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APRC Draft Minutes May 2018
May 10, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Isaac Lombard, Mike Genest, and Joan Gorga
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
Skate Park: Mitch Reynolds
The minutes from the April 5, 2018 meeting were approved as written.
Town Gym
ConVal agreement. The Access Control Agreement, which Jim Fredrickson had said was ConVal’s top priority, was signed. ConVal has not gotten back to us concerning updating the agreement over shared use of the Town Gym or maintenance or utility cost-sharing issues.
Gym Floor. Celeste has prepared a graph showing the times when ConVal and the TOA have use of the gym, has collected maple floor industry recommendations and gathered the historical record of the issues with the gym floor. Since ConVal worked on the drainage around the gym, the floor appears to have stabilized. The problems we’re seeing are not due to moisture, they’re due to a buildup of layers of polyurethane. Several flooring experts have said that the only solution is to sand down to bare wood and re-paint and re-line the floor. By using several available sources of funds—the revolving account, the Richardson Fund and the facilities maintenance line—we have the ability to pay for the floor sanding and painting. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Celeste will recommend to the Selectboard on May 14 that we proceed with this project. The Selectboard will ask ConVal to contribute to the cost of the project, but we will proceed with contracting the job with New England Sports Floors, who have said they could schedule it to be completed in August before school starts.
Shea Field
ConVal agreement. ConVal has not gotten back to us regarding the Shea Field agreement.
Home & Harvest. The Home & Harvest Committee has asked to use Shea Field for a 3D event in September.  
Maintenance. Celeste has taken over many of Peter Lamb’s former duties, and she and JT are maintaining the field, including mowing and fertilizing. She has arranged for someone to look at the damaged fence and for Robblee Tree to move the downed tree a little farther off the field. Soil test results said the soil is “about as good as it gets,” so Celeste and JT will keep up the routine they’ve been following. They might need to replace the wireless sensor on the irrigation system. Celeste scrapped the old 3-wheeler, and Isaac removed the large tarp from the ice skating rink. Tod Bryer put up the Lamb Field House sign.
Rec Dept.
Senior Center Collaboration. The Senior Center took a full bus, including 13 people from Antrim, on a mystery lunch trip. Jim Burnham drove. The Senior Center decided not to continue the movies, since attendance was low.
Other Updates. Celeste is still trying to get an archery program for adults started. No one signed up for the first posted program. Celeste will try target archery in the gym this summer.
We have 23 families, all from Antrim, participating in baseball, 11 in T-ball, and 18 in softball, 11 from Antrim.
For summer camp, 30 families have signed up so far, 26 from Antrim. Some are doing a few weeks, some many. All weeks have enough participants to run.
Memorial Park
Cleanup. Bob and Celeste did a lot of trimming before the Youth Fishing Derby. JT pruned the forsythia to allow access to accumulated trash. Joan pruned the roses and blueberry bushes and weeded around the bandstand. She also put up a fence to protect the bandstand garden bed during the Fishing Derby.
Youth Fishing Derby. Went well.
Flag Day. The Boy Scouts are holding a flag retirement ceremony on June 14.
Scott Dunlap Memorial Skate Event. Mitch Reynolds reported that they are planning to get a 14” x 14” x 6’ polished granite bench from Peterborough Marble & Granite engraved with Scott Dunlap’s name and dates. Placement and footing were discussed. Mitch suggested placing it at the edge of the skate park area so it could be used as a feature. A location between the parking area and the skate park might be best, but there were concerns about it being hit or moved during snow removal. Celeste will check with Jim Plourde about this. An alternative would be on the back side of the skate park. Mitch will check with the Kaufholds regarding recommendations for footing—is a cement pad necessary, or would crushed gravel be sufficient? The Skate Park Committee would like to unveil the bench in August, during the Scott Dunlap Memorial Skate Event (August 4th, with the 11th as a rain date). They will have live music at the bandstand and collect donations, which will again be held in a town account. Tammy will attend the event. All publicity will stipulate that there will be no alcohol or tobacco products of any kind at Memorial Park.
Antrim In The Evening. There will be three local bands and four other, family-oriented events. Celeste still has one date to confirm.
Other. The bandstand floor has some major new buckling, and almost needs to be closed. Tod Bryer has said he’ll take a look at it. JT and Celeste have been mowing at Memorial Park until the Highway Department hires someone.   
Gregg Lake
Beach. The Boy Scouts will paint the bathhouse floor and ramp for us. Swim lessons are filling in.
Watershed Plan. The Town of Antrim and Gregg Lake Watershed Management Plan Committee have signed a contract with Forrest Bell Environmental Associates as our consultant, and are planning a kick-off event and other outreach efforts in the near future.
Other. We are checking into where to locate a trail behind the firehouse. Much of the land is wet, but there should be enough dry land for a trail. There is an abutment already in place where a bridge could be placed.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, June 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary