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Draft Minutes APRC November 2018
Antrim Parks and Rec Commission Meeting
November 8, 2018
7:00 pm
Present: Isaac Lombard, Celeste Lunetta, Joan Gorga, Christine Morris, Robert Wood, Michael Redmond (Boy Scouts)
October minutes accepted as written.
Memorial Park
Michael Redmond presented idea for building a gaga ball pit as Eagle Scout project, encouraged to come with more complete proposal at next meeting.
CIP: Isaac, Celeste and Joan met with CIP committee at Rec Office, explained requests for buildings funds for gym floor replacement and Memorial Park improvements. Corrections to CIP spreadsheet and report requested; changes to spreadsheet confirmed.
Rec Dept: Rec Dept budget does’t fully reflect how much it costs to run the department.
Richardson Fund: Selectman Bob Edwards sent letter to NH Attorney General reporting suspected misuse of Richardson Trust Funds. Response from Attorney General’s office threatens action if Richardson Trust used for capital improvements in the future. Will be used for salaries and arts & crafts supplies instead.
Shea Field
Letter not sent to ConVal Superintendent re GBS use of field after use request denied.
Field too wet for maintenance or sports use. Celeste learning to use tractor and do aeration; will try to schedule deep tining. Maintenance over budget—will come out of Revolving Acct.
AES and GBS request field for Turkey Trot (Nov 19 & 20).
GBS Running Club using field.
No word from ConVal re agreement.
Scouts requested use of field under lights for trebuchet activity on Nov. 14. Commission granted permission, if the field is dry enough, not frozen and Scouts pay for cost of using lights.
Town Gym
Celeste recording moisture readings with meter set in wood or concrete mode; moisture low.
Make decision next month re going with NE Sports Flooring or requesting quotes again.
No word from ConVal regarding agreement.
Rec Dept
Open position not yet posted.
23 kids signed up for next week’s play, hoping for 30.
Two boys’ and 1 girls’ team for 5th & 6th basketball. No 3rd & 4th teams; no coaches volunteered either. CVYSC folded; Celeste supporting CV efforts for developmental basketball for 1st-4th graders.  
Requests for toddler playground—trying to figure out how to get it going again.
Town bus back in service.
Bike Park
Discussion re how to get funding for walking trails/disc golf/biking trails and/or pump track.
Meeting adjourned 8:59 pm.
Next meeting Thursday, December 13, 7 pm.