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Library Trustee Minutes 09/14/09
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 14, 2009

I.      Attendance
Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), Ron Haggett(treasurer), Colleen Giffin (Sec.), Kathryn Chisholm, Kara Penny, Lacey Brown,
Molly Moore Lazar

II.     Agenda Approved
III.    Minutes
Minutes of 7/13/09 meeting were approved

IV.     Treasurer's report
Treasurers report: presented and accepted
"       .Ron Haggett has taken over the position as treasurer.
"       Ron presented Nancy's last report as of August 17, 2009
"       As of August 17, our accounts and bills were all up to date.
"       Library has used the allotted money for books from the town budget.
"       Library has received several generous donations from the seasonal residents.
"       As of August 17 we have an estimated balance of  $19,000

V.      Library Director's report
"       Director's report presented and accepted
"       Elevators passed inspection
"       Oil prices have been locked in with Allen& Mathewson Oil Company for the winter at $1.85 gal.
"       Parts of roof needs repair work, have contacted roofing contractor, waiting for information
"       The senior art show was a huge success. Art shows for all ages are in the planning stages for the next coming months. Teen art show being planned for October or November
Director's to do list:
"       Trip to Sam's club for food and supplies for the library for Home and Harvest
"       Look into advertising movie night at the Peterborough Theater for New Moon movie coming in November. Need at least fifty people for Monday night showing.
"       Working on the new Library newsletter. September's newsletter is ready at the library and is also posted on the website. This letter has more details about and what is happening at the library. Working on an e-mail mailing list for newsletter.
"       Working on a 'number of computer users list', this includes wireless users and pc users at the library.
"       Speak to Brian Beihl about getting the bush-covers painted.

VI.     Information items
"       Friends of the Library

1.      Discussion and planning about marching in the parade with the library for Home and Harvest day.
2.      Confirming their table in front of the church for H and H day.
3.      Will also ask their members for donations for the food table at the library.

VII.    Old Business
"       Working out difficulties with the leaky humidifier. Discussion on how to proceed with repairs and  recouping monies for equipment that has been ruined by leaky humidifier.
"       John Kendall and crew will be starting on the portico next Monday September 20.

VIII.   New Business  
"       Open house on Home and Harvest day. Will have a goodie table with food donated from library staff, trustees, and FTL.
"       State library will be using Tuttle library as a classroom for three Thursdays mornings in October and November from 9-noon. Classes will be for librarians working on the library degree. Trustees approved this.
"       Meeting for the library budget with the Selectman is scheduled for Monday November 9th at 6:oopm.
      XI.     Executive Session
"       Discussion about potential new board member

Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees:   Monday October 5, 2009
October meeting will be on the first Monday of the month and the budget will be the main topic of discussion.