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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 11/12/09
DRAFT                         DRAFT                            DRAFT

November 12, 2009
The regular meeting of Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:00pm.  Commission members present were Sam Harding, Chair, Ron Haggett, Dave Kirkpatrict, Pat Leonard, Barbara Reynolds, Thelma Nichols, and Celeste Lunar, Director of Recreation.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.
Celeste reported on the re-worked budget that she had presented to the Board of Selectmen and Galen Stearns on October 26th. The budget request for 2010 is less than the budget for 2009. A list of needs that will come under the Gov’t Buildings Repair account was also presented. Celeste requested help in applying dollar figures to the items.
CIP – The Land and Acquisition account ($250+M) was wiped out at the 2009 Town Meeting and the $100M voted has not been placed in the P&R Capital Reserve Fund. Considering the condition of the town’s finances, it appears a moot point to request any funds from CIP for 2010.
Rick Davis, Softball Coordinator made a presentation to the Commission requesting us to consider adding a Sports Ball Coordinator to build up our baseball teams over the next 2-3 years. This Coordinator would work with the coaches of players ages 8-12 with training, practice, sign-ups, follow-up with parents, etc. and also be responsible for equipment and uniforms. Administrative work would fall to this position also. Rick recommended a stipend of $400 dollars/season. This would be eight 1 ½ hour sessions of training, and a total of 40-43 hours minimum including the administrative work.  This person would be doing for baseball what Rick has done and is currently doing for softball with no remuneration up to this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Submitted by:  Thelma Nichols