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Draft Minutes April 2017
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
April 13, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Mike Genest, Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard and Chris Morris
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the March 9, 2017 meeting were approved as written.
Memorial Park
Tennis Court. Celeste got two additional quotes for tennis court repairs. The three companies all use different materials. The lowest bid came from a local company and would include crack repair, washing, coating the surface and repainting the lines for ~$3650. Celeste will look into other jobs the company has done and set a date. The $550 for the crack repairs will come from Government Buildings and the Rec Dept will pay for the remainder.
Skatepark. Carl Rowell of the Highway Dept will begin repairs at the skatepark in a few days. We’re still hoping to find a group that would volunteer to paint.
Bandstand. Tod and Linda Bryer removed the spire and it has been delivered to ConVal woodshop teacher Abe Ewing, who is working on making it in a few pieces, since it is so big. Chris will get primer and paint.
Antrim In The Evening. Celeste is working on the schedule.
Maintenance/Other. Carl will rake and remove debris from Memorial Park. Celeste will check with him about pruning the shrubby growth around the edge of Mill Pond before the Fishing Derby on May 6. She will also see about getting a load of mulch for the bed around the Bandstand. Joan will spread the mulch and prune the shrubs there. Events will also be held at Memorial Park on Memorial Day, and the Boy Scouts will have a Flag Retirement Ceremony on Flag Day, June 14.
Shea Field
Ice Skating. We learned a lot in our first attempt to have an ice skating rink on the infield. The weather did not cooperate and we were only able to skate under the lights twice, but people enjoyed using it when possible. Once opened up, it drained out in only a few days. Celeste will look into where to store the huge tarp; we can put the 2x4s in the shed.
ConVal agreement, maintenance budget. The ConVal budget passed, but we should not expect to see the $4500 allotted for Shea Field maintenance until the fiscal year starts. However, we will begin sharing the cost of the handicap-accessible chemical toilet immediately. (We now have handicap-accessible toilets at all three sites—Gregg Lake, Memorial Park and Shea Field.) Pete and Celeste have received quotes for laser-grading the infield, which will cost a total of ~$3000, as it is a specialty job, and it will be done during April vacation. Pete is training Celeste and JT to maintain the field. Celeste will purchase a backpack blower for that purpose, as Pete has been using his own.
The Antrim-ConVal Shea Field agreement is going to the Selectboard for approval.
Gregg Lake
Update. We will move the dog swim area to the area adjacent to the boat launch. Celeste will prepare signs and check into barriers to protect the area. We will remove parking from the immediate dog swim/kayak launch area and Celeste will again line the allowed parking areas. Celeste will give a talk on stargazing on April 27, to be followed by stargazing at Gregg Lake with the NH Astronomical Society on April 28.
The doors to the sign board are hanging slightly open, and should be adjusted to keep weather and insects out.
Town Gym
Floor. A foundation specialist looked at the drainage issues at the gym, suggested that some of the damage may be due to a high water table, and recommended installing a system to relieve pressure in the water table when it is high. The cost of such measures appears to be prohibitive. However, we will look in Town Hall for information and photos that may have been gathered by Jeff Parsons before the gym construction.
ConVal agreement. We are still working on revising the gym agreement.
Recreation Department
Update. We are waiting for the Grapevine to decide whether they want to continue to jointly sponsor the Before and After School programs. The programs have been working well, but were initially set up for only a two-year trial period.
Spring sports are under way. We have a strong showing for softball, with 8U, 10U and 12U teams, and for baseball, a good 10U showing and lots of rookies with no losses from last year. We have one boys’ lacrosse team. We will focus on the 1st to 4th grade level.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary