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Draft Minutes May 9, 2019
Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
May 9, 2019  7:02–9:15 pm
Present: Celeste Lunetta, Joan Gorga, Christine Morris, Mike Genest, Isaac Lombard, Marshall Gale
Minutes: April minutes accepted as written.
Walking Trail
Discussed with Marshall Gale ideas for new walking trail on town property at Fire Station. Marshall will discuss with AFD personnel.
Shea Field
Ice rink. The ice rink never froze up this winter.  The few times it was cold enough to fill with water, the water outlets were frozen. Although it was unsuccessful, not too many resources were put into it.  
Maintenance. Brian from Tom Irwin advised us not to worry about last year’s dollar spot problems, as it was a particularly bad year for it.  Air2G2 aeration/deep tining was done, and soil analysis was received. Celeste seeded and fertilized on time and used some annual rye to fill in bare spots. Field House door replaced.
Other. Scott Baldwin came to talk about maintenance hours and did not appear to understand that ConVal does not contribute to field maintenance. There is no GBS baseball; two home softball games scheduled. GBS uses field for afterschool sports. Celeste can’t get to field until 4 for 5 pm recreation programs.
Rick Davis again proposed installing pitching wall—8’x 20’. Possible location discussed—along 1st base line, more toward West St.—if between baseball diamond and playground, may be a problem. Celeste will try to get Rick to come discuss it.
Three irrigation heads are broken.
Memorial Park
Cleanup/Maintenance. Old Peace Bridge was pulled. Request to preserve it was denied by Selectboard because bridge was determined to be non-ADA-compliant. Replacement bridge is in, but will be closed off until the town completes the ramps. Highway Dept will be mowing this year.
Egg hunt. Was held in the gym due to weather, but was fun.
Youth Fishing Derby. Was successful, with good turnout. Arbor Day trees were given out, and Hilary made seed bombs. Celeste may invite Bob Bethel to come to reflect on what else to do with the Fishing Derby.
Tennis. April camp went well. Five kids preregistered and 7 more showed up. Will do again in June. Used NET Generation-donated equipment.
Antrim In The Evening. Still need one more band. Ruth Benedict working on flyer.
Gagaball pit. No update—presumably still awaiting approvals.
Other. Benches needed. Reiterated that there is no reservation policy—town ordinances re public gatherings must be followed. We may want to consider reducing the number of people considered a “large gathering.” Gordon Webber will fix the granite posts that are not standing up straight and won’t hold the rail. Celeste will order mulch for swing area. Jim Plourde quickly fixed a vandalized swing.
Gregg Lake
Beach. Monica and Jennica will be at the beach on the weekends if it’s nice out in May and bathrooms will be open. Parking fees start Memorial Day.
Lake Host program. Lake Host grant of $1500 received—enough to hire two Lake Hosts.
Watershed Management Plan. Gravel Roads workshop to be held June 22; Water Quality Advisory Committee meeting, July 12, and Soak Up the Rain combined with Septic Maintenance TBD.
Town Gym
Gym Floor Plans. School Board discussion of gym floor was tabled while Bob Edwards tries to find an Antrim-based fund for school maintenance. We will proceed with plan to fully sand and paint floor, scheduled for August 12, and will request that ConVal contribute 50%, including the costs of mitigating the moisture problem.
Security Cameras. ConVal installed security cameras in the gym and lobby without consulting or even informing the Rec Dept of the plan, thus violating terms of the agreement.  

Rec Dept.
Update. Summer camp is full.

Next meeting Thursday, June 13, 7 pm.