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Library Trustee Minutes 02/07/11

James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330

Board of Trustees Meeting
February 7th, 2011

Attendance: Trustees- Ron Haggett, Molly Moore Lazar, Margaret Warner
                     Director- Kathryn Chisholm                

The agenda for tonight's meeting was approved as presented.
Minutes of January 10th, 2011 were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
"       Ron Haggett went over the proposed budget for 2011 again, the library's 2010 financial report, and the treasurer's report for January.

Library Director's Report:

"       Kathy shared her report.
o       Snow has not been removed from the roof, resulted in leakage; at this point it requires additional equipment to remove it. The trustees are asking Steve Jones to clear the roof, and maintain it for the rest of the season. In the spring Melanson Co. will assess the situation.
o       The trustees agreed to host a reception for the memorial of a local community member on Saturday, February 5th.
o       Yvette Brinkley will be running to fill the position that will be vacated by Sandy Snow in March.
o       The library will now be included on the WMUR winter weather closings website.

Information items:

"       Area Trustees meeting - no meeting in December or January;  next meeting Friday, February 18, at noon, Dublin Library

Old Business:

"       Staff vacation policy may be changed to match the Town policy; however the trustees are leaving any decisions until next month due to the need for further discussion.

"       The salary increase for substitute circulation assistant (correction from previous meeting) The vote from last month to increase the substitute salary has been amended to $10 an hour, rather than $9 an hr as that is the substitute pay currently.

New Business:

"       Position title change for library staff- we need better descriptor of the positions
o       Library Director/Assistant Director/Currently-Library Assistants vs. Circulation Assistants

Next meeting date: March 14, 2011