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Library Trustee Minutes 12/08/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
December 8, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Kathryn Chisholm (Library Director), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Sandy Snow, and Margaret Warner (Chair)

New Business: Guest Michaela Chelminski discussed a proposal to provide oriental area rugs for the reading reference room on loan from her shop, Tribals, in Peterborough. The idea was suggested by a patron of the library. It was thought that two rugs would be sufficient and a sign would be displayed indicating the origin of the rugs (Tribals). A tentative approval was given to go ahead pending research of the Library’s insurance policy. Michaela estimated between $500-1000 for the value of each rug. Margie will check with the Town Administrator about insurance coverage. Michaela will check her inventory for rugs of complimentary colors for the rooms and will get back to Kathy. She will also write up an agreement for approval by the board of trustees prior to the installation.  

Minutes of the 11/10/2008 meeting were approved with a correction. Correction to the report on the presentation to the CIP for the generator: the new estimate was $10,700 for only the generator not the total estimate. Margie will check with the chair of the CIP to determine if the Library’s proposal will be included in their recommendation for 2009.

Treasurer’s Report:
·       Funds are at budget and Kathy was given permission to go ahead and make an order for new books before the end of the year.
·       Invoice from the cleaning company was received and will be paid from the maintenance budget.
·       The invoice of $1,700 for the installation of the outside lighting will also be paid from the maintenance budget. Kathy reported that there are quite a few interior lights that need to be replaced. She will make arrangements to purchase the lights and to have them installed.
·       It is estimated that at the end of 2008 the trust fund operating balance will be about $10,000.
·       Discussion on the sale of the Ocean Bank branch in Antrim. The Library’s account will remain with Ocean Bank however the location of the bank branch in Peterborough will be an inconvenience. At this point it was decided to not make any changes in bank account.

Director’s Report:
·       See attached.
·       Kathy reported that when minor maintenance issues need to be handled by the town she will contact the Town Administrator to schedule the repairs.
·       The Centennial Celebration banner was removed since it was being torn and tattered from the elements. Kathy will see that the banner is stored at the library.
·       Janet MacLachlan gave her notice for personal reasons. It was decided to give Janet a gift certificate to the Toadstool Bookstore in recognition of her 8 years of service. Kathy will use current subs to cover the Saturday hours for the balance of the year.
·       Kathy reported on the lack of heat that was discovered on Saturday morning. It appears that there was a problem with the mechanism that controls the flow of oil from both tanks. The oil provider has made the necessary repairs and they will adjust the delivery schedule in consideration of the size of the building.  
·       The website has been updated with the most current news to date.
·       The Friends of the Library is becoming an enthusiastic group of interested energetic people. They are taking over sponsoring Patron Appreciation day on December 13.

Old Business:  
·       Sandy reported that the shrubbery coverings to be constructed by the Boy Scouts will be done and installed in a few weeks or by the end of December.
·       Discussion on the revisions to the meeting space policy. Approval was given pending some minor editorial changes.
·       Discussion on reductions to the proposed 2009 library/town budget. The board was advised by the Town Administrator to cap the budget at $130,000. This is an increase of approximately $303 over the 2008 budget although the new addition has increased the size of the building twofold. It was agreed to cap payroll increases to 2%, decrease the book request 20%, decrease maintenance by 5%, and decrease software by 20%. Nancy will send the Town Administrator the new budget.
·       Discussion on personnel coverage of library open hours and the use of substitutes. It was suggested that the library close for 1 or 2 weeks thus requiring mandatory use of vacation time and reducing the use of substitutes. Other suggestions were: limit staff to two people instead of three on Mondays and Wednesdays when the library is open only 4 hours; limit staff to two people instead of three on Fridays when the library is open only 3 hours; use the extra hours to cover Saturdays with regular staff instead of substitutes.

New Business:
·       Discussion on bounced checks: a situation where a patron’s check used to pay fines was bounced from the bank for insufficient funds. The bank charge was $10. It was decided that a policy needs to be written regarding bounced checks and the resulting consequence to patron privileges. This issue will be addressed at the January meeting.
·       Discussion on personnel coverage of the Saturday position that is vacant. Kathy will pursue offering the permanent part-time position to one of the current substitutes. Nancy will notify the Town office of the change in classification pending notification from Kathy.
·       Margie made the suggestion that a gift of portable chairs for programs would be very useful. It was suggested that we approach the president of the Chamber of Commerce since that organization had previously expressed interest in giving a gift to the Library.
·       Connie reminded the Board that her term and Janis’s term expires in 2009.
Next meeting:  January 12, 2009 at 7:30 pm at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary