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Library Trustee Minutes 05/11/09
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
May 11, 2009
Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Ron Haggett, Colleen Giffin (Sec.), Kathryn Chisholm
Minutes of 4/13/09 meeting were approved. As amended.

Treasurer’s report
Treasurers report: presented and accepted
  • Skywave camera was charged to the wrong account treasurer will work this problem out with the town.
Library Director’s to do list:
Director’s report presented and accepted.
  • Meeting times of the Board of Trustees will be posted at the library
Information items:
  • Library director no longer needs to send employees calendar to the board
  • Friends of the Library want to establish their own bank account
Old Business:
  • Trustees asked to check out other library bi-laws on-line. Check out
  • By-laws will be voted on next month
  • Portico project will be started by John Kendall towards the end of May.
  • Volunteer policy discussed. Vote postponed until June. Director will check with town hall about background checks for volunteers.
New Business
  • Key policy
  • Key policy reviewed and accepted
  • Fall & spring landscaping discussed

Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees:   Monday June 8, 2009