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Conservation Commission Minutes 3/16/2005
Antrim Conservation Commission Notes:           
Meeting: March 16, 2005 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by:
Peter Beblowski, Rod Zwirner, Linda Bryer and Chris Stephenson
Absent: Melissa Chapman, Pat Webber and Peter Moore                                     

1.      January Meeting notes accepted by attendees.

2.      Annual Report forwarded to the NH Association of Conservation Commissions by PB.

3.      The Campbell Pond Easement was briefly discussed. Things continue to move forward slowly.  Melissa & Peter to finish GPS survey when weather moderates.  Date(s) to be set, hopefully before end of March . PB sent easement comments to Kristen Grubbs MC land manager during first week of March.  

4.      Meadow Marsh Land   Rod to start developing a plan for the Meadow Marsh Land. Rod working on new trail guide.  Trail was snow-shoed last week by Rod.  Refrigerator & other solid waste to be picked up by Town in the spring.

5.      West Street/Gould property proposal passed at Town meeting. The Public Information meeting February 22 went well.  Thank you to all who attended.

6.      Conservation Award was not given this year.  Thanks to Linda B for bringing the award down to Town Hall for public display.

7.      Next Hike: Campbell Pond Hike.  Pending date & time to be determined upon availability.  
8.      Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.    

9.      Peter B to contact B Prokop about setting a meeting up with the Lauber's regarding formal walking easement into Campbell Pond.  This has been done.  Mr. Lauber attended the OSP Committee meeting 2/15/05

10.     Open Space Committee a). Report from Melissa last meeting went well.  

11.     Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Boucher  Application - Bounced back by Wetlands Bureau 10/13/04
ii.     Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.????
iii.    Knapton Subdivision -NHDES letter allows for extension of deadline on providing info on how logging impacts will be fixed?  Info due on or before February 25, 2005.
iv.     Zebrwitz (Pierce Lake Area) permit app. discussed and letter sent Feb. 2?   According to photos provided, bank appears incredibly stable.  Some undercutting is ongoing but shore vegetation holding together well.  We do not see the need for riprap! It is overkill.  Letter to be sent to NHDES to request additional scrutiny of this application.      
v.      Zsofka ltr discussed.

12.     Bruce Edes Forest still pending. Brian Beihl of Antrim- Bennington Boy Scouts contacted Bennington CC, John Manley.  BCC glad for ACC interest, however, some administrative loose ends need to be tied up before it moves forward.  CS to keep in touch after March Town meeting, to see how we may help project.

13.     Commission received an invoice for $20  from the Contoocook & North Branch River LAC. PB forwarded to Town Administrator.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at 7 PM at Town Hall.