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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 10/08/09
Corrected final report.         
October 08, 2009
The regular meeting of Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission opened at 7:00pm.  Commission members present were Sam Harding, Chair, Ron Haggett, Dave Kirkpatrict, Thelma Nichols, and Celeste Lunar, Director of Recreation.
Jeanne Baker and Carol Carnes of the Gregg Lake Association presented us with an update on the Association’s “Weed Watching” and “Lake Host” programs and their fish and geese count results. Working with the NH Fish and Game, they have found that the bass population is in good shape, the large mouth bass having increased since 2004 and the small mouth slightly lower than 2004. A copy of this report is in the record. The GLA is taking environmentally safe actions to discourage the growing geese population at the lake. All of these programs are sponsored through the P&RC and we feel very fortunate to have these faithful residents of the lake volunteer their time and labor for the betterment of Gregg Lake.  The ladies noted there has been an increase in canoeing and kayaking this summer, thanks in part to Place In The Woods’ rental program.
Celeste and Dave discussed the progress of the Shea Field Agreement.  Nothing has been finalized. Lauren Kirkpatrict, School Board Rep for Antrim is working with ConVal office to resolve this.
It is time for CIP and budget requests to be made to the proper committees and BOS.  
CIP:   It was decided that we have no new requests for CIP this year and we should leave our schedule as it is.
Budget:  Having taken the initiative, Celeste presented the initial numbers she had worked up for 2010. The Commission made suggestions for changes or additions and Celeste will continue her work on the budget for next meeting.  The BOS has scheduled October 26 @ 6pm to meet with us on the budget.

Celeste will meet with Chip Craig, the new Road Agent. Sam will be sitting in on the meeting. She will be addressing the needs of P&R and how the town crew can help.

Celeste reported that the facilities at Gregg Lake will be closed up. The ropes need to be replaced before next summer as well as the rescue board the life guards use and the Super Scoop. It was suggested that Celeste investigate whether the scoop could be repaired.

A discussion of resurfacing both infield and outfield of the ball field resulted in a vote “to spend $500.00 to resurface same.”

Submitted by: Thelma Nichols