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APRC Minutes June 9, 2016
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
June 9, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, Isaac Lombard and Mike Genest
The minutes from the May 12, 2016 meeting were approved as written.
Gregg Lake
Nesting Loons. The loon nest failed, most likely due to mammal predation. A field biologist from the Loon Preservation Committee collected egg fragments for testing. Thus far, the loons have shown no signs of renesting, and the float lines and signs protecting the nest will be removed soon.
Mural and Signs. Isaac is working with Lisa Hennessy to design a welcoming sign. Mike warned that signs and murals should be kept within dimensions dictated by ordinances.
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  One or two of the bathhouse doors need to be replaced. Joan asked the Lions Club if it was a project they would like to undertake. They will get back to us.
Memorial Park
Life Scout Project. No more has been heard about the Life Scout picnic table.  
Signs. Isaac is working with Lisa Hennessy on designing a welcoming sign.
Landscaping. Joan cleaned, sanded and painted graffiti-laced sections of the bandstand, and removed dandelions and grass in anticipation of beginning to plant the bed surrounding it. UNH Cooperative Extension recommends three varieties of blueberries that are lowbush-highbush hybrids and only reach a height of 2-2½ feet. Joan has also received offers of divisions of daylily cultivars and other perennials whose blooms would cover a long period. Kathi Wasserloos offered to help with landscape design. Pete also asked a landscaping professional he works with to draw up a plan.
After receiving complaints, Joan weeded out the poison ivy in the immediate area of the footbridge. She will work on gradually removing some of the other invasives in that area. She also swept a heavy coating of pine needles off the tennis/pickleball court and started weeding the cracks. Two more pine trees in Cram’s Grove appear to be dead or dying, and the dead tree over the footbridge still needs to be removed.  
Shea Field
Lights. Work on the final installation and upgrade to 400 A electrical service is about to begin. The conduits will be delivered June 15th. On June 16th, with help from the Highway Department, Pete plans to dig from the pole to the backstop, with the rest to be done on June 20th. Eversource will disconnect the power on June 20 and reconnect on June 21. Pete is hoping for some volunteers to help with hand digging in the areas where the trench crosses the irrigation lines, especially on June 20. Pete will be borrowing a sod cutter, and the Highway Department will be renting a small excavator for the job. The lights have been ordered, and should arrive in July. The hope is that, with careful planning, they can be delivered and installed the same day, with the trucks approaching from the playground and not having to drive on the field. Isaac and Pete will check into the feasibility of installing photovoltaic panels on the shed roof.  
ConVal Agreement. Mike brought some comments from Town Counsel regarding the working draft of the ConVal agreement over shared use of Shea Field. In response, the Commission added detail (in italics) to item 6: “ConVal and the Town of Antrim will each remove their respective equipment from the field and store it safely on a daily basis at the end of play and completely at the end of the season.” Joan will type in the changes and send the document to David Martz, along with a reminder that we would like to get an agreement in place, since there has once again, been no response from the School Board.
Town Gym
Update.  None
Goodell Park
Eagle Scout Project.  Ian Johnson has completed the suggested corrections and additions to the informational kiosk, and plans to install them by June 18.
Recreation Department
Update. Isaac helped with the Bike Rodeo held at the Police Station on May 14. The rodeo was well attended by Sporties for Shorties, but not too many older bike riders came.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, July 14th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary