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Library Trustee Minutes 03/14/2011
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
March 14th, 2011

Attendance: Trustees- Yvette Brinkley, Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar, Margaret Warner
Director- Kathryn Chisholm                                Guest- Steve Ullman

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved as presented.

Minutes of February 7th 2011 approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report:
v       Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report for February.
o       Both the 2011 budget for the Library and the warrant article for the new software system passed as proposed at the March 8th town meeting.
o       The capital improvement requests passed with the budget which include railings on the front porch, hooking up and completing the security cameras, repair to the roof, and the completion of the portable generator hookup.
o       The trustees approved to resume the original cleaning schedule that the Library had prior to the town’s deficit to include two times a week.

Library Director’s Report:

v       Kathy shared her report.

Information items:

v       Area Trustees meeting – next meeting March 18th, 12 noon, Swanzey Center
v       NHLTA Annual Meeting – Bedford, NH, May 9th

Old Business:

v       Staff vacation policy- the trustees discussed the staff vacation policy again and approved unanimously to change the library personnel policy regarding all aspects of vacation time and accrual to match that town’s policy. Margie will amend the wording in the official personnel policy.

New Business:

v       Staff raises- The trustees approved to keep the increase to salaries that had been budgeted for.
v       Circulation of electronic devices- The trustees discussed the possibility of circulating of electronic readers. Kathy is going to come up with a list of pros and cons. The trustees wonder what the state library is doing regarding this issue as well as other products available.
v       Appreciation to Sandy Snow- Molly will make a card for Sandy that the trustees will sign at the next meeting.

Next meeting date: April 11, 2011