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Meeting Minutes 03/07/2006
March 7, 2006


Mayor James M. Gaughan
Trustee William Aylward
Trustee Kerry Dineen
Trustee Dean Whalen
Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos

7:30 pm

Attending: Attorney, E. Guy Roemer; Clerk, Jean La Crosse; Treasurer, Catherine Hasbrouck; Supt. Public Works, Timothy J. McIntyre; Chief AFD, Daniel Madison; Building Inspector, Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; DPW, Larry Adams, Jr.; Commissioner Salerno; Altamont Part-time Police Officers:  Justice Rebecca Hout; Approximately 50 guests.

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed village residents and guests.

Trustee Whalen reported that the Master Planning Committee is entrenched in gathering base information such as general history, cultural resources, demographics, infrastructure and emergency services. Kristen Casey is finalizing the community wide comprehensive survey that will be available on paper as well as online the third week in March. The first community workshop will be held Saturday April 8 during morning hours. The committee will create a web page for scheduling information on the survey as well as future meetings and minutes of the Comprehensive Planning Committee.

Trustee Dineen reported on the welcome packets. Kelly Best, Office Assistant, designed a pamphlet that is available to the public.  Jane Schram, Chamber of Commerce Director, addressed the Board of Trustees with plans for partnering with Altamont businesses to kick off a series of unusual activities commencing with a “pignic” in Orsini Park on June 29. The Pigtacular, sponsored by the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce, includes an opportunity for businesses and organizations to purchase life size porcelain pigs ready for adorning. Other communities, including Saratoga, NY and Bennington, VT., have sponsored similar events.  The June 29th Altamont festivities will include food, entertainment and festivities for community participation. The “pigs” will be on display in Altamont and some of the collection will be moved to other locations throughout Guilderland. The final event will be held in October by way of an auction of the decorated pigs with the proceeds donated to charities. Additional information is available at The theme and festivities will continue throughout the summer.

Mayor Gaughan reports that last fall Trustee Aylward expressed concerns to the Board of Trustees regarding conditions surrounding hurricane Katrina and other catastrophes that bring wide spread economic burdens particularly on our senior population. As a result the Village addressed the issue in several ways including the publication of a “Watching Out For Each Other” brochure prepared by village resident and Community Caregiver’s volunteer, Mary Neumann. The brochure has been distributed by permission of the Guilderland School District through the Altamont Elementary School as well as to senior organizations, apartments, the library and other public places. Mayor Gaughan recognizes Ms. Neumann for her contribution to this project.  The Mayor reported that the Governor’s office responded to an invitation to attend a  ribbon cutting and celebration to officially express our appreciation for the state’s funding of the Main Street and Maple Avenue reconstruction. The Governor assigned Commissioner of Transportation, Thomas Robinson, to attend the event. A date will be selected for later this spring.  The Village of Altamont will partner with the Town of Guilderland for the purchase of property known as the Dr. Frederick Crounse property at 759 Rt. 146. (Altamont’s first doctor). Albany County legislature will consider the request on Monday, March 13, 2006. With their consent the Village of Altamont and Town of Guilderland will purchase the property for $40,756.  The resolution, read by Trustee Aylward, is attached to the Board Minutes.

The Mayor reports that the property and buildings will be evaluated and a committee formed to explore future use.  In response to a public question, Mayor Gaughan states that there is no plan at this time to conduct a search for water on this property.


Chief Madison, Altamont Fire Department, reports that he will confer with Tim McIntyre and Jean La Crosse on the newly installed security system that will be in operation in approximately two weeks. The Fireman’s Ball held on Saturday, March 4 included 160 guests. The Mayor congratulated Chief Madison and the department for the successful annual event.


Tim McIntyre reported that meter readings are taking place during this month for the April 1, 2006 billing.


Commissioner Salerno presented the monthly police report. The department will be conducting the CHILD ID PROGRAM on March 25, 2006 in conjunction with New York Amber alert and the NYS DCJC Missing Child alert program. Officer Patrick Thomas and Officer Joshua Davenport met with Cub Scouts Pack 48.  Betty Mahoney received an Appreciation Certificate

in honor of the establishment of the William Mahoney Registry for individuals with specific illnesses. The registry will provide useful information to the police department in offering needed help should the occasion arise. Commissioner Salerno introduced Village Justice, Rebecca Morse Hout, and commended her for assistance with community youth.  Lance Durham, an area youth who sustained serious injuries requiring surgeries and critical care, was commended by the Commissioner and Judge Hout for his determination and persistence to move forward. Captain Matt Campbell, Albany County Sheriff, received a certificate for assisting the Village Police Department for major events. Additional Certificates were presented to Court Officer Maurice McCormick, Training Officer/bike patrol, Kenneth Lebel Jr. and Officer Walter Pajak long time Village employee. Altamont’s part-time officers introduced family members who were present at the meeting.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to accept the Treasurer’s report at presented. Roll Call: All in favor.


During public comment time Teri Gockley, Altamont resident and Guilderland High School teacher, presented a series of events surrounding a teenage party at her home and her son’s involvement with the Altamont and Guilderland Police Department, specifically Commissioner Salerno. Ms. Gockley asks that the Mayor and Board of Trustees look into her situation. Mayor Gaughan thanked Ms. Gockley for approaching the Board and asked that she complete an official complaint form for review by the Trustees


Mike Jacobson expressed concern regarding support for local businesses, precisely gasoline for village vehicles now purchased outside of the Village.  The Mayor confirmed that recently there was a decision to purchase gas from the Town of Guilderland due to the increasing fuel costs. Supt. McIntyre spoke to Sally Ketchum to explain our situation and ask for an arrangement with their local business in order to keep our current account. No adjustment could be made and since there was close to $1.00 per gallon difference a decision was made to purchase the gas through an inter-municipal agreement with Guilderland.


The Mayor referred a Planning Board project to the Board for sidewalk and driveway review. The Planning Board conducted a Public Hearing on February 9, 2006 for a site plan review at the request of developer Troy Miller for the construction of a senior housing project at 119 Park Street, Tax Map #37.18-6-21. Issues addressed were landscaping, location of parking, architecture, flood plan, snow removal and sidewalks. The Planning Board approved the site plan as submitted with minor revisions.   Previously, the Village, by local law, rezoned this property and included a requirement that the Village Board review the following: 1) access from public streets; and 2) necessity of sidewalks. Mr. Miller’s proposal includes the following particulars: 16,000 sq. ft lot; 8 senior complex fronting Park Street; and landscaped islands to buffer the impact of 8-10 parked cars. The Planning Board, village residents and neighbors offered supported for the project.


Tim McIntyre addressed the sidewalk issue.  The proposed 100’ sidewalk is not necessary due to the ongoing Master Planning that will include a proposal to reconstruct sidewalks and infrastructure on older village streets including Park. When reconstructed any existing sidewalk will be destroyed. Mr. McIntyre suggests, as a temporary situation, landscaping

be completed along with a crushed run base. Asphalt would also be an option. Trustee Whalen and Trustee Vlahos researched other solutions for parking and concluded that Mr. Miller has addressed the situation with the most favorable options for parking and landscaping. Mr. Cropsey added that the developer plans to install a brick or cobblestone look stamped concrete.


Linda Cure commented that if a sidewalk does not go in she prefers landscaping opposed to asphalt.


Trustee Whalen made a motion to approve the site plans referred by the Planning Board for a Senior Housing Complex at 119 Park Street, as required for a review of driveways and sidewalks. The Board recommends that a temporary hard pavement such as asphalt be installed in lieu of a sidewalk pending the future reconstruction of infrastructure and sidewalks by the Department of Public Works. Trustee Dineen seconded the motion. Roll Call: All in favor.


The Board clarified the recommendation at Mr. Miller’s request. The hard pavement will be constructed to connect the complex parking lot to the main street.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried authorizing the destruction of the following records retained in the Village Office beyond the required 6 years under New York State Laws and Regulations relevant to Local Government Records Section 57-A, Schedule MU-1, Fiscal Banking and Investing Section 1(263), Section 2.(264), Section 3. (265) General Account check stubs #5540 - #6385 (5/93 –5/97); T & A account check stubs #2282 – 2893 (5/93 – 10/96); General Account checks (5/93 – 5/97); T and A checks #2469 - #5501 (11/93 – 12/98); General Account check stubs #1481 - #1948 (6/88 – 12/90);

T & A checks #67319 - #2394 (7/85 – 1/94); General Account checks #4179 - #2568 (6/85 – 94). Village Historian will review and retain any records based on archival worthiness.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to conduct Budget Workshops in Village Board/Court Room on March 21, 2006 commencing at 6:30 pm.

All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to conduct the

Organization Meeting on April 4, 2006 in Community Room at 7:30 pm.  All in favor


Trustee Vlahos made motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to conduct the Budget Public Hearing on April 4, 2006 in Community Room at 8:00 pm. All in favor



The Clerk read the Legal Notices for the following Public Hearings:


Public Hearing on the question of Local Law # 1- 2006, amending Local Law #2- 2003, by

granting an increase from $29,000 to $32,400 in partial tax exemption for real property owned

by senior citizens 65 years of age or older in accordance with the provisions of Real Property

Tax Law Section 467.


Public Hearing on the question of Local Law #2-2006, amending Local Law 2001, by increasing the exemption limits for Alternative Veterans exemption with maximum limits as follows: Year 2006: Wartime $27,000; Combat Zone $45,000; Disability $90,000; Year 2007 Wartime $36,000; Combat Zone $60,000; Disability $120,000 per section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.


Trustee Vlahos inquired about eligibility for duel Veteran’s exemptions such as combat and disabled. Clerk responded that if eligible the individual receives both.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to close the Public Hearing. All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve Local Law #1-2006 amending Local Law #2-2003 by granting an increase from $29,000 to $32,400 in partial tax exemption for real property owned by senior citizens 65 years of age or older in accordance with the provisions of Real Property Tax Law Section 467. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve Local Law #1-2006 amending Local Law 2001, by increasing the exemption limits for Alternative Veterans exemption with maximum limits as follows: Year 2006: Wartime $27,000; Combat Zone $45,000; Disability $90,000; Year 2007 Wartime $36,000; Combat Zone $60,000; Disability $120,000 per section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Mayor Gaughan continued the Public Hearing to consider Local Law #3 amending Local Law #1- 2003 ‘Water System Rules & Regulations” to include a $2,500 benefit assessment fee per unit on new inside and outside water connections to the Village lines.


Trustee Dineen gave an overview of the past month’s review by the committee, comprised of Supt. Public Works Timothy McIntyre, Trustee Dineen and Mayor Gaughan. Items considered were: comments from the February 7, 2006 Public Hearing, letters to the Board and other facts.

The committee considered numerous formulas and concluded that the figure of a $2,500 benefit assessment fee with alternate considerations for multiple dwellings and businesses is fair.


Kate Provencher thanked the Board, particularly Trustee Dineen and Supt. McIntyre, for this positive step in mitigating the cost of water for Village tax payers. Ms. Provencher mentions concerns that have been raised by citizens in the community and letters to the Enterprise over the Benefit Assessment proposed by the Board. Recent efforts to reduce taxes for seniors and veterans as well as the cost of those who conserve and use less water assist individuals who want to stay in their homes. Ms. Provencher states that it is important to remember that developers take on a project with their interests in mind as well as the interests of those that they are serving. The project that is outside the Village, although it creates an infrastructure, it does not benefit the Village.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to close the Public Hearing. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Vlahos asked if there is a projection of generated income from the fee.


Trustee Dineen states that of the projects we are aware of the estimate is $140,000 or 10% of the projects.


Trustee Vlahos inquired about 450’ of the proposed project route that is inside the Village.


Mayor Gaughan states that the engineers projected the costs for different routes.


Trustee Aylward asked about the term “Benefit Assessment”.


Trustee Dineen states that the term “Benefit Assessment” can be borne either by the community as a whole or by the individuals whose real property deems as benefited by the improvement. You can use it in different ways. A “Special”or “Benefit” assessment can be used interchangeably. Often “Capital Charge” is used as a description.


Trustee Vlahos asks if this applies to Troy Miller’s project.


Trustee Dineen answers, “Yes”.


Trustee Whalen and Mayor Gaughan expressed comfort with the proposal after processing information gathered from the Public Hearings and review of the potential benefit in mitigating tax burdens for village residents.


Trustee Dineen made a motion to amend Local Law amending Local Law #1-2003 “Water System Rules & Regulations” to include a $2,500 fee per unit on new inside and outside water connections to the Village lines as follows:



During or prior to construction of any real property inside or outside the Village which requires the installation of a new service connection to the Village water system, or to mains served by the village water system, the person or legal entity so requesting and/or installing such new service connection may connect to the Village water system only after making application to the village and paying a benefit assessment as hereinafter prescribed.  Funds received from the new connection shall be placed in an account designated for the purposes of paying the cost of capital improvement of the water system, and for no other purpose.


For a new service connection to the water system, a fee of $2500.00 per unit for all new water service connections inside and outside of the village limits shall be paid. A “unit” as described in Section RULES AND REGULATIONS – SERVICE CONNECTIONS of Local Law # 3-2006 for purposes of capital charge only and is defined as follows:


Single Family home – 1 Unit


Multi-family dwelling with 1 or 2 Bedrooms per dwelling = 1/3 unit per dwelling.


Multi-family dwelling with 3 or more bedrooms per dwelling – 1 unit per dwelling.


Subsidized Housing – 1/8th unit per dwelling. Subsidized as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Commercial/Institutional = 1 Unit per 200 gallons per day of water usage. Water usage shall be based on usage estimates approved by the village and shall be rounded up to the next whole unit.


Multi-family dwellings, Subsidized housing and Commercial/Institutional connections shall be assessed at a minimum 1 unit per building.


Trustee Whalen seconded the motion.


Roll Call:           Trustee Whalen                           In favor

                            Trustee Vlahos                            Abstain

                            Trustee Aylward                         In favor

                            Trustee Dineen                            In favor

                            Mayor Gaughan                          In favor


Motion carried 4/1.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss litigation and personnel issues. All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Vlahos and carried to come out of Executive Session. All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Regular Session. All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to adjourn at 10:00 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,




Jean La Crosse
