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Conservation Commission Minutes 6/22/2005
Antrim Conservation Commission Notes:           
Meeting: June 22, 2005 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by:
Peter Beblowski, Melissa Chapman, Pat Webber and Rod Zwirner
Absent: Peter Moore, Linda Bryer and Chris Stephenson                           


1.      The Campbell Pond Easement was briefly discussed. New revised easement provided and passed on to MC.  Things continue to move forward slowly.  Melissa & Peter to finish GPS survey, July 2 (tentative).  

2.      Meadow Marsh Land   Rod to talk with Clark Craig about refrig. pick up.

3.      West Street/Gould property still do not have draft P&S for property.  

4.      Schnare/ Mighty Oaks- Monadnock Conservancy (MC) accepted 16 acre easement.

5.      MC meeting, Rod attended and gave a report.

6.      Master Plan being revised. PLB to send present conservation section.

7.      Center Property to be mowed late July early August.

8.      PLB to set up a meeting with the Selectmen to discuss the Campbell Pond easement.

9.      Next Hike: Campbell Pond Hike:  to finish survey.  
10.     Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.  Rod went out last month & today.  

11.     Peter B contacted  B Prokop about formal walking easement into Campbell Pond.  Letter sent still awaiting response.

12.     Open Space Committee a). Report from Melissa public meeting went well.  

13.     Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Boucher  Application -
ii.     Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.????
iii.    Knapton Subdivision -pending
iv.     Zebrwitz (Pierce Lake Area) pending.
14.     Bruce Edes Forest still pending.

15.     Commission voted to send $50 to the Endangered/Non game Wildlife Program. PB to forward to Town Administrator.

16.      Area Hikes, Lectures & Other Activities:

"       June 24, Forest Frogs & Salamanders 7-8 pm Audubon Manchester

"       June 25, Bird Habitat Stewardship Canaan, NH  NE Wildflower Society

"       June 25,  Working Your Woodlot Urban Forestry Center 9-4 Portsmouth

"       June 25, Stonefly Id at Harris Center 9- noon.

"       July 8 Butterfly ID at Brentwood $60-

"       July 9, Grasslands 9-3 Free, NE Wildflower Society.

"       July 10, Lessons of the Loon, 10-4, Harris Center

"       July 10, 10-2 Kayak & Canoe, Cabot Preserve, Harris Center

"       July 14, 10-3, Harris Center Hike.

"       July 28, 8-3 Fern Id at Fox Forest $85-.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 7 PM at Town Hall.