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Library Trustee Minutes 04/14/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
April 14, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Alexander (Sandy) Snow, Margaret Warner (Co-Chair), and Kathy Chisholm (Library Director).

Minutes of the 3/10/2008 meeting were amended by Connie as follows:
Old Business: bulleted item #3: “…anyone making changes to the computers without permission from the staff will be subject to RSA 202-A:24 Offenses Against Libraries…”. Remove the phrase “without permission from the staff”.
It should read: “…anyone making changes to the computers will be subject to RSA 202-A:24 Offenses Against Libraries…”
The minutes were accepted as amended.
        A welcome was extended to Sandy Snow, newly elected member of the board. Election of officers was completed as follows: Margie Warner–Chair; Nancy Benda–Treasurer; Connie Kirwin–Secretary.
Treasurers Report:
·       Nancy updated the board on progress with the cash register. The procedure for the cash register worked very well during the month of March. Daily reconciliation is being done and an end of month balance will be performed so that income for a complete month will be reported at each trustee meeting. Kathy has been reconciling end of day when she is available. She is also working on learning how to use the cash register.
·       Four wing chairs for the renovated library have been ordered at Cutter Furniture and Flooring.
·       Terry Cutter at Cutter Furniture and Flooring has donated two coffee tables and four end tables.
·       Planning needs to be done on the named gifts plaques.    
Directors Report:
·       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting.
·       Three of the five staff members are ill with the flu. Coverage has been a challenge but the Library has remained open.
·       The board authorized Kathy to purchase the phone system that she recommended from Staples.
·       The furniture for the renovated addition has been ordered with the exception of the electrified table which is a discontinued item. Kathy has asked the vendor to check their warehouse for one.
·       Margie and Kathy gave an update on the Library Automation Systems vendor day that they attended on April 1. The state library is continuing their research with hopes for a volume discount if possible. The Nubanusit Co-op to which Antrim belongs has about 30 members and there is also discussion about a volume discount. The Follett Company representative said that there would not be any new development or improvement to the current Spectrum system but they would support the software for another year.    

Old Business:
·       The board discussed public access computer usage statistics. The two computers assigned specifically for public use were used 44% of the time that the library was open. The consensus was that two computers were sufficient for the present.
·       Evaluation forms: Margie and Connie volunteered to be a sub-committee to work on revising the evaluation forms for board approval.
·       Highlights of the Review of Staff Goals:
        Virginia is working on a system for archiving periodicals. She is also compiling a list of classic books and will create an “Adopt a Classic” fundraising program. She is on the landscaping committee, a cooperative effort of the Library, The Grapevine, and the Conservation Commission for a plan for the entire Library-Grapevine/Aiken Barn campus. She had researched a Friends Group which is on hold pending follow-up by the Trustees. Janis volunteered to research the legal requirements of non-profit status of a Friends Group.
        Kathy will have a finalized staff schedule to present at the May meeting. She is researching the application for an IMLIS grant to begin digitizing historical resources. Kathy is working on the timeline on the history of the Library and is about a third completed. She will continue to work with Margie on Library Automation Systems. Kathy will work with the Board on the Grand Opening and Centennial celebration of the Library this year.
        We will review Melissa and Kristin’s goals at the May meeting.
·        Changes to the Personnel Policy were discussed. A comparative chart was presented by Janis and each item was deliberated and voted on. The question of tuition reimbursement came up and it was determined that this policy is in the Library Policy manual. Janis will complete the updates for the next meeting.
New Business:
·       The board received a letter of apology from the editor of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript for the error published March 20th in an article about a Bennington Library Trustee. The tag line incorrectly identified the location as Antrim and the continuation headline was incorrectly written as “Former Antrim Library trustee charged.”
·       A definite date for the Library’s Centennial Celebration must be decided by the May meeting. It was agreed that mid-August was probably the best time with suggestions for Saturday Aug 16 or Sunday August 17.    
·       The trustees were notified by Bill Prokop that the July Antrim Advisor newsletter will feature the Library’s 100th anniversary plans. The deadline is July 10. The Centennial plans also need to be published in the June issue of the Limrik. That deadline is May 15th.
·       We were advised by John Kendall that we can plan on moving into the renovated building by the end of May. The sprinkler systems and other plumbing systems are almost completed and the floors will be refinished the last week of May.
·       It was noted that a meeting with Allan Treadwell on the computer systems needs to be scheduled.
Next meeting: May 12, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary