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Antrim Open Space Committee 02/15/05
Antrim Open Space Committee
Meeting Notes
February 15, 2005
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Charles Levesque. Also in attendance were committee members:

Linda Bundy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Loranne Corey Block
Melissa Chapman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rod Zwirner~~~~
Bob Edwards~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ben Pratt
Gil Geisz

Several other non-committee members remained for the meeting after a 1 1/2 hour presentation by Dick Ober, executive director and CEO of the Monadnock Conservancy. The presentation discussed land preservation technique, town involvement, and town opportunities.  Jeff Porter, from the Southwest Regional Planning Commission, also provided information about these topics.  A number of members of the public also attended to hear the presentation.  

Peter Beblowski, chair of the Antrim Conservation Commission, invited the committee and the public to a public hearing on February 22 on the proposed land acquisition of 72 acres on West Street. It will be used for recreation fields with an eye toward putting the balance into conservation. They're looking for support, ideas, and questions.

The proposed Open Space Committee survey has been completed because of a deadline to get it in the Limrik.  It will also be added to the Town website. Rod Zwirner suggested that it also be put into other local area newspapers to get a larger overview of data from people who don't live here but come by to hunt, fish, and recreate. Bob Edwards volunteered to call around and see if he could get it into other publications. Chairman Levesque says we need to identify responders as to whether or not they are from out of town.  Levesque and Edwards agreed to get materials in the local papers.

Chairman Levesque has called an extra meeting on March 1st at 7:00 PM. This is to finalize~all the details of the presentation materials for town meeting on March 10th and election day on the 8th.

Loranne Corey Block unwrapped a collage of aerial photos that were mounted on a foam board – to be used as the focus of the display materials for town meeting. All agreed that it looks very good and should elicit ideas from townspeople. Ben Pratt said he will ask the moderator to make the announcement of the display at the beginning of the meeting.

Melissa Chapman says she needs to miss the March 1st meeting. Chairman Levesque said this would be fine.

Chairman Levesque and Ben Pratt had some discussion about the progress on the search for an electronic mapping company to assist the town in getting tax map and water district info. Terra-Map of Lebanon and Cartographic Associates of Littleton are still in the running. Ben said he does not see any product before the end of the summer. There was some discussion as to whether or not this would be too late for our purposes.

Chairman Leveque reminded the committee that the next meeting will be on March 1st at 7:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05

Gil Geisz
Note taker.