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Library Trustee Minutes 07/14/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
July 14, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Sandy Snow, Margaret Warner (Chairperson), Kathy Chisholm, Library Director. Guest: Lyman Gilmore, Antrim Historical Society

Minutes of the 6/15/2008 meeting were approved.

Lyman’s Report:
·       Historical Society committed to cleaning, arranging, and organizing the Historical Room for the Centennial celebration on August 16.
·       History of Library to be displayed on the first floor of the Library during the Celebration.
·       Society committed to remove the piano. Library stuff will be removed within the week so that the society can begin work on the room.
·       Indexing is being done on the digitized Antrim Reporter and it will be eventually loaded on the Library server. Demonstration on its use is planned for the centennial.
·       Funding for the digitization came from the Isabel Nichols Fund, Antrim Historical Society, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Treasurer’s Report:
·       Building Fund balance is down to $5,586 and there will be expenses for walkway and stairs.
·       Cleaning service to start maintenance of remodeled building as of August 1. Kathy will call McGurty and arrange a walk-thru and ask for a new estimate.
·       Computer equipment paid out of the general fund. Insurance reimbursement is expected.
·       Town funding is on budget except for the books which has been used in full. The balance of Library funding for books is $4,200. There are surpluses in other expense categories where funding can be moved into the book budget.
·       Centennial celebration expenses expected to be about $2,000.
·       Trust funds deposit is expected by the end of July.   
·       Nancy will contact the copier people to postpone delivery of the new copier until we hear from the insurance company.
·       Cash register reconciliation was exact to the penny.
·       Discussion on the annual report to the state. It was decided that the Library Director will fill out the annual report to the state including funds which are available in the Treasurer’s annual report to the town.
·       Treasurer’s report accepted.

Director’s Report:
·       Question on installation of the shades for the renovated building. Although the shades are of a different style, Terry Cutter will install them on Thursday.
·       It was decided that the windows would be washed by Rick Seavey.
·       Problem with door in lower level stack room—situation where a patron used it to leave the building and it was left open. Discussion on installation of security system. Nancy will contact John Kendall.
·       Kathy would like to reopen the renovated building on July 21. Question on biography and oversize books. Discussion on the use of the lower level archive room and what will be shelved in the renovated area to be postponed for the next meeting.
·       Discussion on marc records and automated catalog. Questions on creating sub categories within Fiction (mystery, historical, science fiction) and Juvenile (fiction and non-fiction) to better track circulation and compare to acquisitions.
·       Project LIFT is interested in using the Library again for their literacy program.
·       Discussion on process for ordering books. Sandy will set up an Excel spreadsheet for Kathy to use. The purpose would be to create a source for a comparison between circulation and books purchased, track back orders, plus other information as requested by the trustees.
·       Trustees requested that Kathy send her monthly report as an attachment in MSWord. Same request for the library article for the Limrik.  

Old Business:  
·       Computer update letter from Allan Treadwell to be discussed in detail during the budget process in the fall: $2,000 replacement in 2009 and $2,000 contingency replacement in 2009.
·       Discussion on PAC usage. Connie will compile Jan – June statistics for the next meeting. Kathy mentioned an equipment management program available as a module as part of the automation systems that can be used to schedule the PAC.

New Business:
·       Review of Library policy to be scheduled for future meetings starting with September.
·       If the air conditioning and safety/security systems are installed and the building inspector approves occupancy, then Kathy can open on July 21.
·       Brief discussion on landscaping. UNH expert recommended drastic trimming of arborvitae trees next to war memorial and bushes in front of the windows. Need professional service to do this work. Sandy will contact Robblee Tree Service.
·       Discussion on cleaning and finishing upstairs staff room. Estimate of $500 for pre-fabricated cabinets for sink plus additional for installation. Nancy will talk to John Kendall.
·       Discussion on the temperature settings of the air conditioning. The system has been pre-set to 68° which is too cold and too costly. Kathy will discuss with the plumbers.
·       Centennial Celebration. Connie has compiled a list of former employees to send personal invitations and a list of former trustees and members of the planning committee and building committee. Discussion of named donations lists. It was decided that we would display a plaque containing all named donations because of the possibility that some of the donations such as furniture would be disposed of in future years and the named donation would be lost. There will also be three plaques with lists of: Benefactors, Sponsors, and Supporters.
·       Connie made a motion that the new Children’s room be named in honor of Clara E. Pratt. The motion carried in the affirmative. A plaque will be ordered to go over the door.
·       Margie has proposed that the library host the Regional Trustees meeting on Sept 17.
·       Staff evaluations are available for Trustee review. They can be picked up at the Library in the staff room trustee mail box.       

Next meeting:  August 11, 2008 at 7:30 PM at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary