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Planning Board Minutes 02/05/04

Minutes of the February 5, 2004 meeting

Members present:
Fred Anderson                   Bob Bethel                      Scott Burnside          Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw          Ed Rowehl
Members absent:
        Dan Valley
Public attendees:
        Richard R. Corazzini            Kathleen Corazzini              Len Pagano
        Dan Ellis, SVE Associates       Gayle Rochford, Doughty Surveying
Todd W. McLay

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM with a public hearing on the request by Richard R. & Kathleen L. Corazzini for a Minor Subdivision. The applicant proposes to subdivide property at 117 Salmon Brook Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 9, Lot 3 in the Rural Conservation District into two (2) lots. Following conformation of proper notifications being given, Ms. Rochford presented a plat which showed the subdivision of 7.01 acres from lot 3 to create lot 3-1 and leaving 18.01 acres on lot 3. Both lots meet the requirements for the Rural Conservation District. There were no abutters present to speak either in favor or against the application. The Board reviewed the check list following a few brief questions directed to Ms. Rochford. All items on the checklist were satisfied and none were waived. Mr. Burnside moved to accept the application of Richard R. & Kathleen L. Corazzini, File # 2004-02PB for a minor subdivision of  property located at 117 Salmon Brook Road Antrim, NH, Tax Map 9 Lot 3 located in the Rural Conservation District. The applicant proposes to create two (2) lots from the existing lot. Mr. Bethel seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Anderson – aye, Bethel – aye, Burnside – aye, Garrett – aye, Oldershaw – aye.

There being no further discussion on the application, Mr. Bethel moved to approve the application of Richard R. & Kathleen L. Corazzini, File # 2004-02PB for a minor subdivision of  property located at 117 Salmon Brook Road Antrim, NH, Tax Map 9 Lot 3 located in the Rural Conservation District. The applicant proposes to create two (2) lots from the existing lot. The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated February 5, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alterations and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Mr. Garrett seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Anderson – aye, Bethel – aye, Burnside – aye, Garrett – aye, Oldershaw – aye.

The next order of business was an application by Joseph M. Davy to merge parcels  which are designated on Tax Map 1B as lots 2 & 3. The application was signed by Verna M. Davy for Joseph M. Davy. It was brought to the members attention that Mr. Davy was deceased. A check of the property files showed the parcels in question still under Mr. Davy’s name. It was the consensus of the Board that the application should not be approved without confirmation that Ms. Davy has the authority to merge properties that are on the Town tax records in the name of Mr. Davy. The secretary was instructed to contact Ms. Davy to resolve the matter.

Mr. Rowehl then asked Mr. McLay to present his application to merge parcels which are designated on Tax Map 5 as lots 97 & 100. Mr. McLay indicated that there was a dwelling on lot 97 but none were on lot 100. He was advised that zoning ordinances would not permit another dwelling on the property if the lots were combined. There were no abutters present to speak either in favor or against the application. Mr. Anderson moved to accept the application of Todd W. & Virginia McLay, File # 2004-04PB for a merger of property located at on Old Carr Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 5 Lots 97 & 100 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to merge the two (2) lots into one parcel. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burnside. Roll call vote: Anderson – aye, Bethel – aye, Burnside – aye, Garrett – aye, Oldershaw – aye.

Mr. Burnside moved to approve the application of Todd W. & Virginia McLay, File # 2004-04PB for a merger of property located at on Old Carr Road, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 5 Lots 97 & 100 located in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to merge the two (2) lots into one parcel. The following condition applies to the approval: Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated February 5, 2004 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson – aye, Bethel – aye, Burnside – aye, Garrett – aye, Oldershaw – aye.

Mr. Ellis requested a conceptual consultation on behalf of Mr. Pagano regarding the subdivision of lot 102, Tax Map 7 into three lots. Mr. Ellis presented a preliminary drawing of the property and the proposed subdivision. He explained that before proceeding with a formal application they wished to hear the Board’s response to the possible request of waivers to certain requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Ellis requested that the following items on the checklist be waived:

#2. Permit the drawings to be prepared to a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet because of the large area covered by the property. The consensus of the Board was that this would be acceptable for the two large parcels but not for the small parcel which should be drawn to a scale of 1 inch = 100 feet.

#11. Waive the requirements for the setbacks to be shown on the 2 large parcels. The consensus was that setbacks should be shown  on all the lots.

#13. Waive the requirement for delineation of wetlands. The consensus was that the wetlands should be delineated on the small parcel.

#14. Waive designating the location of streams. The consensus was that an overlay should be provided showing the approximate location of steams and waterbodies.

#19. Waive the requirements for soil test pits. The consensus was that test pits should be shown on the small lot.

#20. Waive the requirement for topographic contours. The consensus was that that contour lines should be shown on the small lot.

#21. Waive the requirements for ground control. The consensus was that ground control should be shown on the small parcel.

Mr. Ellis proposed that the entrance to the large lot along Route 202 be allowed at the State curb cut into Old Milk Road which is a Class VI road. He asked if the Board would grant a waiver to Section IX, paragraph A.2 of the Subdivision Regulations which does not permit subdivisions to be approved on roads shown in the Town records as Class VI. Discussion followed which considered various alternative entrances to the proposed subdivision. No consensus was reached regarding the position the Board might take should the applicant request a waiver to this requirement..

Mr. Rowehl pointed out to Mr. Pagano and Mr. Ellis that none of their comments or those made by Board members would be binding during any review of an application and nothing said by any party was to be construed as a commitment.

Mr. Oldershaw moved that the minutes of the January 15, 2004 meeting be accepted as corrected. The motion was seconded by Mr. Garrett and passed.

Mr. Oldershaw reported on the position of the selectmen regarding code enforcement. The policy to be adopted is that if anyone on the Board feels there is a code violation, they should present it to the members and if the members approve of enforcement action the selectmen should be notified by the secretary. From that point on, enforcement would be the responsibility of the selectmen through the code enforcement officer as their agent.

Mr. Oldershaw also reminded the members that the selectmen will be looking for inputs for an annual update of the Capital Improvement Plan. It was agreed that the secretary should invite the various department heads to meet with the Board to ascertain their needs and report the results to the selectmen. Mr. Oldershaw pointed out that an updated Capital Improvement Plan was necessary if the Town ever found itself in a position where it would like to establish some sort of a moratorium to slow growth.

The Board reviewed a draft of a letter to all excavation site operators and owners. The secretary advised the members that documentation had been accumulated to facilitate the rewrite of the existing ordinance for the operation and reclamation of excavation sites as recommended by Ms. Pinkam-Langer of DRA. Mr. Garrett agreed to work with the secretary to formulate a new regulation. The secretary was instructed to contact Ms. Pinkham–Langer to advise her of the course of action being taken and to determine how to proceed regarding the required filing of Intents to Excavate which are due April 1, 2004.

Correspondence was reviewed regarding code violations by Mr. Wilson for storage trailers in the setback and Mr. Brissett for unregistered vehicles and solid waste.
Also reviewed was a petition to designate a portion of Pleasant Street as a scenic road.. Updates to the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations were passed out.

The members agreed to meet February 19th.

Mr. Bethel moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion which was passed and Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board