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Library Trustee Minutes 05/10/10
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 04330
Board of Trustees Meeting

Date: May 10, 2010

  • Attendance: In attendance were all the trustees: Margaret Warner (Chair), Ron Haggett (Treasurer), Molly Moore Lazar (Secretary), Sandy Snow, and Colleen Giffin.  In addition Galen Stearns our Town Administrator and patron Jesse Lazar were present.
  • The Agenda for tonight’s meeting as well as the Minutes from our April meeting were approved unanimously.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Ron Haggett gave the Treasurer’s report and all is going well; bills are being paid by the town.
The Treasurer’s Report led into discussing present and up and coming needs of the Library with Town Administrator Galen Stearns. The trustees feel that there are three areas regarding the maintenance of the building that we must focus on in the near future.
  • The most important project is the completion of repairing the portico steps. Galen informed us that these were budgeted for by the town and will be taken care of.
  • The second item the trustees discussed with Galen was the need for security cameras still. All the wiring is complete, but the library is still in need of the actual cameras and their installation.
  • Lastly we discussed a repair to a roof leak by Melanson and Co. and the possibility that more areas of the original building’s roof also need repairs. An annual inspection happens in the early fall and we will have a better idea of the roof’s need then. (Galen was not sure what support the town could offer on the second two items, but would like to see a quote for both, and said that there is a possibility the one of the projects could be picked up by the town.)
  • Director’s Report: Kathy was not present to go over her Library Director’s report, but the trustees looked it over.  
  • Information items discussed:
  • Friends of the Library- the friends of the library requested that Kathy spend any funds they had raised on purchasing CD’s. The trustees felt that this was reasonable as they were the ones who had raised the money.
  • The annual elevator inspection is scheduled for July 9th.
  • Old Business:
  • Portico repair- As mentioned above there is money from the town to complete this project.
  • Library Policies Review- Margie gave us the packet of Library Policies and Procedures that we will need to go through and review; trustees should review these on their own and we will go over and discuss them at the next meeting.
Technology Plan-
  • The trustees discussed the need for a new server and would like to make a field trip to see the ILS server at Bennington’s Library.
  • We are wondering if this would be able to be accessed through the town’s website eventually.
  • Next meeting date: Monday, June 14, 2010
Respectfully Submitted by Molly Moore Lazar