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Minutes DRAFT October 2015
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
October 07, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Isaac Lombard, Peter Lamb and Gordon Webber
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
Antrim Resident:  Jocelyne Wood
The minutes from the August 12, 2015 meeting were approved with corrections.
Department Budget.  Department budgets are due on October 19.  The staff have been asked to keep department budgets flat once again.  
CIP.  Joan presented the CIP budget request to the CIP Budget Committee.  The budget was amended, as requested by the committee, to evenly spread requests for building capital reserves for both Memorial Park improvements and Town Gym floor repairs over all the projected years from 2016-2021.  However, the budget does not appear to have been entered in the final spread sheet as agreed at the meeting.   
Shea Field
Lighting Installation.  The lights were delivered on August 19.  Installation took place on September 17 & 18.  A fence post was damaged and ruts were created in the turf in a few spots.  A few of the lights appear to be shining towards neighbors houses, and the foul poles can’t be seen.  Gordon reported that West Street is brightly lit by the lights, and the Selectboard has received several complaints from residents.  Peter will contact MUSCO tomorrow regarding coming to take light readings and make adjustments as needed.  The installation company, USI, will take responsibility for the damaged fence.  Richardson fund money was used to cover the additional funding needed for the installation.  We anticipate needing approximately $40,000 to finish the installation next year, which includes $5,400 for USI to upgrade the electrical service to 400 amps.  Skating will not be offered until next year, after the infield lights have been installed.  Celeste will order the pads for the light towers, as those borrowed from Crotched Mountain Ski Area will have to be returned this fall.
Painting of dugouts and shed by AB Lions Club.  One fascia board needs to be replaced at the rear of the first-base dugout.  Peter will not be able to replace it until spring.  He suggests painting anyway, and touching up afterwards, as needed.  The field should be more accessible now for painting, but it is getting late in the season.
ConVal Agreement.  David Martz responded that we should contact him, but we haven’t yet followed through.  ConVal got benches, which they have been using on the soccer fields, but they have been putting them away.  They have been very cooperative this fall about moving equipment off the field.  However, there has already been damage to the field from GBS recess.
CVYSA.  There has been no further communication regarding the CVYSA.
Memorial Park
Skate Park.  Colin Isotti installed a nice-looking box painted with a mahogany stain, which was a hit at the Home & Harvest Festival.
Signs.  No progress has been made.
Tree Removal.  Andy Robblee submitted a quote for $2000 to remove the five dead trees in Cram Grove.  Celeste is waiting for Donna to approve the work.
Culverts.  Steve Jones has said it will cost $4000-$5000 to replace the culverts.  The Highway Department has said that it is not a job they can do.  Peter and Celeste will get 2 or 3 additional quotes.  We still have the funds from last year’s appropriation for Memorial Park.
Fences.  We will table the planned work on the fences until the culvert work is done.
Disc golf.  We will continue to keep a disc golf course in the plans for Memorial Park.
Goodell Park  
Henry Johnson is still proceeding with his proposed Eagle Scout project at Goodell Park.
Recreation Department
Update.  Most programs have been going well.  For the past 2 years we have collaborated with ConVal for K-2 basketball.  This year the ConVal K-2 programs are being run by CVYSA, but ours are running well independently.
Celeste is again showing movies at Town Hall.
The town bus has been taken for maintenance.  The state inspection requirements have changed, and the inspection will be good for a year.
It appears that state regulations may make it impossible for us to provide support for the Before and After School Clubs, which are primarily run by the Grapevine.  They are still using AES space, and Celeste would like to continue to allow them to use the Rec Office as needed, even if we sever official ties.
Gregg Lake
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  On September 8, Celeste got a call from someone who had observed the sailboats moored in the point/boat launch area, and asked if he could moor a motorboat there.  Celeste checked into the regulations.  As regulations are not listed for Gregg Lake, boats can be moored as long as they don’t pose a navigational hazard.  The Marine Patrol determines what constitutes a navigational hazard.
Residents using Gregg Lake have noticed an unprecedented amount of algae growing around the lake this year.  While it is suspected that the early warming of the lake water and the high temperatures for a prolonged period over the summer are the cause, we should make sure that we do not have excess runoff from fertilizers, animals or some other source causing the algae blooms, and we will monitor closely next summer.
Town Gym
Update.  The gym floor was resealed on August 9.  The middle of the floor, where it is buckled, didn’t accept the seal, and it is already peeling off.  GBS is again using the gym for the Tuesday morning running club.  
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 12th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary