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June 24 2015 Draft Minutes
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
June 27, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Peter Lamb, and Gordon Webber
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
This was a special meeting called to discuss how to go forward with the installation of the lights at Shea Field after the final price came in higher than the original quote.

After MUSCO received the CAD file to draw up the final plans for the installation of lights at Shea Field, it became apparent that poles B1 and B2 should to be moved a few feet out, and a total of three fixtures should be added.  The three fixtures added approximately $6000 to the total cost of the lights.  Since Town Meeting had appropriated $95,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund for the lights, we wanted to ensure that the use of approximately $6,500 from other sources was both legal and acceptable.  Since there is a 4- to 6-week turnaround after signing the contract, and the installation needs to take place in mid-August at the latest, time was of the essence.  Several possible sources of the extra funding were discussed.  Gordon agreed to contact the Town Attorney on Monday morning to check the legality, and to pose the question of the most appropriate funding source to the Selectboard at their Monday evening meeting.
The Commission supported Celeste’s proposal to split the Rec Dept. Assistant job between two people, keeping the total time worked between the two of them to 16 hours per week.
A town resident has proposed donating a used half-pipe to the skate park.  It was suggested that the resident attend the July 9 Parks and Rec Commission meeting to discuss the issue further.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 9th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:41 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary