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Library Trustee Minutes 09/13/2011
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
September 13th, 2011

Attendance: Trustees- Yvette Brinkley, Colleen Giffin, Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar, Margaret Warner                  Director- Kathryn Chisholm                                                                      Guests-Stephen Ullman, Peter Lamb

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved.

Minutes of May June 13th, 2011 approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report:

  • Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report for June, July, and August
  • The Trustees also began discussing 2012 budget process.
Library Director’s Report:

  • Kathy gave the Director’s report
  • The roof was completed.
  • The Festival of Trees Committee have asked that the library be open for several Sundays.
  • State budget cuts will impact ILL van service.
  • To start the Memorial Garden this fall, Kathy requested to be able to spend the donated $420. The trustees approved.
  • The trustee need an estimate from Doug Hutchinson to move the bushes surrounding the building
  • Policies for volunteers will be impacted due to changes at the federal level.
  • The trustees looked at an electronics survey that Kathy will be conducting.
  • Kathy apprised us of all she did during her leave.
Information items

  • Friends of the Library-Have a float for Home and Harvest.
  • Area Trustees meeting –The last meeting was on September 8 in Peterborough.
  • Home & Harvest- The library will be open during Home and Harvest for people to see the current art exhibit.
  • Security cameras update- The security cameras are mounted. There are still several locations where additional cameras are needed.
Old Business

  • New library system-Allen Treadwell has given two estimates for replacement systems: Destiny and Alexandria. Mr. Treadwell is familiar with Destiny. The trustees voted and approved to adopt Destiny as the Library’s new operating system. Transition to the new system will take several months and will hopefully occur by December.
  • Door locks- The Historical Society wants to be able to lock their room upstairs. Ron Hagget and Galen Stearns the town administrator will deal with the logistics of the request.
New Business

  • Colleen inquired about our outreach/delivery services to elderly. The Trustees discussed involving the senior center and putting a notice in the Limrik. Stephen Ullman a steering committee member with the senior center will raise the idea at their next meeting.
  • Festival of Trees Gala – The FOT committee has asked to serve liquid refreshments. The trustees have no problem, but it is up to the selectmen.
  • Lawns- Peter Lamb Grounds supervisor for the town came to check in with the trustees regarding the current maintenance of the lawn.
  • He intends to over-seed and fertilize during the summer and August at an estimated cost of about $300 which will be included in the budget beginning in 2012. For this year the cost will come out of the maintenance budget.
  • Mr. Lamb wanted to know what the trustees would like him to do for weed control.  He recommended a product named “Tenacity”. He will email stats regarding Tenacity.
  • Mr. Lamb wants the trustees to look at the bush near one of the big maples out front to see if he can take it down due to its inconvenience during mowing. The trustees wanted to look into its history first.
  • Budget FY2012 [issues of changes to materials budget, and town increase of staff contributions to health insurance]
  • Staffing changes- The trustees will need to get a sub as Kristin Readel will no longer be working.
  • Thanks to volunteer Rebecca Enman- $100 to Amazon or Simmons bookstore
Next meeting date: October 17, 2011