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Antrim Open Space Committee 09/13/05

Meeting Notes
September 13, 2005


Linda Bundy
Gil Geiz
Melissa Chapman
Loranne Carey Block
Robert Edwards
Charlie Levesque
Ben Pratt
Eric Tenney
Rod Zwirner

Not present: Marshall Gale

Others present:  Ron Haggett, Paul Vasques

1. Meeting notes – meeting notes from the August meeting were circulated and no changes were suggested.  These will be posted on the town website.

2. Draft Report of the Committee – The majority of the meeting was taken up with a review of the draft report of the committee.  Chair Levesque thanked Linda and Melissa for their work on the report.  Several changes to the report were suggested and a new Priority areas map will be developed by Loranne and Melissa with help from Rich, Loranne’s husband. Bob Edwards agreed to help draft a closing paragraph at the end of the priorities section.   

3.  Plan for getting draft report out for comment – The committee agreed to the following in regards to getting the report out for public comment:
        - a public meeting/hearing will be held on October 11, 7:00 PM
        - the final draft report (with changes from this meeting) will be available no later than September 26
        - color versions of the report will be sent to the chairs of the boards in town and other board members will receive a black and white version
        - the report will be posted on the website
        - notice of the hearing will be put on the town list-serve
        - Charlie will get a press release to Bob Edwards for local media

4. Next Meeting – the next meeting is Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00 PM at Little Town Hall – this is the public hearing on the draft report.  The final meeting of the committee is November 8 where the committee will finalize the report.

Charles Levesque