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Meeting Minutes 11/03/2006
November 3, 2006


Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William F. Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos

7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Treasurer, Catherine Hasbrouck: Tim Mc Intyre, Public Works Supt.; Larry Adams, Jr. DPW; Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Commissioner Anthony Salerno;  Dan Madison, Chief AFD; Paul Miller, Elected Chief AFD; Members of AFD; Approximately 20 guests.

Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trustee Whalen reported that the Comprehensive draft plan is finalized and passed on to Board members for review. Trustee Whalen extends appreciation to the committee for their diligence and hard work. The next two steps include an informal meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7 pm on Nov 21, followed by a Public Hearing at the December 5, 2006 meeting. Additional required procedures will continue following the formal adoption of the plan by the Board of Trustees.

Keith Lee, Co-Chairman, Maple Avenue Park, reported that the pad for the shelter is poured and the supports for the columns are in and should be completed by the end of the month. Mr. Lee thanks Mike La Mountain for the donation of 10 blue spruce trees and Mayor Gaughan for the donation of 500 daffodil bulbs.

Mayor Gaughan reported from the engineer’s structural assessment of the Crounse house. The report indicates that the house is sound but the barns are of no structural value. In this light, the out buildings have been secured. The Mayor proposes that the next step is to discuss and prepare a space use report for the Crounse house prior to the pursuit of an appointed committee who will determine rehabilitation procedures and cost based on the use study report.  The Town of Guilderland will participate in the process. The Office of Aging approved a request for a senior recreation/activity type grant in the amount of $2,050. A formal applicant for a large grant on behalf of the Altamont Library for renovations to the train station was not successful. A meeting with the contact person at NYSDOT is planned to obtain a debriefing as to why we did not receive the grant. The Police Department received a U.S. Department of Justice Grant for bullet proof vests in the amount of $2800.

Trustee Vlahos requested a consideration for preserving worthwhile timbers or reusable beams from the Crounse property outbuildings.

Daniel Madison, outgoing Chief of the Altamont Fire Department thanked the board, Catherine Hasbrouck, Jean La Crosse and Tim McIntyre for their cooperation over this past two years as well as three years with the previous administration. Chief Madison received a standing ovation as well as thanks and congratulations from the Mayor and members of the Board. Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried offering thanks and appreciation to AFD Chief Daniel Madison. All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to accept the Treasurer Report of November 2006. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried approving the following slate of officers for the Altamont Fire Department: Paul Miller, Chief; Mark Wertman, 1st Assistant Chief; Robert White, 2nd Assistant Chief per vote of the Firemen on Monday, November 6, 2006.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen approving the request of Tony Kossmann, President Altamont Free Library President, to conduct the “Library Lights” program at the Orsini Park Gazebo during the December holidays. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to approve board minutes for September 2006 and October 2006 as presented. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to conduct a feasibility study of space use of the Crounse property’s primary structure. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to hold Board Meeting on November 21, 2006 at 7 pm in the Community Room for the purpose of discussing the Draft Comprehensive Plan prior to a Public Hearing. Roll Call: all in favor


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to hold a Public Hearing on December 5, 2006 at 8 pm to consider the Draft Comprehensive Plan. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to approve the purchase of a new Kubota front end mower from Randall Implement Company, Latham, NY with low bid of $21,136 to replace 1987 Toro per recommendation of Timothy McIntyre. Item is budgeted in this fiscal year. Roll Call: All in favor

Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to accept letter of resignation from Daniel Mosbey, Public Works Laborer, effective October 26, 2006 due to personal reasons.

Roll Call: All in favor

There was a discussion regarding the Police Standard Operating Procedures and recent articles in the Altamont Enterprise. Trustee Vlahos will meet with Trustee Dineen and Commissioner Salerno to discuss issues raised by Trustee Vlahos.

Mr. Gizzi, who previously submitted a letter to the Board requesting water for his property at 6396 Gun Club Road, approached the board requesting an exception. Mr. Gizzi’s new home construction is approaching completion and water from a newly dug well will not pass health regulations.  The Mayor reminded Mr. Gizzi of the Village’s position on granting water at this time as outlined in the Mayor’s written response to Mr. Gizzi’s request in October 2006. Trustee Vlahos asks if the Board, as a matter of procedure, should vote on the issue. Attorney Roemer suggests that, considering the current moratorium and a previous denial to another non-resident, a resolution is not necessary. However, if the Board desires to change the policy then a vote would be in order.

Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to adjourn at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jean La Crosse

illage Clerk