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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/17/04
Antrim Conservation Commission          
Meeting: November 17, 2004 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by: Peter Beblowski, Melissa Chapman, and Pat Webber, Bill Prokop, John Doughty, Chris Danforth, Gail Rochford, Burt & Jane Lauber.
Absent: Rod Zwirner Linda Bryer, and Peter Moore                                     

1.      June and October Meeting notes accepted by attendees.

2.      Member Info:
Melissa has been sworn in for new term

3.      NHACC mtg on November 6 was attended by Rod & PB.  PB purchased 2 new eds of the CC Manual. One copy given to Melissa.

4.      The Campbell Pond easement was briefly discussed. Things continue to move forward slowly.  Melissa & Peter initiated GPS survey.  Data looks good, however, there are some difficulty layering it onto air photos. Need member response on recent draft easement from Monadnock Conservency  (MC).  Town attorney has responded. PB to contact MC.

5.      Meadow Marsh Land Hike was a success.  Rod to start developing a plan for the Meadow Marsh Land.

6.      Discussed ZBA/ Zsofka subdivision letter and need to formulate a formal policy on Special Exception (SE) requests.  After some discussion, it was decided that the ACC would adopt an avoidance policy first if possible and draft a Natural Resource Benefit Policy (NRBP). This Policy will take into account: utilization of property (<40% of max. density), added buffer zone enlargement, perm. Conservation Easements (CE) as positive project impacts to offset proposed wetland/buffer impacts. Other Green Project amendments may be substituted on a project by project basis. The basis for these policies are RSA 36-A:2 which indicates that CC are established for the proper utilization and protection of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources.  

7.      Schnare Proposal discussion: John Doughty and his wetland scientist discussed the project.  They were told of the above draft NRBP adopted by the CC.  Doughty was representing T. Schnare. PB had visited the site on 11/14 and was of the opinion that the wetland comprising the beaver pond and environs was an important resource to be protected. Following discussion of several drainage details, it was agreed that as much as 37 acres might be placed in CE pending MC or other Land Trust approval.  It was agreed in principle that a CE was to be formulated and the CC would speak in favor of the wetland/ buffer crossings and the approval would be subject to acceptance and execution of the CE.

8.      Lauber Proposal discussion: Gail Rochford of Doughty Surveying presented the proposal.  Following discussion of the NRBP, Ms. Rochford suggested a CE comprising the pond or a portion of one lot abutting the Bernstein/Bartlett property.  At this time, it was brought up that the Town would like a formal walking easement in to the Campbell Pond property.  The Laubers were positive that could be worked out in further discussions. It was left that PB would get in touch with them real soon to work out the details.  It was agreed in principle that a CE was to be formulated and the CC would speak in favor of the wetland/ buffer crossings and the approval would be subject to acceptance and execution of the CE.   

9.      Next Hike: Lily Pond/Meetinghouse Hill Trail Hike: Pending date & time to be determined upon availability.   
10.     Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.    Peter B to contact the Lauber’s.

11.     Open Space Committee  a). Ltr sent 11/11 to C Levesque.
b) Town Coarse Filter Maps from F&G were received Oct 5.  Passed maps and data CD on to Melissa. PB sent thank you note to F&G 11/8/04.

12.     2005 Budget was briefly discussed.  Submit flat budget from 2004.

13.     Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Boucher  Application – Bounced back by Wetlands Bureau 10/13/04
ii.     Harriman Excavation Expansion – Pending.
iii.    Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.
iv.     Knapton Subdivision Pending  On 10/13/04 NHDES requested additional work & submission. Ltr requested by Planning Board sent 11/16/04
v.      Ted Olsen pending.
vi.     Zsofka ZBA hearing Oct 26.  Public Hearing & Special Exception request discussed.  Ltr formulated & sent 10/26/04.

14.     Rod emailed on Monday and asked if we could discuss cooperating with the Town of Bennington and Troop #2 with building a trail in Bennington’s new Town Forest because there is a move to name the forest after Bruce Edes. All members voted to move it forward. PB contacted Brian Beihl in advance of the vote.
15.     Workshops & Other Activities:
q       Nov.19 9-3 at Fox State Forest, Inventorying and Monitoring Wildlife on Your Land.

q       Dec. 11 Harris Center Hike - Bald Mountain Summit - and sunny south side with return via Tamposi Trail. Great wildlife sign especially if snow flies early. Meet leaders Meade Cadot, Dwayne Denehy and Eric Masterson at 9:30 am at the parking lot at the end of Willard Pond Road (off Route 123, Hancock). Ends at 1:30 pm.

16.     Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 7PM at Town Hall.