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Draft Minutes September 14 2017
Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission Draft Minutes September 14, 2017
In Attendance: Christine Morris, Isaac Lombard, Mike Genest, Celeste Lunetta, Robert Wood
Meeting called to order at 7:10pm

Celeste introduced Robert Wood, who is willing to look at joining the commission. Robert gave a brief history of his time in Antrim.  

Minutes from August 2017 approved with one correction

Old Business:
Memorial Park: Discussion regarding the existing footbridge over Mill Pond, and exiting the park into the Antrim Marketplace property. Opportunity for replacement bridge coming available in summer of 2018, but with some costs involved. Discussion of grants to help with costs.
Discussion of Water Department access into park.
The Boy Scouts painted the Skate Park Features on Saturday September 9. The features look wonderful in the green arbor stain.

Town Gym Agreement:
Discussion confirming recommendations to update the agreement regarding hours, maintenance and improvements. Confirmed the intent and decided to ask town administrator to communicate to the School Board.
Celeste mentioned the new gym teacher at AES, indicating that all was going well.

Celeste will provide update of CIP (none) to the CIP committee.

New business: Request from AES PTO:
Celeste received an email from AES PTO asking for the town’s cooperation with some improvements to the playground. M.Genest requested confirmation that it is a school project, to confirm the maintenance and responsibility for upkeep. The project is slated for funding and completion in 2018 or later.
Celeste gave update on current recreation programs, including the upcoming Under the Lights festival. Celeste asked if commissioners would consider being available to visit the festival on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
Celeste is working to see how she can provide more programming in conjunction with the Antrim Area Senior Center. Celeste updated that she would not be in attendance at the next commission meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Next meeting is Thursday October 14, 7pm at Antrim Recreation Office