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Draft Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes December 2017
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

December 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Isaac Lombard, Chris Morris, and Joan Gorga
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the November 9, 2017 meeting were approved as written. Minutes from the November 9 Non-Public session were also approved.
CIP. Celeste happened to walk into a CIP Committee meeting, and took the time to further explain our intentions for building funds for improvements at Memorial Park and replacing the gym floor.
Shea Field
Maintenance. The highest priority removal of the dead pine will take place shortly for approximately $400.
Ice Skating, Snowshoeing, Nordic Skiing. Celeste laid out a snowshoe track after the recent snow.  The ice rink has been set up with JT’s help. When the ice is frozen Celeste and JT will do the final surface maintenance and open the rink for use. Several people have offered to help with the skate rink. Celeste also hopes to set up a Nordic ski track around the outside of the field. Isaac offered to contact a friend who may be able to groom a double track. If he is unable to do it, Joan will lay it out with touring skis.
ConVal Agreement. The ConVal agreement appears to be set. We will revisit it in April in anticipation of renewing it in July.
Town Gym
Maintenance. A new bubble has appeared on the gym floor in an area where ConVal sanded and patched the floor in August.
Tim Grossi sent a document entitled “Routine daily/weekly gym cleaning” in response to our request for the District’s policy on gym floor maintenance. Joan will draft a letter stating that we are looking for the District’s established practices on sanding, recoating and buffing for long-term maintenance of the finish, rather than best practices for routine custodial care.
ConVal agreement. We have been told verbally that the School Board is unwilling to approve our requested changes to the agreement over the shared use of the Antrim Town Gym. We will ask them to explain their position in writing, as we explained in writing our reasons for asking for the changes. After we receive their written response, we will be glad to invite the new ConVal negotiator (Jim Fredrickson) to an Antrim Parks & Rec meeting for discussion.
Rec Dept.
Program Stats. Celeste provided initial statistics on attendance at Rec Dept programs.
Senior Center Collaboration. Celeste attended the Senior Center meeting last month. They have ordered curtains for showing daytime movies upstairs at Town Hall and will plan some trips. Celeste is also working with the Library, which is getting pedometers in January, to set up a walking loop in the gym on Wednesdays after school, with light fitness stations in the middle. Around 6-12 people have been showing up for adult pickleball on Saturdays. The throwdown vinyl lines for the pickleball courts work, but are not ideal. Celeste will put down temporary paint lines for them after basketball is over.
Other Updates. Celeste put in a Richardson Trust request for $7200, which includes $4000 for summer camp staff.
Celeste has also started reviewing existing policies and procedures, for instance, for the private use of the Town Gym, for dealing with complaints, for coach background checks and allowing coaches credit toward registration fees. She will have new drafts prepared for next month’s meeting.
Invasives presentation. The invasives presentation to be cosponsored with the Conservation Commission and the Antrim Grange has not yet been scheduled.
Other Business
Nomination. We have not heard whether the Selectboard appointed Robert Wood to the Parks & Rec Commission.
Patty Trail. Peter Beblowski attended a trail bridge-building workshop, and thinks we should be able to build a wooden bridge across Great Brook to provide access to a proposed new trail along the brook.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, January 11th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary