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Library Trustee Minutes 04/13/09
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
April 13, 2009

Present:  Margaret Warner (Chair), Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Ron Haggett, Colleen Giffin, Alexander Snow, Kathryn Chisholm
Guests:  Bob Edwards, John Robinson, Brain Beihl, Kara Penny

Minutes of 3/9/09 meeting were approved as submitted.

Election of Officers:
Margaret Warner- Chairperson
                        Nancy Benda -Treasurer
                        Colleen Giffin- Secretary
New Business:
Review of Library Trust Fund:
Robert Edwards went through trust funds with the library board. The trust funds board anticipate  no material difference in the trust fund for next year. The fund did see a drop, but not very much. Estimated earnings for this year will be around $14,500. Trust keepers feel that the library money is not at risk. The money advice is coming from RBC money management.

Daffodil Days:
  • Brain Beihl reported the Antrim Chamber of Commerce are putting on a Daffodil day. The goal is bringing people into town and to have residents take pride in the community.
  • Several events will be taking place at or in the library:
  • The Governor has been asked to cut the first daffodil. This will take place at 10:00 on the lawn of the library.
  • Two out of four clinics will be taking place at the library. 10:20 Roger Swain, from the PBS program Victory garden will be offering a free clinic on “spring bulb planting and care”. Swain will be speaking in the main room in the library. Make sure Swain is speaking in front of the south window. This speaker should only be speaking for 15- 20 minutes. Have a few extra chairs set-up. May need a table set-up for his book to be displayed on. His books will be for sale. Any questions ask Martha P.
  • Crista Salamy will be holding a “making spring flower baskets for kids”. This clinic should last 20-30 minutes.
  • Brain donated to the library a beautiful daffodil flag that will hang by the street poles.
  • . The library will be offering a coupon for an amnesty day for library materials during the daffodil day. This coupon will be found on the Daffo-deals brochure.
Boy Scouts and Brian Beihl:  Shrub protectors, 12 of them, have been put away in the cellar for the summer. These need to be painted. The protectors will be painted a forest green and we will be asking the summer reading program or the recreation department to have the summer camp kids paint some pictures on them. The teen center may be able to paint on the base coat.

Friends of the Library:
Kara Penny, Interim president of the Friends of the library.
  • Friend of the library will be meeting on Thursday April 16
  • Mother days raffle basket set up in the library.
  • Friends of the library would like to organize a flower drive for the library. The friends of the library are asking people that are buying flowers from Tenney farm or wherever, to donate one plant out of a six pack to the library planter. The person donating the plant can also plant the flowers themselves in the planter if they want to.
  • Member drive will be done during home and harvest.
  • . The fund raising will be low key for the time being due to the economy. The Friends are working on an idea based on The Peoples Service Exchange, to get people to donate their time and particular skills towards a project to help the library.
Treasurers  report: presented and accepted:
  • Treasurer received a $126.00 check from United Way through a member of the community.
  • Only expense for this month is a book expense. A check for $3296.00 for books. $700.00 is left in the town’s book budget.
  • The library has gone over budget with the software budget.
  • The oil expenditure is expected to go way over budget. The problem has been discussed with the town selectmen.
  • Two  bills from Skywave, the fire alarm bills were presented to the board. Bills totaling $3000.00 from August and September. One bill includes extra charges that Skywave is claiming are due to the plumbers destroyed some of the work he had already installed. The plumbers have refuted this point. At this time it was decided that a sit down was needed with John Kendall the contractor, the Skywave installer Scott Talbot, and a library representative to sort out the extra charges.  
  • Skywave submitted  an estimate for the security camera installation.
  • The treasurer has reassured the board that if it ever she became unable to tell us how or where to access the board money, she has a box at her home that would allow the board to gain access to the trustee’s accounts. This box contains passwords and all information that the trustees would need to get to the library money.
  • Treasure passed around a signature card for all of the members to sign for the bank. One copy will go to the bank and one copy will go to the treasurer’s files. The library is staying with Ocean bank.
  • The treasurer’s report was accepted.

Director’s Report to do list :
  • Bennington’s Library Spectrum being toasted was discussed.
  • UNH’s “Little Red Wagon program” requested by Celeste Lunette for the summer reading program. Library trustees approved $200.00 towards this program.
  • Congratulations to Marion Anne Noble-Winchester for winning First place in the 15th Annual Reading Rainbow Young Writers & Illustrators contest, sponsored by PBS and NHPTV.
  • Colleen will be contacting the new owners of the Peterborough theater about to see about some movie trips for books made into movies that are coming this year.
  • PSNH and NHSL are working on a Kill-a-watt program. These devices can be borrowed by patrons so that they may check the efficiency of their home appliances.
Volunteer application program. More discussion in May.
  • The circulation number calendar was passed out.
Director’s report presented and accepted.

Old Business:
  • Portico repair was discussed. John Kendall will be over to work on the portico when he is working at the Grapevine later on in the spring. Portico plans and repairs were discussed. Discussed taping off the portico until it can be repaired. Ideas discussed about book return box.
  • Security cameras were discussed.
  • Trustees asked to check out other library bi-laws on-line. Check out
Next meeting of Library Board of Trustees:   Monday May 11, 2009

Public meeting adjourned

Executive session: Library employee salaries discussion.