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Library Trustee Minutes 02/11/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
February 11, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Sheila Proctor and Margaret Warner (Co-Chairs).

Minutes of the 1/14/2008 meeting were approved with a correction to 4th bulleted item in New Business on page 2.
“…a computer with access to only the Spectrum Circulation…”
should read:
“…a computer with access to only the Spectrum Catalog…”.  

Treasurers Report:
·       The Library has received $1,000 in donations to the Ellie Lane fund.
·       Nancy will be meeting with Bill Prokop, John Kendall, and Ron Haggett on February 19th to review building expenses to date. She will report at the March meeting.
Directors Report:
·       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting and in her absence Margie reviewed the additional reports that were attached.
·       Trustees were asked to review the updated 2007 staff goals and 2008 staff goals and differentiate which are specific to the job description and which are actually goals. It was decided that discussion on goals will be held at the March meeting
Old Business:
·       A list of tasks and work projects to fill in down-time when the library is not busy with patrons was prepared by Kathy however it was decided that discussion will be held at the March meeting.
·       Discussion of the changes to the evaluation form will be held at the March meeting. Connie will e-mail the revised forms to all Trustees.
·       The Town has revised the Personnel Policy and Janis presented an evaluation of the differences in the Library Personnel Policy. The Trustees will review them and discussion will be held at the March meeting.
Executive Session:
·       A motion was made by Nancy Benda to go to Executive Session to discuss personnel issue and to permanently seal the minutes.
·       The motion was seconded by Janis King and approved unanimously by all Trustees present.
·       A motion was made by Sheila Proctor to resume Public Session. The motion was seconded by Margie Warner and approved unanimously by all Trustees present.
New Business:
·       Nancy will ask Allan Treadwell to compile a computer equipment replacement schedule.
·       Kathy had forwarded a list of furniture that needs to be purchased for the remodeled building. It was decided that the list will be discussed at the March meeting.
·       Nancy showed a photo display page of a classically styled desk that would be an attractive addition to the remodeled building. She will send it to John Robertson who had asked for ideas along with estimated costs that he can present to the Chamber of Commerce for consideration for a donation.
·       Margie notified the board of the regional Trustee meeting that will be at the Greenfield Library on Friday February 22. She is planning to attend and will ask if anyone has information about forming a Friends of the Library group that they could share.
·       The NH State Library is hosting a library automation systems demonstration on April 1 in Concord. Margie and Kathy are planning to attend.
·       Margie reported that it was determined that the leak problems over the circulation desk in the new addition are a plumbing situation that has been repaired.

Next meeting: March 10, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary