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APRC Minutes, December 8, 2016
Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting December 8, 2016
Called to order at 1903
In attendance: Mike Genest, Christine Morris, Isaac Lombard, Peter Lamb, Celeste Lunetta
Old Business:
1.Minutes of November 10, 2016 minutes approved as written
2. CV Agreements: The concept of Conval contributing a yearly sum to the maintenance of Shea Field was brought up. No update from Conval available.
3. Town Gym Floor: Town Administrator is working with school business administrator to set up a time to meet about the gym floor. Celeste will provide town administrator with an objective timeline of the floor status since 2003.  After discussion regarding the failure for the floor to be refinished and repaired in November, the following items were discussed and approved by the commission for further action:
        A: Bring in 3rd party expert
        B: Distinguish between floor system failure and floor finish failure
        C: Discuss and repair communication problems between town and district
        D: The repair of the gym floor is not a project for the 2017 budget
        E: Establish agreed upon best practices for routine maintenance of gym floor.
4. Ice Rink: After discussion, commission approved purchase of a 36x60 foot rink tarp. The tarp will be set up for mid January
5. Christine Morris would like to join commission.  All are in favor, and Celeste will let Donna know so that the Board of Selectmen can be aware of the recommendation for appointment.
New Business:
1. Rec Department Update:
Celeste updated commission on several projects, including a request from her for project ideas from the commission. Several topics were discussed, including: proposal from TConway regarding independent study for his degree, Pickleball, Track around Shea Field, Outdoor Recreation opportunities, trip to Highland Bike Park, Hiking Club, Fishing, Broom Ball, Archery, Ultimate Frisbee and Single Track.
Meeting Adjourned at 2048. Next Meeting is Thursday January 12, 7pm at Antrim Rec Office