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June 11 2015 Draft Minutes
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission
June 11, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Joan Gorga, Peter Lamb, and Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the May 6, 2015 meeting were approved as written.
CVYSA  Bob Crowley, who was scheduled to present the CVYSA to the Commission, mistook the date and did not come to the meeting.
Recreation Department
Personnel.  Celeste is still interviewing for summer jobs as both beach attendants and lifeguards, and for the Rec Department Assistant.
Update.  Summer camp registrations are going well.  Staff positions are filled and registrations have maxed out for several sessions.  Celeste prepared a form for the Senior Center to fill out when using the Town Bus, as it is essential to have releases signed by all participants, if they are to use the bus under the Town’s insurance policy.  The Senior Center has rejected this arrangement, and will instead have to provide proof of insurance if they want to pay to use the bus under their own terms.
Gregg Lake
Signs.  Celeste has added a “zero tolerance policy” line to the lake rules sign, in an attempt to get a head start on keeping things under control, especially with the Sunday crowd.  The police have already served notice that the rules will be enforced from the beginning this year.  Celeste is working on getting the rest of the signs up.  The boat launch board is still being put together.
Beach/Boat Launch Issues.  Marcel will Lake Host on weekends again.  The new grills have been installed.  The tables have been repaired and are being painted.  The highway department will pull the broken digger toy.  We would like to replace that with another piece of playground equipment, perhaps after a fund-raising program to pay for it.  
Memorial Park
Maintenance.  Peter removed the fallen lilac and the part of the sumac that had fallen onto the war memorial, re-centered the displaced war memorial on its base, and removed the shrubs around the bandstand.  Mathewsons responded with a quote to replenish the stone dust and build up the walkways, and completed the work before Memorial Day.  Doug Hutchinson rototilled and then mulched the bed around the base of the bandstand to make it look neater since the shrubs were removed.  Peter and Celeste will work on getting quotes for replacing the exposed rusting culverts and additional fencing, and Celeste will add pickleball lines to the tennis court.  The police made five arrests at Memorial Park in May.  The lack of surveillance cameras hinders park monitoring, but the police say they do not have the funds in their budget to replace the stolen camera.  Celeste will solicit two levels of quotes for removing either just several dead trees or all the pines in Cram Grove.
Bandstand Painting.  The Antrim Bennington Lions Club has offered to prep and paint the bandstand before the 4th of July festivities.
Sign.  Celeste and Isaac will contact two different people in regard to making new signs.
Shea Field
Planning Board Presentation.  Peter and Joan presented the lighting plans to the Planning Board on May 21.  No opponents came to the meeting, and the only outside proponent was Tim Grossi.  The meeting ended up being relaxed and informative.
Lighting Installation.  We are awaiting the final price from MUSCO.  They have moved the B light towers and added three fixtures after receiving the CAD file.  MUSCO wants to ship everything at one time, and we will have to have equipment ready to help unload.  Peter went over the installation with the utility contractor.  The installation will take about 4 days.  Our part will be trenching and installing the conduits in the ground.  We hope to hire someone to run a sod cutter, to be followed immediately after by Peter with the trenching equipment.  The trenches will be quickly backfilled and the sod replaced.  The lacrosse players have offered to help with the lights.  Maybe they can help with backfilling the trenches.
Team Benches.  We’ve heard nothing more regarding ConVal installing team benches.
ConVal Agreement.  We’ve heard nothing more from David Martz.
Town Gym
Maintenance.  The gym floor surface is peeling badly.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on Thursday, July 9th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary