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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 09/09/2010
New Business:
Gregg Lake Beach:
Peter reported that he has observed the newer, scout built shelter his listed, and that there
are broken brackets. Peter will get a consult from a builder, to repair.
Memorial Park:
Peter reported that he has observed missing and broken shingles on the Bandstand Roof.
Other members concurred that the Bandstand will need a new roof. The commission will
advise this as a 2011 Government Buildings repair.
Shea Field Third Baseline Dugout:
Celeste reported that the roof has sustained damage and needs repair. A quote has been
acquired for a metal roof, matching the First Base dugout, and approved by the town
business administrator.
Capitol Improvement Plans:
The group discussed the history, present and future of the Parks and Recreation CIP.
Projects currently being worked on include Shea Field Improvements, Beach
Improvements, Skatepark Improvements, and Recreation Land and Facilities Reserve.
The group decided to have a CIP meeting on Thursday September 23 to finalize all
worksheets and 5-10 year plans for CIP. This meeting will be held at 7pm at the Antrim
Recreation Office.
Ron Haggett made a motion to adjourn at 9:45, seconded by Sam Harding.
Next Meeting of Parks and Recreation Commission:
CIP Planning: Thursday September 23, 7pm; Recreation Office
October business meeting: Thursday October 14, 7 pm, Recreation Office
Minutes prepared by Celeste Lunetta.