision of property located on the west side of Route 202 (Concord Street), Antrim, NH, Tax Map 7 Lot 102 located in the Rural and Highway Business Districts. The applicant proposes to create two (2) lots from the existing lot. The following conditions apply:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated May 6, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alterations and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
The applicant will obtain a N.H.D.O.T driveway permit per DOT letter dated April 26, 2004 if required.
The final Mylar will note that all monuments are set and the date which they were set.
The classification of Old Milk Road will be noted on the final Mylar.
The 100’ easements, the easement around the burial ground and the restrictions on the land will be shown on the final Mylar.

Mr. Anderson seconded the motion: Roll call Vote: Mr. Anderson – aye, Mr. Bethel – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye.

Mr. James Clark who had asked for a conceptual consultation for subdivision canceled his appearance. Mr. Rowehl then introduced Ms. Karen Lamoureux, Director of Children’s Services of Lutheran Social Services of New England. Ms. Lamoureux presented their plans to renovate the current Girls Shelter on Main Street. She presented preliminary renderings of the buildings and the interior configurations. She explained that they had consulted the Police Chief for his opinions. She indicated that the Chief felt that although there were occasional problems, the general situation at the shelter was under control. The reason for the expansion was that they were currently housing two or three girls in one room, which was not desirable. The renovation would allow them to house two girls in one room and some times just one. Structural studies were done and it was determined that the existing barn is structurally unsound so it would be torn down and replaced with a new structure. The existing house would be renovated and used primarily for offices and conference rooms. Mr. Prokop pointed out there was no requirement to appear before the Board and that this was a courtesy presentation. The renovations would be under the supervision of the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief. A number of the members thanked Ms. Lamoureux for her presentation and expressed their favorable impression.

Mr. Oldershaw moved to accept the minutes of the April 1, 2004 meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson and passed. The secretary then presented a report on the status of the regulation of excavation sites. After some discussion of the material presented the following decisions were made.

The Board would abandon it’s attempt to adopt a regulation based on the Farmington regulation and the secretary would draft a more simple regulation which would adopt RSA 155:E by reference and add certain regulations such as hours of operation, roads to be traversed and the like.
The May 20, 2004 meeting scheduled with site operators to review the “Farmington” regulation would be cancelled.
The Board would regulate existing sites based on the 1992 regulations adopted by the Town.
The regulation would be overseen by Mr. Garrett using the existing Operating Standards and Reclamation Standards Checklist. Mr. Garrett would inspect the sites to see if the standards were being met and would report back to the Board.
The secretary would review the existing files to determine if the sites being operated by Mr. Jones, Mr. Gross and Mr. Harriman are in fact grandfathered.
The existing five acres being operated by Mr. Chauncey are grandfathered; however the expansion of the excavation area requires a new application and the granting of a permit.

The next order of business was a review of the status of existing and suspected excavation sites conducted by Mr. Garrett and Mr. Oldershaw. Based on photographs presented and information given, the following action was taken.

Mr. Oldershaw moved that the Chadwick site (Map 8B-030) be considered abandoned and not in the need of reclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson and passed.
Mr. Oldershaw moved that the McKinley site (Map 8B-039) be considered abandoned and not in the need of reclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson and passed.
Mr. Anderson moved that the Carlson site, formerly Lamoureux (Map 02-062) be considered abandoned and not in the need of reclamation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burnside and passed.
Activity was reported at the Weston/Zimmerman site. The secretary is to contact them to determine if material is being removed from the site and if the survey required for reclamation has been completed.
Mr. Garrett will inspect the Merrill site (Map 02-083) and two of Harriman’s sites (Map 1A-062 & 8A-012)

The Board accepted the Capital Improvement Plan presented by the Highway Department with projections through 2010 and instructed that it be forwarded to the selectmen. The CAP for the Police Department will be presented at the next meeting.

The Board reviewed an “Association Agreement” submitted by Mr. Valley for his subdivision on Elm Avenue and found it acceptable. They concurred that it should be filed with the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.

Code violations concerning Messrs. Wilson, Wenckus, Kipka, and Wynott were presented. Mr. Oldershaw noted that Wayno’s Supermarket was closed for business. Mr. Rowehl noted that Mr. Tyler on West Street was conducting a manufacturing business. The Board instructed that the Building Inspector be asked to investigate. Articles were presented regarding senior housing  and controlling sprawl. The Board agreed with the secretary that “road frontage” is based on the 911 address assigned to the house.

Mr. Bethel asked that the matter of cluster housing in the Rural District be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Mr. Garrett moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson and passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board