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Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes November 2012
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

Minutes (Draft)
November 8, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Parks & Rec Commissioners:   Joan Gorga, Sam Harding, Isaac Lombard
Recreation Director:  Celeste Lunetta
Selectman Ex Officio:  John Robertson
Dog Park Subcommittee:  Melissa Delay
Old Business
Dog Park
  • Isaac and Sam attended the Nov 5th Sewer and Water Commission meeting to inquire about the suitability of a piece of land in proximity to the Sewer and Water Plant for use as a dog park.  The land was determined to be unsuitable due to less road frontage than anticipated and the fact that regular flooding under the power lines would make fencing the area difficult.  The area is also used by the town to dump fill.  Although the consensus was that it would be preferable to locate the dog park on town-owned land, the possibility remains that it could be situated on private land under appropriate circumstances, and the search for a suitable site will continue.  
Memorial Gym Floors
  • The resealing of the gym floors is still scheduled for December 20-21.
Capital Improvement Projects
  • Celeste submitted to the Planning Board the Capital Improvement Projects detailed last month.  
  • It is anticipated that the proposal will be on the Board of Selectmen meeting agenda on November 26.
Climbing Net in Memorial Gym
  • By email, Scott Baldwin of ConVal provided additional information concerning the installation of a climbing net in Memorial Gym.  The net is to hang by the window of the Rec Office, will be out of the way of the volleyball court, and will pull up out of the way when not in use.
  • There was some concern over whether ConVal has appropriate insurance coverage.
  • The installation was approved with the following caveats:
  • It must be installed so it is easily controlled.
  • If it becomes a problem, it will be taken down.
  • It should not be located directly in front of the window due to the risk of breaking the window and the disturbance of banging on the window.
Memorial Park
Skate Area
  • When Tim Smith inspected the damage to the “Pyramid,” he exposed and found rotting supports.  These were repaired with scrap lumber, and access to the “Pyramid” was re-opened.
Tennis Court and Other Repairs
  • After a brief discussion, it was decided that it would be prudent to lay out a long-term plan for Memorial Park before addressing specific repairs to the tennis court and other structures.  Thus, the Commission will begin to formulate a 10-year plan for Memorial Park at the January 10, 2013 meeting.
Plantings at Sign
  • Tulip bulbs were donated and planted around the Memorial Park sign.
Budget for 2013
  • Celeste submitted a draft budget for 2013.  Each budget item was briefly explained, and Celeste stressed her effort to keep the budget flat for the coming year.
  • Additional utilities charges are anticipated, as we expect more accurate billing for water.
  • The cost of fireworks for the Home and Harvest Festival will be added to the Parks & Rec budget for next year.
  • The budget will be considered in detail at the December 13 Parks & Rec meeting.
New Business
Update on Rec Dept. Staff and Programs
  • Char Russell resigned as Program and Office Assistant.  Lisa Hennessey will replace Char, and move to working 16 hours a week year-round, instead of seasonally.
  • More than 30 local children, aged 8 to 8th grade, worked under the direction of Children’s Stage Adventures to present a musical production of the Princess and the Pea on October 26th and 27th.  The play was well received, and another production is planned for next summer.
A lovely brochure for next summer’s “Days of Summer” Camp, has been designed and printed.  Registration will begin in January.

The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be held on December 13th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair