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Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission
October 9, 2008

Commission members present Sam Harding, Pat Leonard, Peter Lamb, Barbara Reynolds, Thelma Nichols, Ex-officio Gordon Webber and Celeste Lunetta, Director of Rec.

September minutes were read by Celeste. Barbara Reynolds questioned the recording of the needs of the Antrim Skateboard Committee. She intended that the ASC needed $1500. more to purchase a quarter-pipe/launch ramp, which will complete this phase of the project. This would come from money available from the Friends of Rec (approx. $500 +/-), funds raised at Home and Harvest ($430 +/-) and $500. from the P&R budget. We discussed where this money could be found and Celeste and Barbara will work on a resolution.

VOTED:  That $500. be made available to the ASB Committee.

Barbara reported that at H&H, two competitions were held for local kids. They were well attended and lots of enthusiasm.  Barbara was thanked for her time and efforts seeing this Skateboard project through.

Memorial Park/play area: Celeste reported that Harry Payne came in and worked on the retaining wall. The cost will be under $500. The swale has been done. Fence still needs to be done. Granite posts will cost $112. including hangers. We need ten posts to build 80’ of fence, plus horizontal rails. Gordon offered to drill holes to attach brackets to horizontal rails.   Celeste has $1900. left to complete this project. A quote will be requested for the installing of this fence.

VOTED:  That we purchase granite posts and two horizontal rails for 80’ of fencing in the event that TIF does not approve. 

Celeste and Thelma will put together a proposal for TIF requesting help in purchasing the fence and three 16’, 3-tier high bleachers and will meet with the committee.

Discussion on the CIP:  Bradley Houseworth requested an update on where the P&RC felt their CIP requests would be for the next few years. We agreed that the $25,000 per year for land acquisition would remain through the year 2010-2014 = $125,000. $15,000 for the tennis court resurfacing would be dropped. $50,000 for the skateboard park in 2010 would remain.

The budget, reduced by 3% from 2008’s budget, presented to the Board of Selectmen by Sam and Celeste at their Oct. 6th meeting was favorably received.

VOTED:  Any groups using the gym from October 1 through May 1 must keep the exterior doors closed. Violators will have their privileges withdrawn.

This new policy will go into effect immediately. Signs will be posted by Celeste. Gordon Webber suggested Craig Hicks be approached to request that we have control of the heat in the gym.

The P&RC discussed concerns raised regarding the financing of programs for non-resident participating youth. The general consensus of the P&RC is that there is good cooperation between towns, with all towns contributing to create smooth running programs.  We feel this subject should be discussed by the Boards of Selectmen during the Regional Selectmen’s Meeting scheduled for Nov. 8.

Thelma reported on the effort to set up a “winter” Senior Center, creating a safe, warm place for seniors to socialize and get assistance this winter.  This was an fyi for the Commission and not asking for any help from P&R at this time.

It was reported the Friends of Rec would be collecting candy for families to handout on Halloween.

Lion’s Club president, Richard Loveland approached Celeste re holding  “Cabin Fever Days” basically to show movies, probably at the Town Hall. Celeste checked into the process and requested that she be authorized to apply for a 1-year license ($475). This license would allow her to choose movies from several film companies. Money could be realized from the sale of concessions. The Lions could help with organization and staffing details yet to be worked out between Richard and Celeste.

VOTED: That Celeste purchase the required license.

Celeste reported on future programs that she is working on and also that she and Cathy Chisholm, Librarian met and discussed working together on future programs.

She has been approached about reinstituting a martial arts program.

The Roller Derby Girls requested a time to do a demonstration at the next roller skating evening.

Ski passes are available again this year. Deadline almost up.

Nov. 1st a trip to Yankee Candles with Von Trap Singers and many other trips are being organized.

Next regular meeting of the commission:  Nov. 13

Submitted by: Thelma Nichols