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Parks and Recreation Draft Minutes November 2017
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

November 9, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Isaac Lombard, Chris Morris, Mike Genest, and Joan Gorga
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
Other: Robert Wood, Donna Hanson
CIP Committee Representative: Steve McDonald
The minutes from the September 14, 2017 meeting were approved as written.
CIP. The Commission explained to Steve McDonald that our longer-term projects anticipated to cost more than $10,000 remain the same as last year, that is, we anticipate the needs to make improvements at Memorial Park and we will at some point have to replace the Town Gym floor. Memorial Park improvements will have to wait until we have accumulated funds in the CRF. We are making every effort to prolong the life of the gym floor, which seems stable at the moment. It is hard to predict when it will fail past the point of being safe to use. Our intention is to build capital reserve funds so they will be available when needed.
Shea Field
ConVal Agreement. Celeste reported that things have been going pretty well as far as sharing Shea Field with ConVal, and there have been no major issues. She suggests that we plan on making no changes to the Shea Field agreement. The financial contribution from ConVal has helped with grading and tree damage.
Tree damage. A fence has been damaged by a large pine tree on West Street. Andy Robblee gave a quote for taking down dead trees and removing damaged limbs. It will be expensive, but one large pine needs to come down. Celeste will get other quotes. First priority will be the dead pine at the edge of the field (est. $400). Second priority will be the large pine on the west side and fence repair (est. $2800). Third priority will be removal of all pines behind the west side of the field (est. $3600).   
Town Gym
ConVal agreement. Rich Cahoon informed Celeste that the Budget and Property Committee is not receptive to the requested changes in the ConVal agreement over the shared use of the Town Gym, although there is still no official word from the School Board. They do not like either our recommendation that the floor be sanded and repainted every ten years or the changes to the hours when ConVal may use it. They appear to be re-addressing the issue of gym ownership. James Fredrickson of Sharon has replaced David Martz as the appointed negotiator for ConVal. Donna has made contact with him.
We should plan to revisit both ConVal agreements each April, to give us time for discussion and presenting any requested changes to ConVal before it is time to renew in July. We should be prepared to give explanations for why any changes are being requested, set a target date for resolution and state that we will assume they accept any changes fi they do not respond.
Invasives presentation. The Commission agreed to cosponsor a presentation on invasive plants and animals with the Conservation Commission and the Antrim Grange. In support, Celeste said we need to recruit some more volunteer Lake Hosts.
Rec Dept update. Celeste and the Rec Dept staff have begun preparing the ice rink, in hopes that the weather will be better for skating this winter.  We hope to be able to sponsor a fire-and-ice event.
Celeste has been working with the Senior Center to install curtains upstairs at Town Hall. She will begin showing early afternoon movies aimed at an adult audience. They are also jointly planning more bus trips. Celeste has been meeting with other Senior Centers to find out how they operate and what they offer. She also has ideas for programs for active adults, such as setting up snowshoeing and Nordic skiing tracks at Shea Field.
Celeste spoke with officials at Hawthorne Academy, who have expressed an interest in sharing their field space with the town. Those avenues will be kept open.
The basketball program is building back up, with three teams this winter. Zumba is also back.
Other Business
Program Stats. The Commission decided to request quarterly statistics from Celeste regarding each of the programs.
Nomination. The Commission voted to nominate Robert Wood to become a member. Joan will write a letter to the Selectboard requesting his appointment to the Parks & Rec Commission.
Non-Public Session. The Commission voted to go into non-public session to discuss personnel issues and approved a motion to seal the minutes.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, December 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 pm.