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Draft Minutes October 12 2017
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

October 12, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Isaac Lombard, Chris Morris, Mike Genest, and Joan Gorga
Other: Robert Wood
The minutes from the September 14, 2017 meeting were approved as written.
CIP. The CIP budget committee has asked to meet with us. Celeste suggested they could come to the next Parks & Rec Commission meeting, but we decided we would prefer to attend one of their meetings, since we will have a busy agenda next month. Joan will find out whether Celeste submitted updated forms this year, and if not, Joan will submit them and plan to attend the next CIP meeting on October 19. Isaac will also try to attend.
Recreation Department. Celeste submitted a flat Rec Department budget, and plans to attend the October 23 Selectboard meeting to defend it. Mike will check to see whether she included a 2% wage increase in her budget.
Shea Field
ConVal Agreement. We are unsure of the status of the ConVal agreement over the shared use of Shea Field. Mike will check to see whether it has been sent to the School Board.
Lights Festival. Plans for the Under the Lights Soccer Festival are progressing. Commission members noted errors in the posted flyer. Joan will follow up with Celeste to see if they can be corrected.
AES Playground Improvements. To follow up with Mike’s concerns, Celeste confirmed with the AES PTO that the PTO and the school will be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the playground.
Memorial Park
Tennis Court Repairs. Tennis court repairs were completed, and the court is greatly improved.
Skatepark. Mike reported that drug activity at the park has dropped way down, and that the Selectboard has not heard complaints about the skatepark recently. There are some new holes in a few of the ramps, which should be repaired, but the newly-painted ramps continue to look nice.
Bandstand. Buckling floor boards in two places still need to be repaired. The plantings around the bandstand have held up well this summer.
Footbridge. The town is looking into grant funding that may be applicable to replacing the bridge, as it will require both foundation work and landscaping, even if the bridge is moved from another site.
Town Gym
Floor. The patchwork repair was completed. The floor looks splotchy and the patched areas are lower, but the edges were smoothed and the floor should be safe to use. Tape will not be allowed on the floor.
ConVal agreement. The Commission voted to approve the draft letter for Donna to send to School Board Chair Myron Steere explaining Antrim’s requested changes in the agreement over the shared use of the Town Gym.
Other Business
Employee Evaluation. The Selectboard has asked the Parks & Rec Commission to participate in Rec Department employee evaluation at our November meeting.
Contacts. Joan will update and distribute the Parks & Rec Commission contact list.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary