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Antrim Open Space Committee 12/07/04

Meeting Notes
December 7, 2004


Linda Bundy
Gil Geiz
Melissa Chapman
Ben Pratt
Robert Edwards
Eric Tenney
Marshall Gale
Rod Zwirner
Lorrane Corey Block

Not present: Marshall Gale

Others present:  Paul Vasquez

1. Introductions – Chair Charles Levesque noted that Lorrane Corey Block is the final additional member to the committee.  He thanked and welcomed the group and asked that folks give some background about themselves.  He said that he believed the work of the committee was to provide information to the town as part of its development plan – essentially to help guide the town’s growth.  Build what needs to be built and conserve the land that needs to be conserved.

2.  Note taking – Charles Levesque said he would take notes at the first meeting but asked that others do that after this meeting.  Bob Edwards suggested notetaker responsibilities be rotated and that he would do the notes at the next meeting.  All agreed that, since she was doing a lot of work on GIS, Melissa Chapman would not take notes.

3.  Charge to the Committee – the Committee discussed the draft charge and the suggested changes made by Levesque.  Rod Zwirner noted that a key role for the committee will be education.  Bob Edwards asked whether we should be developing a growth management plan.  Members agreed that this was needed for Antrim but beyond the scope of this group.  Ben Pratt wanted to make sure that an inventory of conserved land be part of the work.  All agreed  that it would.  The resulting charge to the committee (to be sent to the Selectmen) is attached.

4.  Work Plan discussion – Levesque presented a draft work plan for the committee over the next year.  He asked for suggested changes so it could be adopted and the committee could get to work.  It was suggested that a survey be developed for town meeting.  Ben P. said that Antrim is about to hire Terra Map to digitize tax maps and other important data.  He suggested coordinating info collection with that process.  Rod Zwirner asked about whether this group should begin trying to protect land that might be available now.  Levesque suggested it was a bit premature for this to happen here but suggested the Conservation Commission might take on that role until this work is done.  Bob E. asked about the Monadnock Conservancy and its role in the region.  Levesque said he would invited the Conservancy’s Executive Director, Richard Ober, to speak at the February meeting of the Committee.

The Committee adopted the attached workplan and all agreed that it can/will be adjusted as time goes on.

Paul Vasquez noted that there is a proposal for a change to zoning along Route 9.

5.  Skill sets – Charles Levesque said that everyone should expect to pitch in to get the Committee’s work done.  People shared their skills and offord to do various tasks:

Melissa – the GIS and mapping work
Bob - share knowledge of real estate, planning (as member of the Planning Board)
Ben – knowledge of AutoCad – coordinate this work with Melissa’s work here
Lorrane – help with presentations and presentation materials
Rod – Survey work of the Committee

6.  Immediate work tasks – Levesque reviewed the immediate work task needs:
-       January meeting – working on maps and aerial photos to begin to build natural resource inventory and get educated about town.  Rod offered to bring regional map developed by SWRPC. Eric T. suggested looking at old aerials to show ag land in town.
-       February – presentation by Dick Ober about Monadnock Conservancy and land protection techniques

7.  Meeting schedule – the group agreed to the following meeting schedule (subject to change):

January 11, 2005  (or January 25)
February 15
March 1
April 12
May 10
June 14
July 12
August 9
September 13
October 11
November 8

8.  Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Charles Levesque, notetaker

The following is the amended charge to the committee tentatively adopted by the Antrim Open Space Committee at the organizational meeting on December 7, 2004:

PURPOSE: To develop an Open Space Plan for Antrim that explores ways to preserve and enhance our open spaces, in conjunction with the development that is now taking place in our town, so as to protect the character of Antrim into the future.   The plan will include recommendations for the permanent protection of priority open space areas in town, the suggested methods to accomplish this, and the probable cost and benefits associated with this open space protection.

SCOPE: Study the current open space land   in the town of Antrim to determine the natural resource attributes of these lands and their current level of permanent protection.  Look into the needs of the town and the cost associated with growth.  Given that open space is usually an economic asset, determine the positive aesthetic, natural resource, recreational and economic values of having priority open space in Antrim permanently protected.   

COMPLETION OF TASK: The committee will complete its task by December 1, 2005.  They will present their findings and recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.  Once the report is accepted, the committee will be disbanded.   


Open space/open space lands: lands not currently developed.
Permanent protection (of land):  Legal techniques such as conservation easements and public land purchases with deed restrictions or easements that assure the land will remain perpetually undeveloped (or where development will be very limited).


Tentatively Adopted by the Committee (subject to revision) December 7, 2004

Work Plan and Timeline

    Month                   Task                                                               Who             

December  2004  Committee organization                                      Committee   

January 2005    Group map work/resource review                              Committee
                        Develop survey

February                Education – land conservation tools                 SWRPC/Monadnock
                        Develop Survey                                       Conservancy

March                   Prep for Town Meeting                                       Committee
Town Meeting    Visual presentation?                       Committee/town meeting

April                   Complete initial resource analysis/mapping                  Committee

May                     Public meeting(s)                                       Committee/Residents

June                    Begin discussions of open space priorities                      Committee

July                    Continue discussions of open space priorities              Committee

August          Draft report                                                       Committee

September               Public meeting(s)                                       Committee/Residents

October         Revise report                                                            Committee

November                Adopt report and deliver to selectmen                      Committee